
Infinite Immortal Lord-Start From Hogwarts

Mc is reborn as Harry Potter. On the day of birth he awakens Infinite Immortal Emperor System. Novice gift pack is Immortal soul and Infinite body ressurection after 1 second of death and 100 quotas for Immortal relatives and friends. When Voldemort comes to attact lily and james are already immortal along with lupin and sirius. Due to death of Voldemort HOST completes novice mission and gets Infinite God Space with inital space that can occupy one Earth and any object or living thing is in time freeze restriction unless freed by host. *Note* The content is purely fictional and there is no relation with original work. First plane - Harry potter World Second Plane - Full Time Mage/Versatile mage/quanzi fashi Abilities till now:- 1. Immortal Soul and Infinite body ressurection 2.Immortal Subject quota(10/100) 3.Infinite God Space 4.Infinite Language and Voice 5.Infinite Talent Potential 6.Indestructible Loyal Artifact Quota 7. System Panel 8. Omnipotent faith system

Fantasy3104 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

25 Supreme mage Aura revealed and planet destroying strength

As soon as the news about Two new Forbidden mages spread it caused a huge shock in magic city of shanghai and after confirming news it caused a huge shock in entire China Magic Association and Military

At the latest Marshal Hua the Commander in Chief of Military and Song Qi ming of Clear Sky Hunter Association also rushed towards Pearl academy at the latest.

Marshal Hua rushed due to the fact that other party was a living Holy Beast and there were still two of them. As for Song qi ming was invited by dean xiao.

Pearl Academy Dean's Office

"Welcome you two. Please have a seat and wait for Marshal Hua and Song Qi ming to arrive to further discuss the matter. Until then what would you like tea or coffee or anything else."

"Just bring two Ice creams and remind you don't call her by name just call Empress she's a bit hot tempered."

Time passed by they just talked casually such as recent issues of beasts and monsters just when other two arrived.

"Hello you should be Marshall Hua and Song Qi ming right. Next this place isn't suitable for talking let's go with me to my house." Harry spoke as the areived and were to sit.

"Sure when can we depart" three old men nodded without any problem. As the agreed Harry nodded and covered five of them into his perception and brought them into God's space.

As soon as they arrived they were shocked by vastness of space here and various things were in bubble of time frozen. As well as in the middle of the Golden space there was a Huge castle built farther from it was a huge Island on which various beasts from Harry potter plane were kept and raised by newt now all the island was time frozen.

As soon as they came inside castle an house elf appeared "Master and Mistress brought guests let Sylvia serve them what would guests like". "Sylvia go and serve Hot pot for five of us at the latest"

"Yes master" as soon as she heard order she popped and disappeared. Looking at the doubts of three old men Harry introduced himself as Wang Tian and then Infinite God Space.

Hearing this several old men were already shocked and slowly accepted this bizzare of this holy beast family and already marked them as beings not to be provoked.

"Do you know what realm is above Forbidden Mage. It is known as Supreme Mage having the power of destroying a planet that is Earth will collapse under attack of such powerhouse which is also known as Supreme Emperor among Beasts and Demons"

"Yes but we've never heard of anyone being that level not even the Archangels have such power but knowing about it is as if not knowing it ." Dean xiao expressed his doubts and harry just laughed out while others were confused.

"No it's right in front of you. Bao feng completely release you aura" Just as harry spoke Bao feng turned into huge Phoenix showing the aura of Human Immortal that can destroy a planet.

Seeing such strong aura three old men were shocked in cold sweat and nodded solemnly looking at each other. Not to provoke this Empress whatever happens.

"Several old men let's take you to see her real strength please be patient."

As soon as they spoke the returned to dean's office then under protective cover of bao feng the space dislocated and five of them appeared in space outside earth.

Looking at the Beautiful earth looking from afar three old men were shocked just the bao feng transformed into phoenix on which harry sat and wrapped the three old men and continuosly teleported until the they reached a planet near and outside solar system.

After experiencing teleporting several times everyone was already numb and then they saw destruction of planet with their own eyes an unbelievable scene happened when the chaos flames spread whole planet was burned without ashes or debris left which simply subverted their cognition and refreshed their understanding of the word supreme which means no matter how many you come under supreme all are ants either big or small..

Then everyone returned back to Dean's office and several old men were shocked and drenched with cold sweat after the thrilling experience of planet destroying strength.