
200 Hospitality Planning

With a basic plan formed, Wolfe went looking for Cassie, Ella and the Servants. They could build the actual hovel for him and make it as sturdy as possible in case of attack, though it would have to look ramshackle and dilapidated on the outside.


He would improve the appearance of the inside a little so that their friends didn't think they were unwelcome in the Den and so that one of the Witches who had decent healing magic could sit there all day and help whoever needed it.


"What's the plan for the day?" Cassie asked as she walked into the room with Ella right behind her.


"I have a plan to make a shop of sorts. I want to upgrade the entrance to the Den with a small building, like the Nomadic Witches are supposed to have made all over the place in the Coven Territories. You know the ones I mean?" He asked.