
Infinity Restaurant

“This may not have been my first pick at a System, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything at this point.” -A young man is Reborn with a Restaurant System that will allow him to spread his cooking across the multiverse! Maybe he will end up saving his new village while he’s at it?

IsekaiTails · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Chapter 2: New Friends, New Customers


Silva placed his knife and fork down when he was done and wiped his face with a napkin. "Those ribs were amazing." Silva genuinely praised me. "Might I have your name, young chef?"

"Did I not introduce myself earlier? Sorry about that. I'm Akira Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you, Silva…?"

"Silva Zoldyck!" The man said his name with a smirk as if I was supposed to know it.

I did not…

Silva sweatdropped. "You have no idea who I am, do you…?" He asked me.

"I do not. Are you famous or something?" I asked him.

Silva blanched for a second before he laughed loudly. "You opened up a restaurant near Kukuroo mountain and you don't even know the Zoldyck name!?" He asked in disbelief. That kind of unknowing reaction was new to him. He told me he thought his family was world-famous at this point.

I tilted my head to the side. "Kukuroo mountain? This restaurant is in Konoha. The Hidden Leaf Village."

Silva frowned in confusion. "The what village?"

"The Hidden Leaf Village?" I said questioningly. I walked over to the restaurant's front door and opened it. On the other side was a street view of the Hidden Leaf Village. They could both see various ninjas roof-hopping all around. "See." I pointed to the sight.

Silva looked at the scenery in genuine surprise! "Some kind of space-time Nen ability…?" Silva muttered to himself as he inspected the door. "Strange. I didn't even sense anything when I came in."

I wanted to ask him what a "Nen Ability" was but Silva was currently engrossed with my front door for some reason. 

"Let me try something." He muttered to himself. "Some abilities are all about visualization...." He shut the front door, and then opened it again.

When he did, my eyes widened. "What the hell!? Where is this!?" I exclaimed and stepped outside. I turned around and saw my restaurant. It wasn't in Konoha anymore! It was on the side of a highway surrounded by a bunch of mountains I didn't recognize.

"I wondered why there was a restaurant out here in the middle of nowhere. It appears to be some kind of space-type Nen ability. Interesting…" Silva said. He shrugged and patted me on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll figure it out; I've seen much weirder abilities in my life."

"Weirder than a teleporting restaurant?" I asked, still in shock with the situation.

He laughed loudly. "Ha! Trust me, you'll find much stranger things if you ever venture out into the world! A simple wandering restaurant is barely a blip on my radar at this point. Thanks for the food, it was delicious! I left the money on the counter."

Before I could talk to him again, Silva completely vanished from my sight! He moved even faster than Sakura did earlier!

"...And he's gone." With no one around to answer my questions, I walked back inside my restaurant. 

I needed to experiment!

I shut the door behind me and opened it again. Silva said something about visualization, so I tried that! I thought of the Leaf village before opening the door back up. When I did, my restaurant was back in Konoha!

I shut the door again. When I opened it this time, it was back in the mountain range.

"This is pretty cool! It's really easy too. I just have to think about which place I want to go before opening the door." I experimented a few more times. It seemed like I could open the door to either location at will. My restaurant would always appear in that location!

Do I have some kind of teleporting restaurant? Or does my restaurant now exist in two places at once? Where were the Kukuroo Mountains anyway? I had never heard of them and I'd been all over the Elemental Nations in my travels.

[Congratulations for serving your first customer from another world! You have earned 500 Points!]


"Another world!" I exclaimed! "I was in another world just now?"

That was unbelievable…

…Well, it would have been more unbelievable to me if I wasn't already in an Isekai ninja world with my own System. My restaurant being able to travel to other worlds was pretty par for the course at this point.

That didn't make it any less cool though! 

With that revelation figured out, I decided to close down the restaurant for the day. There was no reason to overwork myself just because of this recent discovery. The otherworldly customers will still be there in the morning.

…Hopefully at least.

I hoped they all overpaid as much as Silva Zoldyck did too! That guy left me a massive tip! It was around 1000 percent gratuity. I fed the man's strange-looking currency to the System, and it gave me another 200 Points. I could now use the System to convert any type of currency into points or vice versa! I could use other world's money to pay off my own debts that way.

Done with work for the day, I stepped out of my restaurant and saw that the sun was about to set. I was going to get some food for myself. I could have obviously cooked my own meal at this point but I wanted to experience some of the Leaf Village's culture. This was my new home after all.

I picked a random direction and started walking. I didn't really know my way around the village yet, but I figured I'd find something. It turned out that something found me–although it was actually someone.

"A-Akira!" A girl called out to me as I walked down the street.

I turned and saw the beautiful girl with pink hair from the day before in the Hokage's office. "Hey there! You're Sakura, right? What a pleasant surprise!" I said to her with a smile. I was hoping to see her again at some point.

Sakura blushed once again from a simple compliment. Tsunade told me earlier that Sakura spent a lot of her time working in the hospital or training herself. She hadn't gotten out a lot in these past few years. 

"What are you doing out here?" She asked me.

"I'm looking for a place to eat. Trying to experience this village's culture." I replied. "Would you like to join me? I would love to have the company of a beautiful girl while I dine."

"B-beautiful!?" She sputtered out in embarrassment before collecting herself. "...Lady Tsunade reprimanded me for being so embarrassed from getting compliments from a handsome boy…" 

I don't think she was aware she said all of that outloud… I did the gentlemanly thing and pretended I didn't hear her say any of that.

Sakura seemed to come to a decision with herself. She smiled softly at me. "I would be happy to accompany you!" 

I grinned. "Great! Do you know any good places nearby?"

She put her thumb to her chin and pondered. "Hmmm… it's kind of late so a lot of places are probably closed already… I do know one place that's almost always open though." 

"I'm down to try anything. What's it called?" I asked.

"It's my teammate Naruko's favorite ramen stand. It's called Ichiraku Ramen."


Thanks for reading!