
Chapter 41

That got Nathan thinking.


“Wait,” he said, a hair’s breadth from Sasha’s lips and feeling suddenly very short and very small. “No…incubus stuff, either.”

Sasha’s brow creased, so close to Nathan that he could count the lines. “Incubus stuff?”

“None of that….you know…pheromone crap. No cheating.”

The lines in Sasha’s forehead disappeared and he smiled. “Nathan, I couldn’t make you like me if you didn’t already even if I doused you in pheromones. It doesn’t work that way. This is just us. Just you and me. For all intents and purposes, right now I’m practically human.”

“Ha,” Nathan laughed. “Right.”

“No tricks,” Sasha said, moving in that much closer so he was practically speaking against Nathan’s lips. “Just…”

Nathan didn’t realize his eyes were shut until Sasha’s lips were on him. Half of him thought he had to be dreaming and that when he opened his eyes he would be alone. His senses told him differently.