
Time IV

The second defined boon after understanding the Phases of Ascendancy…was equally as terrifying.

All this time, Noah could manifest the weavings of his Existential Extremity Authorities, but they couldn't outwardly move around as they continued their actions within him.

Now, an Ascendant Existential Extremity Authority would gain a Stele of Ascension that acted as an anchor- an Ascendant Existential Extremity Clone stemming out of this at no cost!

This was how much more powerful an Ascendant Existential Extremity Authority was!

|In addition to a Stele of Ascension forming in your Existential Dominium, another will also form in the Infinite Existential Omniversal Seed as two anchors are provided for a single Ascendant Existential Extremity Authority.|