
Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot

I, Aruto Igarashi, reincarnated to another world and thought it was similar to my old world. However, I was terribly wrong..! What Mecha-suit are real!? Sign me up! AH? I can't ride it!? IS? more like badIS. SHIT? I'm really the second male pilot!? *RUNAWAYS* You won't catch me alive!!!

Haluo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 19: It's not what it looks like!

[A/N: No excuse for my late update. 

I was watching some Infinite Stratos episodes because I don't remember much about it.

I was also playing Lethal Company and Monster Hunter World with some friends.

 So please enjoy this chapter.] 


Chapter 19: It's not what it looks like!

- Aruto Igarashi –

"So, where is my room? I'm kinda done with today." I asked Chifuyu inside the faculty room with a tired expression. As much fun and hardship as I had today, there was too much interaction, and I could go to sleep and never wake up.

Chifuyu stared at my face silently for a few seconds as she shook her head and sighed.

I didn't understand this sudden action, but I feel entirely offended somehow. Before I could express my feelings to my dear teacher, Chifuyu opened a drawer of her desk and threw something toward me.

I quickly caught it and saw she threw me a key with the label 103.

"That's the key to your room; you'll be paired with Charles Dunois since both of you are guys and new students."

"Now shoosh, I have stuff to do, and you better not try to escape." Said Chifuyu as she glared at me with her hawk eye.

"Don't worry! Trust me on this one, Orimura-sensei, and I won't escape today!"

Chifuyu raised an eyebrow, "Not today, huh? Then what about the other days?"

I stayed silent and kept my poker face at this obvious question as Chifuyu sighed again.

"What am I going to do with you…" muttered Chifuyu with tiredness as she shooed me away.


"Get out!" shouted Chifuyu as I got kicked out of the faculty room.

What a rude woman. I didn't do anything wrong to incur her wrath. I let out a sigh and searched for my room as I was honestly beat for the day and could deal with other shit tomorrow.

Still, I was paired with the new dude with me, and I wonder how it will go between us. I'm very interested in this guy since no one had ever heard of him before he came into the Academy, which was very suspicious.

I should also look up news reports about the guy from France or the forum. After all, my reveal and Ichika's were a big deal that trended the whole world for a very long time and still is to this day and yet France kept it shut?

That was very sussy.

But the French was not my top priority, but that fucking weird girl that had so much information about my ass. She was the real impostor in this shit.

She resembles Laura a lot, and if anything, Laura's reaction to Chloe was any indication. They could honestly be sister if I didn't know any better.

Well, they could still be related since I know nothing about them.

Oh well, I had enough time to think about my stuff, and I could honestly go for a shower as I smelled myself.

And I don't smell good.


- Bob, the maintenance worker -

Hello guys, it's me, Bob, the maintenance worker at the IS academy. Also, yes, I am a man working at a school full of 15-year-old girls, but don't worry, they don't attract me or anything, and I'm not that handsome, so they weren't interested in me either.

I'm a simple 30-year-old wizard working a 9 to 5 daily as a maintenance worker.

The pay was great, so I'm not complaining about it much, but my social life is dead since I don't have anyone else to talk to except my team leader and the school's teacher, but they are intimidating. I don't dare to initiate any conversation with them.

Expect Maya Yamada, who is sweet and kind.

No, I don't have a crush on this beautiful green-haired woman who managed to steal my heart every time I see her beautiful smile.



Anyway, let's also not forget about Juuzo, the janitor, who is pretty chill.

Anyway, I just finished checking and verifying the tech stuff inside the school and the IS stationed inside the lab room. So I'm pretty much free for an hour before returning to work. They sent three to four new ISs because the Academy had new students today.

"Hey, I didn't expect to find another dude in here!" said someone unfamiliar to me as I turned my head to see who was talking to me.

Lo and behold, the second male pilot, Aruto Igarashi, was talking to me. I took this opportunity to examine the guy and ….

Damnit! A handsome man like him should explode and die!

"Ah, huh yeah… I'm part of the staff that they hired five years ago." I responded nervously, as I didn't know why the guy would talk to someone like me.

"Oh, interesting!" exclaimed Aruto as his eyes shone brightly as if he heard something exceptional.

The reaction honestly confused me since I was at the bottom of this school's ladder.

"So, Bob, right?"

"Yeah, that's me," I replied, wholly weirded by the sudden chat.

"Right, right, Bob. So you work here every day?"

I gave him a weird look but answered. "Yeah, I work here like a 9 to 5 every day."

"Cool, cool, so you check the tech stuff, right?"

"…I mean, yeah, kinda? I'm mostly alone here working and checking."

I swear I saw that guy's eyes become almost predatory at this instant. "Alone, huh? That's really nice, no?"

"I mean, kinda? But my supervisor does come here to check before I'm off work, but mostly, yeah," I responded and took a few steps back.

Aruto wasn't bothered as he also slowly walked toward me. "I see… So your uniform is pretty nice, right? All blue and a nice cap to cover your face."

What kind of question was that? I'm completely dumbfounded, and it is how kids communicate with each other these days. Was I too old now?

"…Of course, the uniform is essential for the staff members and obligatory to wear during working hours," I said, looking at my watch as I cursed myself mentally. I had already wasted 15 minutes in this weird conversation with the new prince of this school, yet I couldn't simply leave and ignore him, can't I?

The dude was much more important than me, as I could easily be replaced if I were to offend him, and I doubt someone would be willing to hire me if I managed to piss off this man.

Yet, fortunately, Aruto was the first to take a step back as he flashed me a smile. "Ah, I'm sorry, Bob! You are on your break, aren't you? I should have known better for wasting your time like that…! I was just very curious about seeing another man in this place!"

Huh, I didn't expect that…

"Ah, It's fine—"

"Nah, I'm the one at fault. Then please enjoy your break, Bob! We'll meet again soon!" replied Aruto, quickly leaving me alone. I could hear him hum some please song that I couldn't recognize.


What did he mean by meeting again?


- Charles Dunois –

Charles looked at his professor, Maya Yamada, whom he met in the dormitory corridor with Ichika and co. As he held the key she gave him, he felt nervous.

"Here, Charles! That's your room's key!"

"Who am I paired with, sensei?" asked Charles with uncertainty as Ichika seemed not to be an option when he heard that he was sleeping in the same room as Houki.

Maya, who heard Charles's question quietly, looked at her phone and smiled at Charles." You will be paired with Aruto Igarashi! I heard you became good friends with everyone here. I hope you can fit in with the rest of your classmates, Charles."

"Ah." Said Charles as his cheeks reddened at the thought of sleeping inside the same room as Aruto Igarashi, the second male pilot.

 'What If…' thought Charles as he quickly shook his head from his weird thought as steam came off from the top of his head.

Ichika sighed sadness as he heard the room assignment. "Aww, man, I thought I could be paired with Aruto or Charles. That sucks…"

"You are so lucky, Charles… Hey, how about we change rooms?"

Houki's face darkened at this moment as the bystander wisely took a step back from the incoming drama. Suddenly, Ichika also felt something wrong in the air, and a shiver ran down his spine as he slowly turned toward the source of this cold.

"Hoh? Am I a bad roommate, Ichika-kun?" said Houki with a blank face.

Ichika started to sweat hard as he looked for help within his friend group; alas, they fled before. "I'm so dead…"

"That's not what I mean by that Houki!"


"Please, believe me!"






Charles swept his sweat from his forehead as he took a deep breath after he ran away from a possible murder scene. He didn't know that Houki could be this scary when angered.

Charles looked at the room number and saw it paired with the same number from the professor's key. He took the key from his pants pocket with a trembling hand as he froze at the last step.

All he needed to do was unlock the door, but the situation made him even more nervous. It was the first time he would be sleeping alone with another boy.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down as he stopped before the door for what felt like an eternity. "You can do it, Charles! He is only a roommate that won't do anything to me!"

"I am a boy," "I am a boy," "I am a boy," muttered Charles like some incantation to boost his mentality before opening the other side of the door.

He inserted the key inside the keyhole, twisted it, and opened the door's lock. Charles closed his eyes as he swung the door open in one maneuver.

"Oh, hey, is that you, Charles?" replied someone from the other side of the door. Charles recognized the voice and knew it was Aruto.

Charles calmed down as he opened his eyes to froze at what he saw. His mind completely shut down, and his face turned red instantly. He could feel the heat of his face in the process.

As for why Charles.exe died?

Simple, he saw a completely naked Aruto who came out of the shower with a towel around his neck but nothing to cover his more private part.

'B-B-BIG!' thought Charles as he saw Aruto's perfect abs and lean body, but what made him very embarrassed and shy was his massive uncovered cock.

"Hey, you good, bro?"

Charles immediately passed out, and even more so when he saw Aruto running toward him as he fell on the floor.



- Aruto Igarashi –

Well, shit…

I didn't expect the kid to pass out from seeing me naked. It should be fine, right? I mean, we are two dudes in the same room.

There's nothing wrong with that. And it's not like I knew he would come at this moment either…

Oh… I almost forgot he was French and not Japanese like me.

I honestly don't know much about French culture, and maybe they are not that comfortable around nudity. Or Charles is shy about it.

Oh man, it would be funny when we hit the hot spring together in the future!

Well, since it's my fault, I might as well take care of the little dude before putting on some clothes, and I don't think he will wake up anytime soon.

I took Charles from the ground, hugged his surprisingly soft body, and placed him on a bed. I also didn't forget to take his suitcase at the door and take it inside the room.

It should be it… until I saw something on the floor, picked it up, and saw Charles's student card as I froze.

[Charles Dunois]


15 years old

Shit… did I flash a 15-year-old, dude?

I won't get in trouble, right?

Please send help.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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