
Chapter 16 Relying On Others Is Not Weakness

"FUFUFU! You think you 5 alone can beat me?" Maxwell asked while looking towards them from the sky condecendingly.

Soon Maxwell flew down though and said "Give it a try then." Maxwell stood there with his hand out motioning for them to "come at him". He was so arrogant he started to pick his nose and flipped them off.

"Arrogance is a part of youth, to some extent it might be good for you but that's only when you have the power to back it up." Cyril said as he fell down and gazed at his allies.

After that he got ready to fight but before that he blinked twice towards the crowd of fighters. Immediately though he started shouting "DON'T USE ANY FIRE OR WIND TYPE ATTACKS. USE YOUR ADAMANTINE SEALING CHAINS USE A WATER SPELL USE YOUR STRONGEST BANG AND YOU GO HELP THE OTHERS UNLESS YOU HAVE ANOTHER METHOD OF ATTACK." As he said that Cyril started running towards Maxwell.

Once Maxwell heard that he got a bit serious but it was already too late for him. Golden chains came out of Era's back and restrained Maxwell while a huge red bang which was 1 meter in radius hit him. 'Whew she had the chains.' Cyril thought as he rushed towards Maxwell.

He had gambled that she had them but she had never used them so he assumed she didn't find an opportunity to use them last time.

Maxwell was confused for a while once he was sealed and attacked but soon he regained his calm and was about to break free when he was hit by a bird of water, and a little while later he was hit by a jet of water out of what seemed to have been a mudkip.

At this point Cyril was still 10 meters away from him. Although he could have used his sand at this range Cyril had wanted maximum effectiveness so he kept on running. 'Good thing I planned for this outcome.' Cyril thought as he sped up even more.

Just as Maxwell thought he could break free a lead bullet hit him and exploded on impact. Drake had responded to his blinking and soon Jack did too as 6 swords came flying and scraped Maxwell.

This had bought him just enough time as Cyril was infront of Maxwell and shouted "SAND CRUSHER!" as tons of sand envelopped Maxwell and tried to crush him. While this was happening Cyril formed two blades of sand around his arms like needles and applied Busoshoku Koka to the tips.

Due to the fighting Cyril's vitality had increased allowing him to utilise more Busoshoku Koka.

"PIERCING BARRAGE!" Cyril shouted again as he started throwing tons of punches with the needles of sand around his arms at Maxwell who was simultaneously being crushed.

All was for naught though as Era couldn't continue using her Adamantine Sealing Chains and everyone else was already a spent force.

So Maxwell started flaming crystallizing all the sand and then. Shattering it as he broke through and punched Cyril with all his might causing him to be thrown back past the other top 5 and straight into a car down the road.

"FUFUFU! I STILL WON YOU BUNCH OF TRASH!" Maxwell shouted towards the sky. Only he truly won though, he was right. Cerasus secondary only had 50 students left including the top 5 while his school had 10 people left including himself.

It had been a massacre caused by a bunch of kids. It wasn't over yet though at least not for Maxwell.

"Now I'll get my revenge!" Maxwell said as he point his index finger at Cyril. "Flaming Gun!" he shouted as he shot a flame bullet.

"I guess the power of "friendship" in fairytail was really a load of bull!" Cyril said as he was about to die.

Suddenly though a shadow ran infront with a metal pipe and swung towards the flame bullet throwing it slightly off course hitting the man's shoulder tearing his left arm off.

"F*ck that didn't kill him?! Well I've got no time for this I've gotta escape and recuperate before things get to serious." Maxwell said as he flew away, pissed off.

"D-aa-dd?" Cyril said as he gazed at the man. "It's okay." Roy said as he collapsed.

"Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t! I WILL GET YOU MAXWELL!" Cyril said as he went to the system's shop function and quickly bought a healing elixir. The strongest one he could get was worth 100 shop points. He immediately bought it and fed it to his dad.

The wound closed up but he still lost an arm. Everyone from Cerasus Secondary was crying while the reporter in the helicopter looked pale "A tragedy of supernatural proportions has occured here and the criminal has gotten away." he said as he gazed down at the bunch of kids.

Some of them started to throw up though while looking at what they just did while others burned with rage. Soon Cyril walked towards them and said "Guys don't lose hope. Our day will come we can't forget this. WE. WILL. GET. REVENGE. FOR THE OTHERS! FOR EARTH!"

"YES WE WILL!" everyone said with looks of determination.

Soon 02's voice chimed in saying "Initiating home teleportation in 1 minute." Once Cyril heard that he quickly waved towards the people around and shouted "PLEASE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" as he point to his dad and they were teleported off.

'If only I had trained during the weekend. There's no time for breaks in this world anymore.' Cyril thought as he saw a flash of light.

Well I hope you liked the ending. It was one of the more fun chapters to write in my opinion. Now next chapter we will introduce the other villains. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Till next time happy reading and bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts