
Imperium Knights Dispatched! II

Outside of the complex and vast Existential Domain that was known as Cappadocia.

Auroras of red and blue light stretched endlessly all around as a vessel set off from this place with purpose.

This particular vessel was unique as it seemed like a long cerulean ruler- small in its nature as atop it, the renowned figures that held distinctions as Knights of the Imperium could be seen!

Among these Knights.

Akalusia raised her armored hands to observe the tome like object in her hand that radiated a crimson light, this being none other than a Codex of Extremity as she seemed to be in constant communication with it.

Thereafter, she raised her head behind her to observe the other Knight Commander leading this excursion with her- Knight Palmino.

Exceeding the Neonate Stage and the Sequor Stage, he was like her…standing in the Teleios Stage of the Existential Dominium Realm.