

The door slammed loudly and the girl came out in front of the house, running to the park. She sat down on a bench and leaned against it. She exhaled jerkily and closed her eyes, yet tears welled up in her eyes.

"What happened to you?" A man walking past asked her and sat down next to her.

Even though the girl had been told not to talk to strangers all her life, she didn't care now.

"My whole life is a huge lie," she muttered softly and she bit her lip.

"I can help you," she said, raising her head to him and narrowing her eyes.

"How can you help me?" she said incredulously, though her eyes were curious.

"Come with me," he urged her, and she didn't fight back, she had nothing to lose.

They headed for a dark alley, at the end of which was a smaller boy who killed with a look them.

,, He is dangerous. He hurt people. "He spoke to her and walked over to another man so she could see the younger better, and when she came earlier she saw the older man beside him.

The younger one was surprised to see a barely fourteen-year-old girl, but he didn't show it.

"Your parents lied to you, you feel angry, you feel helpless and sad, but you can use it here," said the man who had brought her here and handed her the knife.

The girl didn't even notice to know where she knew. Slowly she took the knife from his palm and looked at him uncertainly, urging her. Although she never aimed at anyone, she hit an older man's thigh, half an inch from the wall, and he shouted.

"Next," he said, winking at her and handing her the knife. She aimed and hit her belly.

"I told you," he whispered to his friend, who looked at her with interest.

The girl watched the man bleed, but she didn't help him, she still had the anger in her.

The younger one glared at her and watched her in hatred, trying to capture anything he could remember to find and kill her.

"Can I gouge out his eye?" The girl asked, a smirk on her face as she turned to the people who were deciding whether to go with them, but after her question, they had already decided.

And she had to accept destiny, which was her first mistake out of many, but everyone knows what they say, one learns from mistakes.