
760 Denied

It was obvious to the Emperor that Wolfe was not at Rank Eight, in fact, he had only just become a Saint, but for some reason, the Magi could counter his magic and put out Unholy Flames. That wasn't right, those flames should burn everything to the ground when he used them.

Emperor Claudius had taken over his entire world using those flames to burn enemies out of castles and purge cities that wouldn't comply, but for the first time, he used them against an enemy a whole Rank lower than himself, and they were immediately snuffed out.

If he had tried it against the Wrath Demons, the same thing would have happened, though not quite as quickly. But he had never faced them, either. In fact, his entire world had never interacted with the other Planes at all, only other human controlled worlds.

They had some witches, but in Witch tradition, they were tending gardens, forests and other natural areas, or working as doctors and alchemists, not fighting in the army.