
Chapter 187 : Precise Strike

(AN : Give me 3 hours to sort things out. Another chapter should be uploaded by then too.)

"Come on now. Let's see what you're worth." Sato taunted the monster.

The Kobold chief was initially surprised that Sato didn't try running away from it but seeing his attitude and tone, it could easily guess that he was taunting it. It just couldn't understand. This puny creature that had been forced to be on its two feet by it, still dared to face it and what more, taunt it.


Before, the kobold chief had managed to calm its rage down while it improved on its fighting skills but with Sato's current action now, it ignored its previous desire to improve and decided to kill Sato for real. It simply dashed at Sato whole thrusting its spear forward in a simple manner.


In response to the Kobold chief's enraged roar, Sato simply snorted as he prepared himself to receive the strike. 
