
Infinite Immortal Lord-Start From Hogwarts

Mc is reborn as Harry Potter. On the day of birth he awakens Infinite Immortal Emperor System. Novice gift pack is Immortal soul and Infinite body ressurection after 1 second of death and 100 quotas for Immortal relatives and friends. When Voldemort comes to attact lily and james are already immortal along with lupin and sirius. Due to death of Voldemort HOST completes novice mission and gets Infinite God Space with inital space that can occupy one Earth and any object or living thing is in time freeze restriction unless freed by host. *Note* The content is purely fictional and there is no relation with original work. First plane - Harry potter World Second Plane - Full Time Mage/Versatile mage/quanzi fashi Abilities till now:- 1. Immortal Soul and Infinite body ressurection 2.Immortal Subject quota(10/100) 3.Infinite God Space 4.Infinite Language and Voice 5.Infinite Talent Potential 6.Indestructible Loyal Artifact Quota 7. System Panel 8. Omnipotent faith system

Fantasy3104 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

24 Grand Arrival in Magic City Shanghai and shocking everyone

A few days passed by and Bo city had a rumour that VIP guests had arrived at City lord Manor a young lady and a young master. 

Harry and bao feng also visited overall Bo city with mu zhuo yun as guide then periphery of city. When everyone saw that city lord himself was acting like humble guide everyone was shocked beyond doubt and began to speculate their identity

but none could guess it so it was concluded to be young master and lady from some big family in the capital. 

"Uncle Zhuoyun do you have map or directions to Magic City we'll set off tomorrow" harry asked. 

During these days of getting along zhuo yun also understood that this young master is neither arrogant nor humble and can be said to be easy going just don't offend him or without him saying anything this young lady will send him to hell without ashes left. 

"Young master wang here is map and directions to magic city. If possible please give more chances to serve you." 

"Yes we'll return as soon as possible but be aware of your brother Mu he just don't expose this rat for the time being" 

Although he was puzzled but didn't ask any further just kept these words in his heart. 

Just then they came to courtyard where no one was allowed to wander nearby to set off. Although puzzled he still followed arrangement of young master. 

As soon as they came Bao feng transformed into her original form is phoenix with 500 feet of wingspan and took harry on her back. Seeing such a scene simply subverted his worldview

and beads of cold sweat dripped down his face. 

"See you again uncle Zhuo yun" harry waved his hand then both became invisible and flew towards magic city at a speed of Mach 27 which generated huge windflow and friction but harry had thin layer of divine power covering him from feeling discomfort and sleeping leisurely the back. 

Seeing such scene mu zhuo yun was once again scared out of wits and seeing the sounds of flight tearing through air at such fast speed he couldn't understand how there was something so fast even he had never heard of such huge beast and such fast speed. 

Due to sound and white transperent stream leeaving through the sky magic association as well as military were alerted with red alert but it came and went quickly that no one had time to react but this was also seen and such huge generated airflow blew a lot of winds, dust ,stones and such huge sound attracted ears of everyone in city. 

Bo City Military Commander's Office 

"Have you found out what generated such huge airflow and sound and is invisible to naked eye." 

"No commander we haven't analyzed but according to heat radar it is a huge unknown beast bird with a wingspan of about 500 feet and and ...." 

"And what tell quickly otherwise you'll sent into beast zone for hunting" 

"Commander this beast is at least on the level of super mage and it's heading towards magic city" 

Hearing the words super mage level beast commander's back was drenched in cold sweat "You idiot go and quickly inform magic city to be prepared for battle." 

Soon the soldier quickly sent the news to magic city shanghai which was too put on red alert which simply shocked everyone in the magic city. 

Soldiers were on high alert mages from intermediate to high level and even super mages were called upon to protect the city. 

Shanghai city is 500 km which means it only takes a minute for Harry to reach there. Even if he knew that magic city was on red alert beacuse of them he would still go. 

Magic City Shanghai 

"Captain the sound like thunder is heard and a huge beast with approximately 500 feet of wingspan is rapidly approaching city and will reach within 15 seconds as see this" saying soldier showed radar and rapidly approaching target at extreme speed which even he had never heard of. 

As soon as this news reached all high level and super mages gathered began to tense as even they had never heard about such huge and fast beast. 

As bao feng approached magic city she slowed down her speed about nearly 1 km away from border. 

Seeing the surrounding soldiers and mages harry decided to reveal himself. 

As soon as mages saw the scene they were deeply shocked. It was a bird with wingspan of 500 feet which was invisible which suddenly became visible and still approaching magic city but it's speed was slowed down and it's altitude was constantly lowering. Finally about 50 metres from city defensive line it stopped and they saw a scene which simply subverted their worldview even supermages were no exception. 

Because on the top of beast was a human child about 5 years old. As soon as they saw it they had some hope. Soon the boy also jumped down and soared into sky and turned into a huge dragon about 150 feet long and sturdy body with golden scales all over. 

As soon as he transformed he roared an dragon roar and released pressure of forbidden mage level at the same time bao feng also released pressure of peak forbidden mage level. 

Looking and Feeling the Forbidden Mage level pressure super mages gathered were drenched in cold sweat and after a while feeling even more frightening pressure of peak forbidden mage they were even more scared our of wits. 

Soon due to pressure forbidden mage Dean Xiao of Pearl University was also alarmed and when feeling rhe pressure of peak forbidden mage and a novice forbidden mage he was also solemn. 

As soon as Dean xiao appeared harry and bao feng came in human form and leisurely strolled forwards. 

"Hello Dean Xiao of Pearl University. I'm Wang Tian a holy dragon and she is Bao feng or simply call phoenix empress and my wife and we're from Holy Beast family" 

As harry spoke his voice spread towards everyone present and shocked everyone while super mages were already shocked hearing the name holy beast family which means there are still others besides the two infront of them. 

"Ahem_ Hello Mr. Wang and miss empress what help would you like to have" as dean xiao learned that other party was likely to come for conversation or deal then it's fine and looking at other party's neither humble nor arrogant look it seems to be so. 

"First we're here to get an Identity Card and second we're here to remind everyone of upcoming disaster and to make a deal." 

As soon as the words came out it caused an uproar among everyone just thinking of disaster this young dragon mentioned and the deal. 

"Everyone let's disperse and invite them as inside my office as guests of magic city and for further discussion".