
Incubus finds love in a Human Girl

Jo goes on her first hunt and finds an Incubus chained up, this was just meant to be an easy haunted building job, but things get more complicated when she finds a cer attractive Incubus chained up. Her hunter is telling her to kill it, but instead, she lets him out. Not knowing about the Fae rules and also not knowing he is a prince. Once Hale and Dyson show up with Bo and Kenzi in toe once Kenzi sees him she is love struck.

GhostWriter1996 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The job

Jo was at the roadhouse fighting with her mother. "I am going on that job. It will be easy, and I will be fine," she said. Ellen pulls a gun out. "I am not going to lose my daughter, too," she said. "Mom, I promise I will come home," she said. Jo left and sighed. She pulled up to the old mining building and loaded her gun and grabbed a flashlight, and went in Syltrax smelled her "Women, she is a virgin," he said and grinned. He waited. Jo soon found her way down, and her flashlight hit his body. His tail moved back and forth slowly. Jo slowly traced her flashlight up the man's body. He looked up. His bright pink pricing eyes looked right at her. She swallows, walks over, and touches his chest. His smirks. "It's been a long time since women touched me," he says, grinning and looking at her body. "care to unchain me so I can make you feel amazing," he said. Jo steps back. "What are you," she said. "What do you think I am," he said and grinned, and his tail ran up her leg. Jo moved it away. "An incubus," she said. He grins. "Correct," he said. "You feed on sex," she said. He leaned to her as far as the chains would let him. "Yet another correct answer," he said. "That thing I could make you feel," he said. She shuts his mouth and undoes his chains. "No touching me; I have a job to do," she said, leaving the handcuffs on him. His tail went between her legs. She glares at him. He raises his hands; his tail looped around her pants loop. She was walking back to her car and saw the boys. "Fuck" she said. Slytrax grabs her waist, pinning her against the wall. The tape falls off. "Don't have to tell me twice," he said. Jo kicked him in the nuts. He feels over. "That was mean," he said. Jo walks out with him. Dean shot him. Slytrax was too weak to fight back. "Dean stops," she said. Sam pulls Jo away from it. Slytrax falls over Jo fought. "He won't hurt me," she said. Slytrax jumps Dean and sucks his life force out to heal. He stood up, and Dean stood there. "Never do that again," he said. Slytrax glares at him. "Don't shoot me, and I won't," he said. Jo pushes Slytrax into her car. "Why are you here," she said. Sam looks. "Ellen sent us," he said. Slytrax lies down in the back seat.