
To fool your Friends

*Anos's POV*

'Okay. So how am I going to break it to them.'

I was standing just outside the gates of the common room. With the whole Lifespan and shit, I had forgotten about the fact that I'll have to actually lie to the people that lived less than a room away from me.

The Wand excuse wasn't going to work. Okay, it might just work on Lan but only because he wasn't interested in it anyway.

Simon knew Vampires and their habits like the back of his hand, Hermione was unreasonably good at lying while Draco grew up with me he'll know it as soon as I slip up once.

Harriet had probably already started learning or suspecting something was off with the chamber of Secrets. She'll look into it with a passion if I gave her any reason for it.

'Maybe I can tell them to mind their own business? Fucking idiot we're children they won't care about that.' I mentally berated myself.

'What to do, what to do.' I paced outside the gate not entering. I walked like that for what felt like hours before the answer came to me.

'Of course, We're Children! That's easy stuff.' I thought before entering.

'What the fuck.' I recoiled slightly after seeing everyone staring at me as I entered. And by everyone I meant Everyone. Even Lan was there but to his credit, he did look to be on the verge of sleep with his head in his hand.

Alucard being the smug bastard that he was doing his best not to smirk from the dark corner he was standing at.

"Did the school shut down or something? We don't have classes tomorrow? Well, that's good news, now might I retire to my chambers. There's a bottle of chocolate milk that's screaming my name somewhere." I said trying to get away and I would've too if it wasn't for Draco jumping on my back.

" Hey! You're too old for a piggyback ride! And you've become chonky, Uncle Lucius told me that you almost broke his back the last time you tried this on him." I said panicking.

I didn't know how much control I still had on my own strength and being jumped on and startled was something that I was certainly not enjoying. Especially when it was Draco that was the perpetrator.

"You were away for three damm days! Do you know how worried I was? No one told me anything! Even when I wrote to Father. You went to repair your wand or make yourself a new one from hand?" Draco said ignoring my words and literally shaking me.

I was Not enjoying the heightened senses especially when my experience with them have been Draco screaming at my ear. The sound goddam hurt and it did take a considerable amount of will power to not fling Draco to the other corner of the room or plain old fly away from the place, the sky was open above my head anyway.

"Okay get down Draco. I'm not dead and for the most part, I'm fine except for the neck bones you've broken just now but I've got 7 bones in my neck anyway what's the loss of a couple of them huh?" I answered and Draco had the decency to look ashamed and promptly vacated my back.

Then everything came to a sudden stop as no one knew what to say first and the only sound was Draco brushing his clothes.

"Where were you"

"Are you okay? You missed three classes constantly."

"What were you actually doing?"

"You were the one who put Teddy Bear stickers on all my underwear right?"

"Can I go to sleep now?"

Everyone started speaking at once, except Alucard. He was watching the chaos unfold and doing his best to hide the smile on his face but the twitch of his lips was giving him away.

"Okay, okay everyone Stop! Now deep breaths. I'm not going anywhere, I'm hungry so let me explain everything at once. No one's going to ask questions in between otherwise I'm going to fling myself from the Astronomy tower. Deal?" I asked and everyone nodded, well Lan's head stayed down after the nod so he might've gone to sleep.

'May God forgive me for what I'm about to say. Wait no I'm in this deep shit because of them.'

"My Grandfather died," I said and a volcano erupted in the room.


"I'm sorry."

"Wait what!"

"Yeah, good try now what about my underwear."

Everyone had different reactions and most of them were pretty bizarre. Except Hermione, she just raised her hand for some reason.

"What did I just say?" I said and everyone shut up.

"Now he was a muggle, my Grandma has gone AWOL so we don't know anything about her. She was the witch in the family so that's something. So no I wasn't camping or having a grand old time drinking Blood and Coffee." I said slowly letting them absorb the words.

The last part of my sentence couldn't have been truer. That was mental torture and I was feeling hollow in the head.

This was the reason why it took so long for me to make up this excuse. I had no family in my previous life so excuses like that pass through without use.

Now I had made an excuse that was taboo and no one would wanna talk about it. And all I had sacrificed was a piece of shit grandfather that had been a real asshole to my Dad his whole life, if the stories and the barrier against the topic were anything to go by then it would've been bad. Real bad.

Hermione still had her hand raised but Simon asked a question first.

"Then why did I see the Blood Sucker sneaking off campus regularly?" Simon asked hands crossed.

'Ooh, so he's discreet too. That's something to note considering how Belmont usually acts.'

"Alucard raise your right hand," I said and Alucard did as asked showing off the small red vial in his hand.

"You don't carry a Blood vial all Willy Nilly. Alucard came every once in a while so I actually had some form of nutrition and didn't rip open a random stranger's throat." I supplied and Simon gave a huff of air and then yawned.

"Yeah seems good enough."

"Hermione?" I asked seeing she still had her hand raised.

"Why was Professor Snape still at school then? He didn't look any different." Hermione asked.

" How did Dad look?"

" Well..." Hermione hesitated.

" Don't worry I don't mind."

" He looked angry, like a ruffled crow that didn't get enough sleep."

" That's Dad's default setting. You won't notice the changes, as for why he was in school he... He likes to drown himself in work to not think about it. He should've taken his time, now he's in the medical ward" I said ending with emotion.

" Fuck Yeah, then I won't have to finish the homework he gave us!" Simon shouted cheerful before noticing the looks every single person in the room gave him at that statement.

"Uh.... I mean sad stuff really. All around we should consider that the dead wouldn't want the living drowning themselves in grief over them. It's time to move on. My best wishes." Simon finished awkwardly and I had a feeling he had scripted that line or at least used it several times in the past.

" Oh." Was all Hermione answered with before nodding.

"Now... I'm really really tired. Hermione tell me all the homework we have to do. I'll finish it today." I said sighing.

Everyone was quiet now and I was finally off the grid. Not knowing what I was going to cause.


Author's note: So i got a bit more art to show you guys. This one's basically a bit of a spoiler for a future chapter. I'll be putting it in the comments if Webnovel allows it but I'll also be putting it in a Patreon Post so it can be seen in High Quality

Read upto 16 chapters ahead on Patreön.com/Ashara

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Nigjt.