
Infinite Immortal Lord-Start From Hogwarts

Mc is reborn as Harry Potter. On the day of birth he awakens Infinite Immortal Emperor System. Novice gift pack is Immortal soul and Infinite body ressurection after 1 second of death and 100 quotas for Immortal relatives and friends. When Voldemort comes to attact lily and james are already immortal along with lupin and sirius. Due to death of Voldemort HOST completes novice mission and gets Infinite God Space with inital space that can occupy one Earth and any object or living thing is in time freeze restriction unless freed by host. *Note* The content is purely fictional and there is no relation with original work. First plane - Harry potter World Second Plane - Full Time Mage/Versatile mage/quanzi fashi Abilities till now:- 1. Immortal Soul and Infinite body ressurection 2.Immortal Subject quota(10/100) 3.Infinite God Space 4.Infinite Language and Voice 5.Infinite Talent Potential 6.Indestructible Loyal Artifact Quota 7. System Panel 8. Omnipotent faith system

Fantasy3104 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

16 Bao Feng's Birthday

After going in room with Bao feng Harry thought about a while and stated his wish "Baby feng can you take me next door to Hermione's house.

While It is true that it was born today but due to soul contract her knowledge of this world is as good as harry except that of system and it's related core memory which is obviously shielded by system. So to speak she already knows who Hermione was and their relationship.

She nodded and took harry towards Hermione's house. After a knock door was opened and Mrs.Granger came to open the door only to find an 11 year old beautiful girl with long black dress like a royal princess with long black hair and Red phoenix shaped mark on forehead. She was holding Harry in her arms.

She was surprised to find that she too was fascinated by this girl's beauty and invited her inside asking about her "child what is your name and what is your relationship with harry"

Upon hearing this harry nodded and she put harry down and said "Hello mrs. Granger I'm Divine Phoenix and my name is Bao Feng Yue born today while I'm Royal Wife and Guardian of harry. You can call me Ms.Potter or Empress"

Saying this she nodded to harry and the three went into god space where she transformed into phoenix and back to human form in front of Mrs. Granger to which she was simply shocked to extreme.

"Aunt Granger today I'm here to Invite Hermione you and Uncle Granger for birthday of Feng yue"

After giving invitation harry went back to home and told about celebrating feng yue's birthday with a large enough cake and also sent invitation to newt and Tina along with Dumbledore

"Thanks dear" Feng yue was also happy and cheerful.

"Mom and dad let's make a custom wand for her from mr.olivewander as a birthday present from three of me"Harry also expressed his thoughts to which they simply nodded helplessly.

Time soon came to evening and Potter Couple, Granger Family, Newt Couple along with Rolf and today's focus of the day Bao Feng along with harry in her arms.

Mr. Granger already knew everything from Mrs.Granger and was curious about this Divinie Phoenix. As for little Hermione she was too fascinated by Golden Halo of Harry and Beauty of Big sister in front.

Soon they came into God space where Rolf was the first to run here and there while others sighed. A Cake enough for 15 people to eat was prepared in front.

Bao feng also came into her original form and chirped Phoenix song which harry was able to understand as he can speak language of any race as long as he hears it once.

She put Harry on her back and flew all over here and there at a speed of Mach1 which is 343 m/s which is speed of sound during which black flames surrounded her all round forming a sheild to resist airflow for harry.

After long they came down and everyone celebrated her birthday giving her various gifts.

James and Lily bought her a lot of aristocratic clothes, Granger couple gifted her Casual Clothes, Hermione gave her a Pen, scammander family gave her a gift and Dumbledore gifted her a golden locket having her a phoenix engraved outside and Harry's photo inside.

Then she thanked everyone for their gifts and calmed her anger and said " old man for your gift I forgive your shameless behaviour". Hearing this Dumbledore still had black lines on his face but kept silent.

Next Day was when Harry was going to Olivewanders wand shop to make a custom wand for her as her first gift.