
He Has Come! I

Within the space that pulsed like an organ where Ozymandias and Little Aspasia had remained connected for some time.

Their connection had not been broken as Noah was in a meditative seated position, the weavings of his existence hazy as they seemed to meld in and out of his surroundings.

Whatever reaction he was causing allowed for the concentration of the Megalos Beyond itself to be richer, and the drops of rain forming from his actions only increased in quantity!

Aspasia looked at this scene with sharp eyes as she came to a firm decision.

Following the Will of the Great Mother, she moved!

They were just now arriving at the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra, an extensive domain stretching out for countless light years as even the omniverses of the Megalos Ynnere could not compare.

Inside of this Grave of the Great Beyonder, they were akin to being in a vessel arriving at this place.