
Infinite Summon System

Ru Cimoń, is a 20 year old man, wanting the simplest thing in life, what is it? You may be asking. Peace and Quiet, to be as lazy as possible while still maintaining a good paying job. His plans were going great, until the events of 3 years ago when Magic was discovered. Magic became the pinnacle of human civilization and evolution, scientists have done a great deal of research to uncover the sudden existence of magic we all call ‘Mana’. People from all around the world would have some slight ‘connection’ with the mana that now exists in our world, while others can only feel it’s presence. Some would even come to be able to wield ‘Mana’ or ‘Magic’ giving these selected few people supernatural abilities, we called these individuals’Mages’. Some mages would be rare in each region, country, state, and culture. It would vary depending on how connected said individual was with mana. But, mages wouldn’t only be able to just wield a single type of power, if trained and honed. Mages would ‘Awaken’ to a type of power Unforeseen, pyrokenisis,, telekinesis, future sight, flight, etc. Each mage would awaken to a specific kind of ability natural only to them. Ru was one of these mages, although he wasn’t physically strong, fast, or even durable to be called a mage. He did have a secret, he has a unimaginable amount of mana, his connection with magic seemed unreal to him at first. But through the passage of time he managed to hide the fact he had so much mana. But when he turned 20, he awakened to an unfamiliar ability, suddenly a screen appeared in front of his face one morning, saying he ‘Awakened To A Rare Class’. He had the ability to ‘Summon’ super sexy, monsters, gods, celestials, etc. but there was one flaw with this power…..one major flaw indeed….. He didn’t want it at all.

Aldric_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Quick Note

Note: hi!

Hope your guy's week has been going well, just got over the stomach flu. And soon I'll be heading back into work, still want to post new stories and continue some of the ones I've been meaning to post new chapters on.

So I hoping I can get back on track of things soon enough, but just wanted to give y'all a bit of an update and a bit of a glimpse of what this story is gonna be .

Anywho hope you all are doing great!!!!!!!!


Keep calm And Wait for the next chapter!

Aldric_creators' thoughts