
Incentive to Succeed

An old, senile and lonely medical doctor dies in the ward of his own hospital. Unsatisfied with his "meager" accomplishments, he accepts Death's offer for a new start at life however random his chances are in a world where he is a scorned bastard of a resident Duke. "I will hold on to my memories. Memories of failure, I have no doubt will be a marvelous incentive to succeed in my new life. No matter what. I will succeed, one way or another." ***Chapters will be posted twice a week, every three days. I've made a discord server btw. You can pop in and out offering your critique or praises here;https://discord.gg/YbxrtrU ***** Need a freelance writer? https://www.fiverr.com/s2/88989fb0f2?utm_source=com.google.android.apps.docs_Mobile

Tim_Saian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Decisions and Initiatives

"Decisions and Initiatives

"Father, I think I may have a solution to your problems"

The world and time I had been rebirthed into was certainly not the one I was familiar with. Although many of the same rules applied, the customs here differed wildly from my world in terms of advancement.

Many things such as the segregation of women from well-paying and meaningful jobs and the blood rights of nobles to enslave, kill and imprison commoners that reside in their domains, were all seen and thought of as normal. Such a lack of ideological advancement was clear as day in the ranks of the military as well.

The ranking system of the military was all there was to attain a sense of commitment and loyalty. Because the higher you ranked the closer you were to a monarch by extension; God.

The fanatical following religion had attained in this world was impressive. Even as the church body was quite obscure from the public, many still lived in faith. It was a fantastic tool of oppression for nobles who knew better.

And so, I thought. Why not use that?

"And what do you have in mind, Rainald" the Duke, upon hearing my words had a grin manifest upon his face. "Your ideas are always so brilliant, especially for your age, your knowledge of these matters is incredible!"

Quite the contrary, his knowledge on these matters were severely lacking. But I suppose reformation doesn't happen overnight. And as an other-worlder I did not really get to judge.

"The military as of now is made up of the armies of the nobles, knights and lesser lords and mercenaries" I look to Mathilda and ask "The mercenaries aren't the ones you worry about, are they?"

She shook her head and opened her mouth to say something. I wouldn't let her.

"Good, now, father. We could call up the most impressive warriors within each military and grant them honorary but ultimately meaningless titles. About twenty of them should do given the size of the military"

I looked to Desmond, the chancellor "Since the owners of these armies are already being invited, this would be a sign of gratitude to the war effort being made and it would give whatever promises father intends to make the girth of legitimacy"

I glance towards Mathilda and Edward "The cost of the feast would remain the same but it will reap more good than bad as the men being honoured would be an inspiration to the rest of the military and ultimately increase morale"

I remained silent and look to father for a reaction. He held his chin and seemed to be mulling over the finer details of my proposal, muttering some things under his breath once in a while.

Finally, he glanced at me and smiled approvingly "I like it." He stood up and we all instinctively rose; the meeting was over. He dusted off his clothes and gestured at Mathilda and I "Rainald, work with Mathilda here in choosing the sort men you want from the military to attend. Edward will handle the finances as usual and Desmond, you handle the invitations. You know best the people."

We bowed our heads in unison as he waved his hand dismissively.

The councillors and I began to make our leave, Edward and Mathilda chatting it up as they walked towards the door, Desmond continuously yawning.

"Rainald" I turn at the mention of my name. Father. He gestured for me to come to take a seat and I hear the door go shut behind me.

I take my seat and look to him expectantly. "Your brother, Orson has returned." I nodded, everyone was talking about it recently. He had only been drafted for a month but already he had returned. Orson was the warrior type. Perhaps there was just not enough battle for him out where he had been posted.

"Galswinth got worried about him out on the battlefield and forced my hand to call his company back once the news had come about his victory at Olm," He said, idly tapping the desk with his fingers.

I also expected this. Galswinth was the overbearing, step-mother cliché seen in fairy tales. She loved her children and the world owed them all they sought. She hated me too. A threat to her children is what she sees me as. Perhaps I was.

But I never thought Father would conform so soon. I thought for sure Orson would be gone for six months at least.

"We're going to be having a sort of…pre-feast dinner, as Galswinth demands." He gives me a weary smile, his declining age showing clear as day "Family time you know?"

He shook his head and picked up his quill, he still had things to do before sleeping it seems. "Make sure to let your siblings their attendance is mandatory, especially Oteri. That boy needs to see what success looks like." His annoyed groan was quite evident at the end.

I took his silence as my dismissal and went off to continue the work I had been doing, as well as tracking down Mathilda to set a date to carry out the assignments we had been given.

But first, my feet carried me to my eldest sister's room. Dagena. I did not look forward to interactions with any of my step-siblings, even the kindest one. Dagena was never cruel to me, just distant, similar to the way Orson ignore my very existence. Perhaps the age gap was just too wide between us.

Dagena looked upon me with pity. It shone brightly in her eyes and tugged on her lips every moment she lay her eyes upon my visage. I had no idea why she pitied me the way she did. It was as though she had been told of a particularly unfortunate thing to befall me.

Not much came from this pity though. She did not shield me from Oteri's abuses or her mother, Galswinth's maltreatment. I lived as a servant for quite a while before I started to show any signs of use to the Duke. But her indifference was all the kindness I needed. I did not want hate nor did I want love. For love would have me expecting to be saved from the maltreatment of the rest of the world. When that did not happen I would be left even more hurt than before. No, I need not love.

Although growing up, the most kindness I had received was strangely from Orson. Then he had just begun his military training and Oteri had taken to abusing me, as was his only other past time aside eating and sleeping at the time. A swift tackle followed by a spanking; Orson spared me from further abuse that day.

Although, I knew with all certainty that he was just practicing a move recently taught by his instructor and Oteri was the closest test subject for him. I appreciated it. Despite my adult mind, I was still influenced to an extent by the memories made in this body.

Arriving at her door I gently knocked twice. I immediately hear some shuffles and expect to wait a bit longer. Soon enough I hear her voice through the door, granting me permission to come in.

I push the door open but stand at its entranceway, I did not plan to take long. Her room was uncharacteristically messy, so was her hair. She held a book in her hand and failed in her attempt to look rather occupied. And I could only raise an eyebrow at the giant lump of clothes to a corner of the room.

She caught my line of sight and cleared her throat "What do you want, Rainald?" Still holding the book upside with an annoyed look on her face.

I shook my head. "Father wants everyone to prepare for dinner. We are eating together tonight. If you get to see Orson, please pass on the message. Same with Oteri." I looked down at my feet "I do not particularly want to be in their company now"

Looking up I see the familiar look of pity on her face. But I also catch movement from that pile of clothing in the corner.

She was with a man…I could face-palm.

She dropped the prop book and walked towards me, taking the side of the door in her hand. The sun shone through the dirt brown hair she inherited from father but the blue of her eyes seemed to spite the sun. She was a few centimetres taller than I so she looked down upon me and spoke "I understand. I'll let them know"

I gave a curt nod, thanked her and whispered "Stuff him in the closet next time" before leaving her shocked presence.


I had returned to my room not too long after leaving Dagena. Ordered a servant to bring me something to eat; possibly bread. And I had asked to be informed of the whereabouts of Mathilda, the marshal. I wanted to get the assignment done with as soon as I could. My memories still flooded my mind and I would rather much spend my time documenting them for further use than forget them all due to negligence.

I soon settled at my work table and began to churn it all out. Though I was selective with what information I desired to keep; mostly those relating to medicine and pharmacology. I also held onto memories I found to be the most important. My memories of failure. My first dead patient and then my second, and third and so on.

Memories that incite a deep burn of hatred for my inept ways. I would not forget who I was. I will not have my memories play out for me as 'wisdom' as the reaper called it. I would live them and experience every emotion so I know what is at stake. And so I would become numb to it all.

In the midst of my mulling and writing, a voice came through the door. "Sir Rainald, the Lady Mathilda is present and waiting for you"

I nod and tell the servant to host her and give me a few minutes while I tidied up.

I was going to clock fifteen soon. It was about time I started to make my moves in court and within the Duchy.

Failure shall not stalk me.