
INFINITY: The One Above All

Blade or better known as Izuma by his friends is a deity who is greatly feared by all life in the universe including the gods who dominate existing life. Blade created countless universes and created all life from beginning to end and then handed over the responsibility of maintaining security throughout the universe to the Supreme God created by Blade himself. But evil began to emerge after Blade handed over the responsibility to the Supreme God. Now Blade has to solve the matter on his own because if left unchecked then life in the entire universe will be extinguished.

Nakamura_Itsuki658 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

God Of The Death

Wellbert and the others were training with Draven while Blade was resting as he always did. 4 The God of Doom looks at the surrounding situation to make sure there are no enemies anywhere.

"My lord Blade, the situation here is still under control. There is no trace of the enemy at all" (Archernar)

"There are no traces of the enemy here either, My Lord Blade" (Grigori)

"All right" (Blade)

"My lord Blade, what do you want us to do next?" (Archernar)

"Go to that place and report to me the situation nearby" (Blade)

"All right" (Archernar)

Draven is still fighting with Wellbert and the others. Wellbert attacks Draven with his magic. Revez, Mack and Indura attack using their physical attacks. While Ana and the others are being trained by Chaos about their magic.

"Attack hard again" (Draven)

"Erkk !! All right. Everyone! Attack with all your might!" (Wellbert) "All right !!!" (All)

Wellbert and the others used their full force to attack Draven. But Draven was able to undo their attack easily. Mack then launched a very powerful attack on Draven.

"Ultimate Buster!" (Mack)

"Oh .." (Draven)

Draven blocked Mack's strongest attack easily then quickly punched Mack causing Mack to be thrown. Wellbert and the others took advantage afterwards by attacking Draven with their strongest attack simultaneously.

"Dragon Flame!" (Wellbert)

"Maximum Punch!" (Revez)

"Germino Jiga" (Indura)

Draven then pointed his hand forward.

"Zech" (Draven)

Draven absorbs all of their attacks with ease. Wellbert and the others didn't believe Draven could absorb into all of their attacks so easily.

"I can't believe it" (Wellbert)

"He absorbed all of our attacks so easily?" (Revez)

"Damn it" (Indura)

"Let me show you how to attack properly!" (Draven)

Very quickly Draven began his attack on them all. Wellbert and the others continue to be amazed at the speed shown by Draven.

"Ergh Damn it" (Revez)

Draven punched them all in the chest and caused them all to be thrown away as a result of being hit by Draven.

But soon, a figure appeared from the direction of their training entrance. They all felt a very large aura coming from the figure. Draven then stepped forward and looked at the figure.

"Finally you're here, Mirai" (Draven)

The appearance of the figure became clearer after the figure got closer towards them.

"Who is that?" (Syera)

Ana and the others looked at the figure after feeling the presence of his enormous aura.

"I don't know but I feel a very big aura coming from him" (Clara)

They all saw someone wearing clothes they had never seen. Mirai then looked at them all.

"Since when can humans get here?" (Mirai)

"Mirai. They are not ordinary human beings" (Draven)

Mirai then without hesitation attacked Draven very quickly. Draven then quickly retaliated against Mirai's attack using his punch. Their two collisions both collided and caused a very strong wind wave to occur. Wellbert and the others kind of couldn't believe the clash of the two of them being so strong.

"I will not accept an excuse from you!" (Mirai)

"Stubborn" (Draven)

"WHAT !!" (Mirai)

Mirai then continued to attack Draven with his punches but Draven was able to repel all of Mirai's attacks very quickly.

"Oi Oi Oi, Mirai, seriously your attack is getting weaker after thousands of years we haven't fought" (Draven)

"ehe. I haven't used my strength yet" (Mirai)

"So fight me by using your power now" (Draven)

"You don't need to tell me" (Mirai)

Mirai then teleports away from Draven and then uses his magic. A magic ball appeared in front of Mirai's palm and the longer the magic ball got bigger. Wellbert and the others were stunned because they had never seen such magic. Draven then directed his palm towards Mirai and a spell similar to the magic used by Mirai appeared on Draven's palm. Their magic balls are growing very fast. Mirai and Draven together unleash their magic ball attacks towards each other. But in the blink of an eye Blade suddenly appeared in the middle of the two magic balls and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What ?! (Mirai)

Blade then looked at the two of them very sharply.

"You two really never stop fighting?" (Blade)

"Blade .. emmmm he started first" (Draven)

"Me? You've always wanted to make a fuss" (Mirai)

The three of them then quarreled with each other non -stop. Wellbert and the others stared at the three of them with a confused feeling.

"The three of them ..." (Revez)

"It seems like that. Same temperament" (Wellbert)

"That's right" (Revez and others)

Ana then appears in front of them all to prevent them from arguing.

"You three. Stop!" (Ana)

"Ohh Ana. You're done with your training?" (Blade)

"Not because we all stopped after seeing his presence earlier" (Ana)

"Ohh .. Who is this? Your girlfriend. Blade? Hehe" (Mirai)

"Huhhh?" (Blade)

"Hey hey .. Are you Blade's girlfriend?" (Mirai)

"Eh? No no no no no" (Ana)

Blade then slaps Mirai's head with an annoyed face.

"Ouch! Hey! What are you doing?" (Mirai)

"Stop already!" (Blade)

"heeeyy .. right?" (Mirai)

Blade then hits Mirai's head again. Wellbert and the others laugh at seeing Blade hit Mirai's head.

"Oh yes. Izuma. Who is he? "(Wellbert)

"he is my brother. Introduce Mirai" (Blade)

"Greetings to you all" (Mirai)

"Mirai. Why did you come here?" (Blade)

"I can detect your power from this dimension. I came immediately after detecting the power of Dorramun emerging from the dimension you created to store everything about the universe" (Mirai)

"It seems they have made their move. Now their goal is to revive Cartos La Gaviez from his death" (Draven)

"We can't prevent that from happening because he has set his storyline from the beginning" (Mirai)

"It doesn't matter because I'm the one who will end everything from beginning to end" (Blade)

After a few minutes they spoke. Archernar then uses telepathic powers to communicate with Blade.

"My Lord Blade. Looks like that will happen soon." (Archernar)

"Show me what's going on nearby" (Blade)

"All right!". (Archernar)

Archernar then uses his magic eyes on Blade and the others to witness what is going on.

"Where are we?" (Revez)

"This is the first Demonic realm" (Blade)

They then saw a body in the middle of Dorramun.

"What is that?!" (Syera)

"That's Cartos La Gaviez" (Draven)

"WHAT !!" (Wellbert and others)