
Terrific! III

An entity burning with glorious Entropy.

He had spoken to Noah once before as after being prompted by another Antediluvian Leviathan in the far distance, this being sent his intent towards Noah's figure that was blazing across the golden root and getting ever closer to his current position!

|Why are you in such a hurry with such pure weavings of Existence, young friend? Pace yourself, and you will enjoy the grace of the Omnifather even more.|


The intent was extremely quick.

At this stage of power, entire conversations could take place within the span of an instant as the exchange of thoughts was that quick.

In this span of an instant, Noah's currently burning blue eyes glanced up towards this being and smiled.

|I know nothing of the grace of the Omnifather, so I must struggle and hurry ahead to understand. Are you able to tell me what we can expect ahead?|

The Antediluvian Leviathans!