
INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

[ WSA 2024 ] What would you do when you're faced with the ultimate being that is by true right Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscience? What would you do when that very being tells you it will give you anything you ever wanted? And what would you do when the ultimate being, devoid of greed, gives you the power to generate INFINITE MONEY? This is the story of a boy who gets reincarnated in a new world filled with countless possibilities and dangerous beings. Now, with the power to generate INFINITE MONEY in his hands, how will he survive in this world? Will he be used by everyone else around him.... Or... ...will he buy them ALL? _________________________________ The guy in the poster is the future appearance of the Main Character. This is my first novel so expect some bumpy chapters in first few. Update Schedule: Everyday at 00:15 My Discord : https://discord.gg/QZnWtQARft

Darpan_Biswas · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
317 Chs

Chapter 53 - Complete Mastery

Starting from today i will try to upload three chapters a day for you guys. So enjoy and have fun and most important... Give me some gifts.


Opening my eyes I come back to the same dark place I used to train at. The two white and black colored orbs were there too.

There was a notable difference in the two orbs today.

Back when I first started training they were only the size of a small marble but now they look like they are the same size as a Basketball.

Both the orbs had the same size and none of the two orbs were even a little different then the other one except the color.

I float towards them and look at them. Back then the orbs were only slightly glowing contrary to today. Right Now they were glowing like a huge led light.