
Inheritor of the shadow clan's legacy

Mark, a middle aged man who lady luck never showed her beautiful to, commits suicide due to his peculiar circumstances and gets reincarnated into the body of a noble child- Levi. Mark believes that his life had finally taken a turn for the better, after all he was now the son of one of the country's most influential nobles count Raymond Swordhearth, but all is not as it seems as Levi soon discovers his severe lack of magical talent. Belonging to the absolute most untalented group on the planet, Levi becomes the laughing stock of his family and other nobles. His twin sister and mother scorned him, and his eldest brother and father ignored him and he was seen as complete and utter trash. All hope seemed to be lost for Levi, until IT appeared. The magical book that changed Levi's life forever. "S-shadow grimoire?" Read as Levi learns about the elusive power source known as Aether and the lost shadow magic under the tutelage of the shadow grimoire itself. Read about his adventures, trials and tribulations in the new world of magic as he grows stronger and slowly unravels the truth of the lost shadow clan. ——– Join my discord. Link: https://discord.gg/AmP9Fp9g ——– My entry to the WSA.

Dream_101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 38: Torrent city[9]–threat, fusion magic

In another location, a good ways of from where the actual fight was taking place. A burly man was engaged in an adulterous act with a very sexy milf as they both moaned in carnal pleasure and birthed many lewd sounds as they went at it in the missionary position.

Each hip movement from the man smashed his rod into the milf's extraordinarily wet cave of secrets as his face donned a very perverted smile. 

"Ooh~! Trent~!" The woman moaned without restraint as there was no one else present in the room. In fact, the only ones present in the surrounding area were the few guards who were stationed outside, but they did not matter much. 

At this, the man smiled and smacked her hips with his fat hands and said with a voice that practically oozed a perverted desire.

"And who gave you the permission to call me by first name? It's baron Trent to you!"

"Yes~! Yes, baron Tren-ooh~!" The woman screamed as her tongue spilled out of her mouth and her eyes almost rolled back in a pure lust filled ecstacy.

Trent increased his thrusting speed. As he did so, the woman's moaning followed suit and her tight pussy squeezed his cock immensely as he approached orgasm. But then.....

[Bzzt! Bzzt!]

The characteristic buzz like ringing of the communication disk resounded throughout the dimly lit room and immediately called the man's attention, snapping him out of his lewd reverie.

'who the f*ck?!'

  Trent's smile receded into a frown as he was greatly pissed by this fact, he ejected his cock from the woman's pussy before angrily stomping his way over to the center table and the device that lay on top of it.

He glared at the ringing disk and prepared himself to give a piece of his mind to whoever the caller was. After all, it was not everyday he got to cheat on his wife with a girl like the beautiful chick behind him as his wife placed him under strict surveillance. 

Screwing with young women like this brought back the memories of his youthful days, it made him feel young again. And that was why he was currently emitting an immense bloodlust towards the poor lifeless object.

'i don't give a sh*t about who this person is, I am going to give them a piece of my mind.' Trent thought as he was blinded by anger.

Picking of the phone with his hand, he passed Mana into it as a figure appeared on the crystal like screen. Trent did not even glance at the image which had pooped up on the screen before he proceeded to dish out what he termed as 'a piece of his mind'.

"You bast-" Trent was about to yell at the caller before a powerful baritone voice interrupted his speech.

["How is the plan coming along?"] The voice asked. As Trent recognized the voice of the speaker, his mouth snapped shut and his words died right there in his throat.

Being displayed on the screen was a man whose face was covered by what one would describe as the typical jester's mask. Said mask covered his face completely making it impossible for one to make out his facial features. It was possible to make a few good guesses from his voice, but Trent was utterly clueless as to how.

["I asked a question....and are you naked?"] The caller asked with an irritated voice as he eyed Trent with disgust, as though the baron was some sort of wild animal of some kind.

"Um...uh..no sir. Ah, no. Sir, the plan is going just fine..." Trent said nervously as he quickly attempted to hide his shame, causing him even more embarrassment as he stammered and fumbled like a child in front of a presumably important person.

["You lie, I can literally see a naked woman behind you."] The masked caller said, the disgust still evident in his tone.

"Ah sir, there is a completely reasonable explanation for that." Trent said as he struggled with his underwear. It was an obvious lie and even the universe was against him as he was experiencing great difficulty in simply wearing his underwear.

["Listen, we have already provided you with all the troops and resources required to make this plan come to fruition. Not only that, we have also given you a down payment separate from the original agreement, so if you actually manage to fuck up even then..."] The masked man's voice trailed off as he expected Trent to complete the sentence for him.

"There is no need for you to worry sir. By now, the count should already be facing off against that Aaron person and I have already planted the [seeds] in all the strategic positions. Everything is moving right according to plan." Trent reassured as he finally succeeded in putting on his underwear.

["You misunderstand. I am not worried about myself or the plan, I am more concerned.....about your well being."] The caller said those terrible words with a calm tone, but nothing could ever sound more fear inducing. Trent could no longer say anything as he was too gripped by fear at this point.

["Get the job done well Trent, or else.....well, I don't need to say it now do I?"] The caller's face was covered by a mask, but Trent could practically feel the evil smile which the masked man likely had on.

[Bzzt!] The call ended.

After the masked man ended the call, Trent stood at a spot paralyzed by fear as he pondered the underlying meaning of the masked man's words. It was a threat, and a good one at that.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Trent slumped down to the bed and ended up in a sitting posture as he brushed his hair with his hand in a manner that told the tale of his Panic, fear and restlessness.

"Hey~ Mr baron, how about we forget about all that and just get back to what we were doing. Hmm~." The woman said with a very succubus like voice as her gentle fingers seductively stroked Trent's bared chest. 

On any other day, the gesture would have totally melted his brain and caused him to throw away all sense of rationality and reasoning. But unfortunately, for the woman at least, it was not any other day as Trent's life had just low key been threatened.

Grabbing her hands, he pushed him off of his body and immediately called out to their guards outside to get rid of her. He needed sometime of peace and quiet to reorganize his thoughts, there was no room for error as his life was at stake.


Assimilation. It was the shortened term for the second stage of fusion magic, with the first being termed [aura] and the third and final stage being professionally referred to as [fusion]. 

Aura allowed one to cover themselves in an aura akin to that of their respective elemental affinities, greatly improving their physical specs and defenses. Assimilation entailed one actively wrapping a certain magical affinity around their bodies to produce specified and varying effects, be it an increase in offense or defense or somethile else, while fusion simply involved being able to fully convert one's body parts to a certain magical affinity granting not only explosive power but a considerably large level of invulnerability.

One would require at least five layers to even begin to think about making use of aura while the baseline for assimilation would be six. Fusion required a mage with at least seven layers making it essentially impossible for those with below A-rank Mana pool to achieve. Again, just meeting the Mana requirements did not guarantee one's mastering the sub class of magic.

From what Alvin could tell, Lark was merely a B-rank with just five layers formed. Meaning that this should have been impossible for him as Alvin himself was not even at a level where he could use assimilation yet even with his six layered core.


Alvin took a large gulp as he stared at the horrendous sight that was Lark's entire figure. The magic Knight captain had increased in sheer mass as his tight clothing struggled desperately to enclose his now incredulous muscles. 

It was to the extent that most of his shirt could not withstand the pressure and ripped outrightly, rendering him half naked as his formerly adequately spacious trousers now stuck to his skin so much that it was difficult to differentiate the two.

His blood stained trousers now resembled those tasteless spandex costumes one would notice in most super hero films.

His huge body, added to that his devilishly red irises and the dark and evil reddish black aura that seeped from his being, Lark now resembled an actual demon. The only thing preventing him from being a fully fledged one was the absence of the races' characteristic feature; horns.

As Lark drew nearer, his hulking figure cast an uncharacteristic shadow over Alvin, and his eerie aura dominated Alvin's ice fusion spell in it's entirety.

Alvin had been informed of the effects of the drug, as it's impact had been so great it was included in the curriculum under the compulsory course known as magic history. Normally, a student like Alvin who focused on the magical Knight course would not sweat the details of history class, but the lecturer had stressed information concerning the dark ages so much that the knowledge was imprinted onto Alvin's brain.

'they said that knowledge is power.....but...is that really true?' Alvin asked himself a rhetorical question as he gazed at the reflection of his own despair filled expression in Lark's eyes.

The answer to his philosophical question was quite simple though. Knowledge gave an ignorant individual the information required to tackle a particular situation, but not the ability to do so. The knowledge had to be complemented by something as it alone was wholy insufficient and nigh insignificant when faced with raw, overwhelming power.

Alvin was snapped out of his idle pondering when the corner of his eye caught sight of Lark moving. The latter had clenched his left hand to form a fist and had drawn back his entire arm, in preparation to land an earth shattering blow on the ice mage.

His Scarlet eyes radiated a mad bloodlust and the smug grin that plastered itself on his face, complemented by his size gave him a domineering and despair inducing aura. Alvin felt utterly helpless.


With a loud roar, he let down his fist. The very same fist that boasted a strength and speed akin to a truck moving at top speeds came crashing down towards Alvin's face. And as he stared hopelessly at the inevitable death that approached him in the form of an abnormally large knucle, his horribly short life flashed before his eyes.


Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Anyways, what do you all think about my smut writing skills. I did not originally plan it but as you all can see, it just happened. And don't worry, this was just an experimental thing so I won't be doing this kind of stuff too frequently.

So, I am good or (leave your answers in this paragraph comment)

Also, special thanks to halis_eren_balaban and Samuel_Okun. Thanks bros