
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · História
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98 Chs


As I was standing in front of millions of people in Red Fort, I felt like I had accomplished something. 

50 years ago, I reincarnated back in my ancestral home in Bengal. The year was 1897, more than 100 years in the past.

The situation of my family wasn't really that good. Bengal was one of the most oppressed region in India. But it was still better than the average person. 

So I became an electrical engineer at a young age since it was my profession in the last life, contacted Tatas, and with their help went to US to establish my own company, since India occupied by British didn't really allow businesses to grow. It would have put my life on risk. 

After the WW1 ended in 1919, I returned to India after selling about 30% shares and held only 40%, to get huge amount of money that will be required for what I wanted to. 

I started my own party, Bharatiya Janta Sangathan(BJS), and started the Independence movement with Non-cooperation movement in parallel to Congress. While Gandhi called off Non-cooperation movement due to some Britishers dying, I called for the soldiers, who are the main factor for British Raj establishment to join the movement. 

And because of that, I was locked up in Cellular Jail, from 1932 to all the way to 1947. That's 15 years of my life. 

It was very difficult, yes. I even felt like I would go insane from the torturous treatment. I have many scars now, but I guess, it did change the future, for better. 

Britishers tried dividing India, and succeeded. But not in Bengal. First of all, I totally know that the elections aren't legitimate as not even 20% of the people were even eligible to vote. 

British even faced many challenges and killings of their people, but it isn't bad. The killed and looted more than their own population, so they shouldn't cry about it. 

Just a week ago, I was released from the prison and got to know what more events happened while I was locked up. Bengal famine did happen since British burned the soil, but in return, the ships that contained our food and was stolen to be shipped to Britain was set on fire. If we can't have our food, no one can. But a massacre like Jalianwallah Bagh happened in Kolkata, where the secret members of my party broke the martial law during WW2 and blocked the Kolkata port which was used to loot our resources. 

I didn't remember much of the history, but Subhash Chandra Bose died in the 'plane crash' in this timeline as well, and the Azad Hind Fauj inspired the other soldiers to stop obeying the British, which led to forcing them to finally leave India. 

I realised my mistake. I should have set an example of the military betraying British instead of just appealing to the people. If I would have done that, many lives would have been saved. The British wouldn't have the opportunity to get Jinnah in cahoots with them in carving out an artificial extremist country out of India's land. Massacres in Bengal wouldn't have happened. 

But... I will have to fix that. As long as Pakistan exists, It will lead to instability, terrorism, wars, exploitation and massacres of Hindus, Sikhs and even other sects of Muslims. 

I have become the Prime Minister of India, but not because my party got a clear majority. We are the biggest party, with more than one-third seats, Congress with about one-sixth and the other parties with the other one-sixth seats. 

But I have become the Prime Minister by the confidence of more than three-fourth of the MPs. Nehru wasn't that popular, seeing that he didn't get the support of his own party, and only became it's President due to Gandhi. 

I would have to take the country in the right direction, and build a very strong foundation. I am already 50, and I even went through torture, so I don't think I have more than 20 years left. 

But that's okay. Two decades is a very long period. And I am going to put a retirement age anyway. 

I looked over the people that have gathered, in the midnight of 15th August 1947. The date may not have changed, but the path will change. 

And I will make sure of it. 

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