
Indra's wrath

In the beginning, the Adi-Buddha created the six realms of existence. From his essence sprang twelve luminous beings, the Dvanaditya, who watched over each realm. But from the void came Mara, a chaotic entity. The Dvanaditya cleaved Mara in two, birthing Indra, the embodiment of destruction, and Asura-Raja, the embodiment of creation. For eons, Indra resided in Deva Loka, but endured scorn for his tempestuous nature. One day, his rage exploded, and he waged war on the gods. Only Shakyamuni, the Buddha, could subdue him. As punishment, Shakyamuni cursed Indra to be reborn, stripped of memory, forever teetering on the edge of power. Each awakening would be his death, until he learned to let go of the past. Thus began Indra's agonizing cycle. Now, reborn as Arun, a thirteen-year-old boy in a small village, he experiences glimpses of his past life – flashes of anger and betrayal. A surge of power awakens when he encounters a serpent threatening his sister, Maya. The echoes of Indra's wrath are stirring.

Arun540 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


Days bled into weeks as the village of Aśoka settled back into a semblance of normalcy. The memory of the Rakshasa attack lingered, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond their peaceful valley. Yet, a newfound sense of security pervaded the air, a silent acknowledgement of the power that resided within their unassuming farm boy, Arun.

Arun himself grappled with the weight of his newfound abilities. The fight with the Rakshasa had been a brutal awakening, a stark demonstration of the destructive potential that coursed through him. He trained diligently, following Dharmakirti's teachings, striving to channel his Prajna with control and focus.

One crisp morning, Dhanapati, the portly village chief, summoned Arun to his hut. A faint tremor of apprehension ran through Arun, but he steeled himself and entered. Dhanapati, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a thoughtful frown, gestured for Arun to sit.

"Arun," Dhanapati began, his voice unusually serious, "you've done a great service to our village. You've shown courage and strength beyond your years."

Arun mumbled a thanks, unsure where the conversation was headed.

"But the world is a vast place," Dhanapati continued, "and dangers lurk everywhere. Here, in our small village, you can protect us, but your potential deserves a grander stage."

He leaned forward, his gaze boring into Arun. "The capital city, Chandrapore, is said to be teeming with opportunities. People with unique skills, like yours, are always sought after. You could find a good job, make a name for yourself, and provide a life of comfort for your sister, Maya."

Arun's heart clenched. The idea of leaving Aśoka, his only home, filled him with dread. But the longing for a life beyond the confines of the village, a life where he could hone his abilities and perhaps even find answers about his past, tugged at him with equal intensity.

Days turned into a restless week. Arun wrestled with Dhanapati's words, the weight of his decision heavy on his shoulders. He confided in Maya, hesitantly at first, then with a torrent of words that spilled out his fears, his anxieties, and the strange visions that plagued him.

Maya, her eyes wide with a mix of wonder and concern, listened patiently. When he finished, she reached out and squeezed his hand. "Arun," she said, her voice soft but firm, "whoever you were in the past, whatever these visions mean, it doesn't change who you are to me. You're my brother, the stubborn, kind-hearted boy who's always looked out for me."

Tears welled up in Arun's eyes. Maya's unwavering love, her acceptance, washed over him like a balm. He realized that no matter what his past held, no matter what power he wielded, he had a place in this world, a connection that transcended the mysteries of his forgotten life.

He looked at Maya, a newfound resolve settling in his heart. "We'll go together," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "We'll face whatever comes, side by side."

News of their departure spread quickly through the village. A mixture of sadness and pride filled the air as they prepared for their journey. The villagers, forever grateful to Arun, showered them with blessings and well wishes.

On a cool morning, with a knapsack filled with provisions and a heart brimming with a mix of trepidation and hope, Arun and Maya set off on the dusty road leading to Chandrapore. The vast unknown stretched before them, a canvas waiting to be painted with the echoes of a forgotten god and the unwavering bond of a brother and sister.