
969 Home For A Rest

By mid-afternoon, all the Nobles had sold out what they were willing to sell, and their excitement level was increasing for the next time that they could come here. A few days wasn't enough lead time to hire good employees, and they had limited amounts of trade goods with them, while also sharing stalls with friendly merchants.

That often worked out in their favour, as the customers would stop to look at more familiar items they desired, and then notice the foreign trade goods, but being able to set up a whole flashy shop with their own employees would be a much better option for many of the Nobles.

That would naturally mean booking in advance, but with the portal open between the worlds, King Petros could communicate with Wolfe and the Representatives across the vast distance, though it would take Wolfe or someone from this world to open a secondary portal into their world so they could visit without ending up in the trial time loop.