

Onyegbula_Peculiar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Morning rose quickly. And I groaned for that. Sun rays enters my eyes which made me throw tantrum like a child. "I need more sleep. Please close the curtains". I said as I turned to the other side of the bed. Then I heard a chuckle. A male chuckle. I sat up. How can I forget that he didn't leave. And that he also slept here. In this room, but on where? "Where did you sleep?". "In this room". "I know that. What did you sleep on?". "Oh. On the bed with you ". He said nonchalantly and turned. "What?!". I was terrified and my heart raced rapidly. "It's a joke". He turned to say and laughed. "You should have seen your face". I got up and faked laughed. And was about strolling into the bathroom. When he pulled me and held me so close, with my back touching his chest and his breath slowly moving from my neck to my ear. "I wont do a thing you don't like". His warm breath from his mouth caressed my ear. And my body suddenly felt hot but goosebumps rose as I shivered.

I wanted more of his warmth. So I didn't struggle to get out. (Knocks). That got me out of my thought and I immediately pushed out from his hold. "Your shy personality is cute. Use it often, cause I like it". A blush crept on my face and I looked away. I walked to the door and opened it. "Yes". "Stella your parents want to see you". "What? Why?". "Did you suddenly forget what happened last night?". I cursed internally and sighed externally. "Okay tell them I will be there". "Did you both do anything in here last night?". "Like what?". "Like have sex?". She whispered. "What? No". "It's just a simple question". She rolled her eyes."I would leave now". "Yes please do". I closed the door after she went. I was about to walk into the bathroom when we collided. His bare firm chest hit my head. "Aw". I rubbed that area and looked at him. "I'm sorry about that". He moved to the other side. "I would be leaving now Stella". "What?". "Yes I have some business official that I would be meeting". "I care less. You can't leave me with my parents. Who are have millions of questions to ask". "You're exaggerating Stella.They're just going to ask few".

He didn't look at me as he hurriedly dressed. My back turned to him cause I didn't want to see what would cause some nightmares. "You should at least escort me to the main door". "What? No way okay. Go alone". "You're already missing me". He hugged me from behind. "I won't stay long okay. Get dressed. I will pick you up by three, okay". "No you can't come back here". "I won't stay here. We're just going to go where we'll be alone till tomorrow". He intertwined his hand with mine and started to leave. I just stared at him. It was as though I was in another world. Was this caused by love. The breeze was to my favour as it didn't let my sweat known. "Okay you should go back now". He gave me a quick kiss on my lips and left. I was in shock till he was out of sight. I was about crying when I found out I wasn't in my room but at the main door. I summoned courage and walked in. I didn't rush to the stairs as it would look like I was running from them. "Stella". I was about taking the first step when mom's voice paused me. I turned around in bravery. Looked like bossy Stella was gone and scary Stella was the one incharge.

I kept my face straight when I turned. "Come, have a seat. We have somethings to ask you". My face remained calm, but I scream internally. I took a seat in their mist. it was as though I was a chick who was surrounded by hawks. "Stella, since you came in yesterday I observed your change in attitude. Is that boy the cause?". Father started. "How long have you two been together?". Mother asked. "What's his name?". Phiona chipped in. Chloe remained mute. Series of questions were asked. And beads of sweats broke on my face. I wasn't sure of what I was feeling for him. So staying mute was quit safe.

"Stella you know you're dating Mack. You've cheated him". "I cheated him?". I slowly got up. "You arranged the date. You chose for me". "Cause you aren't getting any younger". "I didn't ask you to. And you shouldn't talk of cheating cause you're one. I never needed your favour anyway". I said to make her swallow back her remaining words. She sat on the chair stunned and a tear rolled down as she stared up at me. Dad pulled her in for an embrace. And she sobbed loudly in his chest. "You should let it out while it wants to come out". "Don't speak anymore". Dad warned. "I understand how you feel. I felt like that for seventeen years of my life. It got to some point, that tears couldn't fall out of my eyelids anymore. My eyelids were as empty as I was. It hurt so much, that I didn't even know I hurt people. I was as much as known to be dead at that point. When I came here last week. I met Melvin and he awoken me. Don't say I cheated Mack, cause I didn't. You both did". I laughed and held my forehead. "I didn't find it surprising when you did it cause you did it a long time ago". Dad slapped me. I laughed. "Daniel was your brother and also her son. A mother will never love to watch her child in pain". "Well she wished and did see him in pain". "Stella!!!".Dad called warningly. "Else why would she let a little child like that climb a stool twice or thrice as tall as he was". "I didn't cause Daniel's death and you need to stop blaming me for that". Mother spoke up. "Of course you weren't the cause but your carelessness". "You've spoken well Stella. Now to your room". Dad said shielding mom. I chuckled. And I left them. Climbing the stairs so angrily.