
Infinite Regressions In The Tower

Humans all over the world got transported into a strange tower, where they would awaken abilities akin to those of fairytales. And at the same a creature announced that if they did not clear the 50th floor, humans would be wiped out of existence. Kim Taeho was like everyone else, but he had awakened a unique ability. An ability that would make him stronger than anyone else: No matter what I do, no matter how many times I try, I still can't beat this floor because of this skill: - Perfect Clear [X] - If a perfect clear is not achieved, return to the point when you first entered the floor.

wokkajun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Perfect Clear(1)

I woke up because the sun was shining right in my eyes. I turned my head to avoid the sun. 

"Where the hell am I?!"

I heard a loud noise. Why was someone yelling so close to me?

I carefully sat halfway up, my body felt sore all over. 

Did i sleep on floor yesterday? No, i remember going to bed and reading webnovels till i fell asleep. 

I slowly opened my eyes and the room that i was used to see was not there. Instead a huge grassy field with lots of people like me just waking up. Beyond that, there was a forest with numerous trees encircling the grassy field. 

I stood all the way up and stretched my sore body. 

Looking around, it seems a lot of people were confused like me. 

"Hey do you know where we are?" 

A handsome looking guy who appeared to be around 20 years old asked. 

"I don't know" 

I answered. 

He quickly lost interest and went to other people. 

"F*ck does anybody know where i am... Who the f*ck kidnapped me out of my house while i was sleeping?!Do you guys think I am scared of dying, I will fight all of you!" 

The middle-aged guy kept yelling looking for an answer. 


With the sound of portal appearing, a creature looking like a small child with wings and sharp teeth came out of it. 

Oh no. This situation feels all too familiar to an avid reader like me. This is where the little angel usually starts explaining, something like how you humans have been chosen and needs to fight for your survival.

Right after I had that thought, an immense pressure suddenly came upon me. I couldn't move or talk at all; I was only allowed to look at the angel. The angel started talking.

"Hello humans! You humans have been chosen to climb this wonderful tower, because of the evil deeds you humans have done. It is wonderful to me... for you it might not be as wonderful."

"You guys might be thinking something like -why do i need to climb this tower? Well if someone does not clear the 50th floor, humanity will be wiped out haha". The angel laughed.

"This is the 1st floor, and you can consider it a sort of tutorial. But before I go, here are some weapons, and the system will give a detailed explanation."

A massive amount of weapons materialized out of thin air, creating a big pile. 

"I think that was all... so good luck climbing this tower" 

The angel entered the portal and disappeared with it.

The pressure also disappeared at the same time, followed by an awkward silence.

It seems like i have been teleported to a tower, just like the novels i have read before. 

I guess I have to risk my life to at least survive this 1st floor. 

'The angel said something about a system, and how do I access that?'

As I was wondering how to access the system. 


A loud yell could be heard. I looked at the direction and saw a high schooler. 

"What is wrong with him?" 

"Do high schoolers these days already use drugs?" 

Whispers by the adults could be heard, and they were looking at the high schooler with concern.


The highschooler who shouted the 'status window' before cheered. 

"Status window!" 

"Status open!"

"System on!"

Seeing that reaction, a lot of young people also yelled similarly to the high schooler.

"Status window" 

[Name: Taeho Kim] [Level:1]

[Age: 21]


Endurance: 5

Agility: 5

Strength: 5

Magic: 0

Mana: 0


- Perfect Clear[X] 

A small transparent window floated in front of me.

It seems like the average stat must be around 5. But the magic and mana stat was really bothering me. If i had to climb the tower, i would rather be a mage and stay in the backline than in the frontline. 

With these stats im destined to be in the front line.

But what skill is 'Perfect Clear'? I pressed on it, and a detailed description appeared.

- Perfect Clear[X]

- If a perfect clear is not achieved, return to the point when you first entered the floor. 

The description was not that long, but if this ability is what i think it is... The tower might be in trouble. 

It didn't take long for groups to already form. Young athletic people grouped with other athletic people, and middle-aged people grouped with other middle-aged people. Only old people and and one kid were left alone. 

In the end, I was also approached by a group of 3 people.

"Do you want to join our group?" 

Asked the leader of the group, who was also the handsome looking guy from the start. 

"Sure my name is Kim Taeho" 

I replied and reached out my hand and he shook it. 

"My name is Lee Min-ho" 

He answered. 

The rest of the group started introducing themselves. 

"I'm Kim Jihoon" 

Kim Jihoon had round glasses and looked like a university student. 

"I'm Kang Sangwoo" 

Kang Sangwoo was tall probably around 1.95m and had a very muscular build. He made me who was 1.8m look short. 

After we introduced ourselves. 


[1st floor] 

- Clear condition: Kill 1000 monsters [0/1000]

Looking around there must be around 100 people. So, every person should kill around 10 monsters. Since this is the first stage the monsters are probably weak. 

"It seems like each person needs to kill around 10 monsters, and since this is the 1st stage, the monsters are probably weak."

Lee Min-ho said with a confident expression.

I guess I wasn't the only one who had that thought. 

He must have gotten a good skill, seeing his confidence. 

"Before that we should probably get some weapons".

Lee Min-ho said and took charge, and we went to the pile of weapons. 

A lot of people were already there. 

"Spear is obviously the best weapon! It has long range and is super versatile".

"What do you mean spear is the best weapon? Why does almost every protagonist use a sword then?! Obviously, the sword is the best weapon!" 

Two people were discussing which weapon was the best. 

I picked up a sword from the pile. 

'It was heavier than I thought'. 


I tried to swing the sword, but I looked like a complete beginner. 

It seems like I wasn't the only one, who looked like a complete beginner. 

Multiple people were swinging and holding their weapons very uncomfortably. 

Honestly this makes sense, it would be even more weird if these modern people knew how to wield these weapons. 

My thoughts were cut short, as I saw Lee Min-ho wielding a sword like it was nothing. 

When I took a closer look at the people around us. There were multiple people that also wielded heavy weapons with no difficulty. 

'Its probably because of their skills' 

We grouped up again, and Lee Min-ho was holding a sword, Kim Jihoon a bow, and Kang Sangwoo was holding a two-handed great sword. 

"We should head out and explore the forest".

Lee Min-ho said with an exited tone. 

"Before we do that, we should probably tell our skills. So, we can coordinate better.

I will start, my skill is called 'Hunter' and the rank is A. It allows me to mark targets within 100m, and ranged attacks will lock on the target. Hence why i took the bow as my main weapon." 

Kim Jihoon said.

What! That is basically aimbot, is that how strong A rank skills are?

What is X rank then? Is it after A rank, or is S rank after A rank. Does that X rank is after S rank?

"Great idea my skill is called 'Sword master' and it is A rank, it basically gives me mastery of the sword and increases my stats by 100% when holding a sword." 

Lee Min-ho answered. 

"The skill I have is 'Berserker' rank S, it allows me to increase my stats, the more I increase my stats the more self-control I lose." 

Kang Sangwoo said. 

All eyes were now at me, and X rank is probably after S rank. The thing is do I tell them my skill, which I am not even sure I understand myself. 

Or do I lie, and say that I have a low rank skill, and risk getting kicked out of the party. 

The average rank of the skills in this party were around A rank, I should probably tell them my real skill but lie about the rank. 

"My skill is called 'Perfect Clear', and it is S rank, and I am not sure how it works". 

"That's a little weird can you tell us the description of the skill if you don't mind?" 

Kim Jihoon asked. 

"I don't mind, the description is basically if I don't achieve a perfect clear something will happen". 

I lied a little bit and didn't say that I would return to the moment, I first entered the floor.

"Hmm… it might be like Kang Sangwoo 'Berserker' skill, you might get a stat increase when close to death… I think. It is S rank, so the effect is probably good".

Kim Jihoon answered with an unsure tone.

"We should go and explore the forest to know what monsters we are fighting". 

Lee Min-ho said. 

The closer we got to the forest the faster my heart started beating. 

I guess its starting to hit me, that I am about to risk my life and enter this forest. 

Being a normal person, I have never had to risk my life doing anything. So, I would be lying if I wasn't completely scared. 

"Sigh. Whew." 

I took a big breath to calm my nerves. 

"Don't worry it's probably some cliché monsters like the goblins. With our average skill being around A-rank we are probably good." 

Lee Min-Ho told me after he noticed how nervous I was. 

We entered the forest and started small talking. 

"So, what do you guys do, I am a student studying in Yonsei university". 

Kim Jihoon said with a little tone of pride. 

Yonsei university is one of the most prestigious universities in Korea, so it makes sense that he is prideful of it. 

"I am a bodybuilder and work part time in construction". 

Kang Sangwoo said. 

"I am also a university student, but it is not as well-known as Yonsei." 

Lee Min-ho answered. 

"I am also a university student". 

I answered. 

"Kang Sangwoo I knew you would be something like a bodybuilder, you are built like a tank." 

Lee Min-ho said with a friendly tone. 

Small talk like this were made and we got deeper into the forest. 

"status window" 

Kim Jihoon said. 

"It seems like 9 monsters have already been killed" 

I looked at my own status window. 

[Name: Taeho Kim] [Level:1] 

[Age: 21]


Endurance: 5

Agility: 5

Strength: 5

Magic: 0

Mana: 0


- Perfect Clear[X] 

[1st floor] 

- Clear condition: Kill 1000 monsters [9/1000]

There it was, 9 monsters were already dead. It's strange that we haven't met some monsters yet. 


I was suddenly shoved to the side by Lee Min-ho, and right into the tree beside me, an arrow was lodged.

"Monsters are here!" 

Lee Min-ho shouted in a panicked voice. 

'Of course right when I thought it was strange that we haven't met some monsters yet' 

I quickly stood up and looked around us, but the numerous trees were blocking a lot of our vision. 

"Jihoon hurry use your 'hunter' skill to mark the monster". 

I said in a hurry. 

"I can't, the target is not within 100 meters!" 

Kim Jihoon answered flustered. 

"We can't sit still like sitting ducks, we have to move!" 

Lee Min-ho yelled. 

We started sprinting until we heard Kim Jihoon say. 

"There are 3 targets 90 meters in front of us". 

We looked at the front, but we couldn't see anything. 

"Kim Jihoon what are you saying? there is no monsters here". 

Kang Sangwoo said. 

"That's strange my skill keeps saying that there is 2 enemies". 

Kim Jihoon answered. 

Kim Jihoon took his bow out and shot an arrow. 


The arrow shot forward, but to our amazement, it suddenly angled upward as if by magic. Moments later, we witnessed a body falling from the tree. 


"They are up in the trees!" 

I exclaimed. 

"Kim Jihoon load-" 

"Yeah I know, I am not stupid". 

Kim Jihoon interrupted Lee Min-ho and loaded his bow again and shot an arrow. 


Another body fell from the trees. 

"That 'hunter' skill really is amazing".

Lee Min-ho said in amazement. 

We went closer to the bodies, and it was the normal goblin monster that you normally see in cliché stories like this. 

"I guess i was right about the monsters being goblins, so the 1st floor should be a piece of cake". 

Lee Min-ho said in a proud tone. 

I went closer to the dead goblin, and saw that it had a dagger and a bow. 

I reached out to get a closer look on the goblin, when suddenly it grabbed its own dagger and struck my right eye.


I yelled in pain, and Lee Min-ho swiftly cut the arm of the goblin that was holding the dagger. 

I took my hand and covered my right eye, and i realized that i couldn't see out of it. 

That's when it happened. 

[Skill activation]

- Perfect Clear[X]

[Returning to the moment you first entered this floor] 

-Everything went black


"Where the hell am i?!"

I sat halfway up again, and i realized that it was the same middle-aged man that was yelling. 

'I really did regress to the moment i entered this floor' 

"F*ck YEAH!" 

I coudn't contain my exitement and yelled outloud. 

This is the first chapter of "Why Again This Tower."

Fun fact: the novel's first name was actually "Why Always This Tower". 

So one of my first readers probably noticed that change.

But I changed it because I thought "Why Again This Tower" sounded better. But you guys can let me know what was better.

wokkajuncreators' thoughts