
Xiaomi! III

The Mad Apex Emperor Caesar arrived in the veiled domain with a Golden Haven Albatross in hand!

His gaze was wild as he looked towards Elder Booma with anger, while Booma himself became utterly happy as he voiced out.

"You succeeded…"


He successfully weathered through it and became an Apex Aeonic Lifeform!

"I succeeded, and I come back to find my reason for everything about to be taken away with a being I do not know- a being that Xiaomi has voiced out she feels no good will towards! What is this?!"


His demeanor was relentless as towards his words, Grand Singularity Elder Zeitgeist lost his smile as he spoke calmly.

"Junior Elder of the Quasarians…I have been polite and understanding so far. So I expect the same treatment from now on as our forces become integrated."

His words released a light of undeniable authority as multiple Dynamis of Extremity buzzed hiddenly within his body!