
Chapter 59

But Sasha broke in. “We’re sorry, Nate, but a lot happened this morning and we can’t just brush it off.”

“I know a lot happened,” Nathan said. “I’m the one most of thatlothappened to. And look. I’m fine. Pheromone poisoning notwithstanding.”

There was a barely contained chuckle from Jim, and since the last thing Nathan would ever consider his situation wasfunny, he reached over and smacked the back of his brother’s head with the flat of his hand.


“You started it.”

Jim stared back at Nathan icily before lashing out to get in a good hit of his own. Nathan blocked the attempt, but was equally thwarted when he tried to hit back. They ended up swatting at each other like little boys, and were both laughing by the time Nathan boxed Jim into the wall of the booth to declare victory.