

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 6

Not only did approaching the instrument give him anger, but input fear onto him. Something seemed to scare the boy. He then put his hands on the keys, and then began moving his fingers. He then played a simple, yet harmonically beautiful tune. He then looked back, and then saw that the cat that scratched him earlier actually was still there. His eyes filled with tears once again. His tone gained depth, but also had a melody that felt like it would lift anyone's soul to the heavens.

The mage looked at him with impressment. The air swirled to the boy's will. The sound of the piano ringed as if it was a chorale. Then the boy finished the piece with a dramatic, and tragic ending. With the winds blowing harshly. The boy finished the last chord, and then the wind immediately stopped. The mage then clapped. He then asked, "Hey, are you able to use magic?" The boy looked at him confused, and then said, "No, I'm not a magician." The mage looked at him, and then smiled once again. He whispered something in his mouth, but the boy couldn't hear him.

Then, the cat that had scratched the boy approached the piano, and then slept next to it. The cat's expression changed, and the cat seemed to have relaxed and then meowed once at the boy. The boy looked back, and then saw that the cat wasn't as tensed up anymore. The boy felt some joy for the first time in a while. Then the boy got closer to the cat, and this time the cat let him touch her. The boy petted the cat, and then said, "I played that just for you, ok?" He then started to cry, this time gently, rubbing his face on the cat's fur, out of joy or out of sadness, no one knows.

The cat looked a bit concerned by the boy's actions, but stayed there for the boy's sake. After a while, the boy stopped crying, and then said, "You're the only person who has cared about me this much, Mimi…" The cat, clueless of what the boy is saying at all, gets moderately confused, and then leaves the place. The boy placed his head on the bench, with a faint smile on his face. "

I'm glad I was able to see you again…," he said.

The boy then became unconscious, and was knocked out next to the piano. He felt like someone carried him to a bench, and laid him down.