
INFINITY: The One Above All

Blade or better known as Izuma by his friends is a deity who is greatly feared by all life in the universe including the gods who dominate existing life. Blade created countless universes and created all life from beginning to end and then handed over the responsibility of maintaining security throughout the universe to the Supreme God created by Blade himself. But evil began to emerge after Blade handed over the responsibility to the Supreme God. Now Blade has to solve the matter on his own because if left unchecked then life in the entire universe will be extinguished.

Nakamura_Itsuki658 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Fierce fighting. Blade against Herlarus

The situation is getting tense between Blade and Herlarus. The rebiot who witnessed the force of their punches was so stunned that he didn't know what to say. Rebiot looks towards Felix and the others and continues to use healing magic on them.

Blade and Herlarus continued to walk away from there after a clash."I didn't think he could withstand the power of my punch just now" Herlarus said in his mind.

Origin said to Herlarus. "Herlarus, I'm giving all my magic power to you for you to eliminate that person or we'll be in trouble later". Herlarus agrees and Origin continues to use AZBEHNOT's magic to give all of his magic power to Herlarus

Herlarus's body was shrouded in an aura of red and black on the same. Then, a big explosion occurs after the entire magic power of Origin has merged with the magic power of Herlarus. The body of Origin disappears and becomes a white light. Blade saw Herlarus' body turn really black.

Rebiot has healed wounds on Felix and the others. They woke up and saw the situation around them. The entire dimensional area created by Blade was destroyed and they saw Herlarus' body that had already turned completely black.

Revez then said "What has happened?". Rebiot replied "Origin has given all his magical powers to Herlarus". Rebiot then said in his mind "This is getting worse. Herlarus's magic power is getting bigger after his magic power merged with Origin's magic power earlier. What do we have to do now! Think! Think! Think! Damn it! I can't think of any solution!".

Herlarus was preparing to attack Blade. Herlarus moves very fast the area behind him is shattered due to the pressure of his speed. Rebiot and the onlooker were shocked to see Herlarus's speed increasing. At a speed that exceeded the speed of light, Herlarus continued to attack Blade from his right.

Blade blocked Herlarus's punch attack with his hand. Then Blade continues to attack Herlarus at the same time. Felix and the others witnessed the matter continue to be shocked as Blade was able to compete for strength with one of the 5 Commandments of the Almighty God

Revez then said "We need to help Izuma now!". But Rebiot said "No need. He told us not to interfere because it will make things difficult later.". Then Ana from behind replied back "But Izuma will be in danger if we don't help him later.".

Herlarus continued to attack Blade repeatedly but Blade managed to repel all the punch attacks by Herlarus. Then quickly Blade used his magic eyes and swiftly punched Herlarus in the stomach causing Herlarus to be thrown away from them. Herlarus wakes up and doesn't believe him even though he has absorbed the entire magic power of Origin yet he is still unable to attack Blade.

Herlarus then said "It seems that you are able to hurt me even after I have absorbed the magical power of an Order of the Supreme Lord. All right. Delarus, Tizghal, Bahamut. Give me all your power.". Then, the three of them get up and continue to go behind Herlarus then continue to use AZBEHNOT magic to combine all their magic powers into one. Herlarus' body was enveloped by their magical powers and a few seconds later his body had turned into a universe entity.

Revez then asks Rebiot what has happened. Then Rebiot replied "It seems this is getting a big problem. I'm not sure if we will manage to get out safely or not because in front of us now is a very powerful entity and also able to wipe us all out with a single snap of his hand". They were all shocked and despairing because their strength was so weak compared to the entity that was in front of them right now. Wellbert is unable to use his teleportation magic because his magic power is lacking after fighting with the death soldier summoned by Origin earlier.

Rebiot explained to them that after the 5 Commandments of the Almighty God combined their magical powers into one. That power will be formed into a new magical power called Nothingness. All concepts will not affect a person because such concepts are against the laws of the universe. A person who successfully masters Nothingness magic is equivalent to the power of the Supreme God.

Blade laughed and said "5 Commandments of the Almighty God. If you want to strongly oppose me with all your power. I will show you the true power!". The Blade then emits a very large aura and causes the entire area to darken. Then Blade's body shone and Rebiot was able to detect a terrifying force coming from Blade's magic power source that was inside him. Herlarus continued to move at a speed exceeding the speed of light and punched Blade continuously. After that, Herlarus uses concept magic to destroy Blade's magic power source and then attacks Blade's magic power source from the insdie causing Blade's magic power source to disappear and then extinguish Blade's existence throughout the Multiverse.

Felix and the others were shocked to see Blade's body suddenly disappear and their heads ached as the memory of Blade in them faded. After a few minutes the entire memory of Blade in them was gone and they felt confused why they could be here because in their memory, they were still on their home planet. Then they looked ahead and saw Herlarus was walking towards them because he wanted to wipe out their existence. Rebiot then tries to use the magic wall to prevent Herlarus from approaching but is unsuccessful as Herlarus manages to break the magic wall in the blink of an eye. Then, unbeknownst to Herlarus a magical power had hit his body and caused him to be thrown from there. It turned out that the one who released the magic was Blade. Herlarus was so stunned that he couldn't say anything because Blade had been in front of him even though he had obliterated Blade's existence including his concept of the entire universe of Multiverses.

Blade looked at Ana and the others and Ana asked "Who are you? And how can we be here?". Blade ignored the matter so he used sleep magic on Ana and the others including Rebiot. Then he prepares to fight Herlarus who has the magic of Nothingness. Herlarus then attacked Blade from all directions. But Blade managed to retaliate with a stronger punch than before causing Herlarus to be thrown. Then Blade summoned all five of his magic swords and then merged the swords into one and absorbed the sword into his magic source.

Blade then attacks Herlarus relentlessly and then gathers all of his magic power into his punches then punches Herlarus' body and results in the dimensions created by him being destroyed and the punching power he had earlier has caused several universes to be destroyed. Herlarus tried to get up and said "Impossible. You shouldn't exist anymore. I've erased your whole concept from within". Then Blade replied "I wouldn't die if it wasn't my will". Herlarus was then shocked and said "That verse ?! You! You are him! damn it !!". Herlarus continues to unleash his strongest magic power which is the "Galaxy Storm". But Blade manages to break his magic power using his eyes and then removes his sword from the last magic power source with a very great speed that exceeds the speed of light, he pierces Herlarus' chest and then uses the power of his eyes to destroy the Nothingness magic that is inside Herlarus and then eliminating the existence of the 5 Commandments of the Almighty God from the entire Multiverse.

With that, their Existence has been completely erased by Blade. For the last time Herlarus said "How are you still alive even though your concept has been destroyed". Then Blade said "Because I am ...." Herlarus heard Blade's final words and then smiled. Then Blade unleashes enormous magic to recreate the universe he has destroyed and retrieves the memory of Ana and the others by reinventing their concept. Then, Blade snapped his fingers and Ana and the others woke up and saw Blade was sitting looking at them. They get up and then look around them and Ana says "What has happened? Then Blade replied" You all fell asleep earlier ". They all felt confused and Blade then took them back to the spaceship.While walking Blade, Blade's legs got stuck and fell but accidentally seen under Ana's skirt. Ana looked then felt embarrassed then slapped Blade in the face and said "Pervert" while making a face as if to be angry.They all laughed and Blade smiled seeing the situation had become normal.