
Incentive to Succeed

An old, senile and lonely medical doctor dies in the ward of his own hospital. Unsatisfied with his "meager" accomplishments, he accepts Death's offer for a new start at life however random his chances are in a world where he is a scorned bastard of a resident Duke. "I will hold on to my memories. Memories of failure, I have no doubt will be a marvelous incentive to succeed in my new life. No matter what. I will succeed, one way or another." ***Chapters will be posted twice a week, every three days. I've made a discord server btw. You can pop in and out offering your critique or praises here;https://discord.gg/YbxrtrU ***** Need a freelance writer? https://www.fiverr.com/s2/88989fb0f2?utm_source=com.google.android.apps.docs_Mobile

Tim_Saian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Dear Siblings

I was surrounded.

Orson, Oteri and Dagena had all stayed behind at the dining hall. For each of their own personal reasons, which I could only vaguely guess.

Orson's face told it all. He had held that bewildered and angered look ever since I made mention of my status as one of Father's councillors. He glowered at me, his unanswered questions eating at him.

Oteri on the other hand looked quite conflicted. It honestly looked as though he did not know if he were to let his reasons known or wait quietly for Orson to be done with me. I could not fault him for his hesitance, anyone would surely be put off by vibe Orson was giving off and a transfer of aggression would not be appreciated.

Dagena? Dagena looked like she really had nothing better to do. Judging solely from the smirk on her face and the glass of wine in her hands, it would not be too farfetched to assume she thought us as theatre.

"Rainald," His voice was surprisingly contained for someone with such a terrible look on his face. I acknowledge his call with a grunt, exhausted. "Tell me how. Tell me how you attained father's favour. How did you become his Advisor!"

He looked desperate. Perhaps he was. After all, his entire life had been based on the approval of one man. And here I am. Usurping the highest form of his approval-His trust.

As much as I sympathized, I could not abide this affront, "That is insulting, Orson," for the first time, I would speak on equal footing with Orson, "However much I respect your status as the heir of these lands," I glowered right back at him, feeling righteous "I am, presently, the Special Advisor to the current Duke. I will not stand for any accusation regarding the circumstances of my appointment!"

To say he was shocked at my outburst would be an understatement. He looked physically assaulted by my words. He was adept in our Kingdoms feudal law, so he knew I had every right, presently, to admonish him as I have. A future ruler with no land or army was less powerful than a city mayor. As special advisor, my influence over the Duke spoke for itself.

Although…it was not entirely so as of yet. But that would soon change.

Bitter, Orson made to leave, to escape further embarrassment.

"Wait!" I called out.

I had done well and established what my power as special advisor looked like but still, I saw myself in him the most out of all my siblings.

He did not turn to face me, I understood, "That was only as Special Advisor. But as your brother…" I bit my lips, giving my words further thought before continuing, "Even as your half-brother, this is my reply," At this, he peeked from behind his shoulders.

"I did not seek Father's favour, nor do I think I have it. What I do have is use," He turned to face me at last, his face questioning my meaning "What I mean is, I have use in this area. I give father advice regularly and he values it, making me Special Advisor was just a formality and at most, proof of his trust in my counsel."

My message here was; He simply could not be of use to father any more than he already was. As pragmatic as the man was, I could not see him appointing an inexperienced solider and an apprentice chancellor to a councillor position.

Orson was still learning, whereas I had a lifetime experience dealing with people, adjusting budgets and overall just living life with the biggest information disseminating tool; The Internet. How the man was shrewd enough to see this wisdom, I'd probably never know.

Orson looked relieved. He was hot-headed apparently but still smart enough to see the meaning behind my words and take a form of comfort with them.

I smirked as he heaved a sigh and promptly left, not a word of thanks or a mention of an apology. He was also proud.


Ah…Oteri still remained. I turn to face him, utterly unamused. Unlike Orson, he was not one I had to assert dominance over, he was so pitiful there was little to nothing to dominate.

"What now, Oteri?" I scowled, "I have things to get to, please do not waste my time."

"Rude! I am still your older brother, no matter your status," he glared, his nose flaring up and his chubby fist balled.

I cared not for any of it and began to leave, "That means little to nothing to both you and I, you know that."

"Just do not forget your promise!" he called at me. Promise? I turn and face him once more.

"I have not made any promises to you, that would be foolhardy," I was getting impatient with him.

"You said you would think about it and mention it before father travels to Eriow," Still I was confused; I remembered the details of the conversation he was referring to but not what exactly I was supposed to mention to the Duke.

"What exactly do you want Oteri? You never mentioned what you wanted me to appeal to father for, and I was too distracted trying to get you out of my room."

Again I was subject to another pure-blood Adelard glare, he looked like he could burst, and given how large he was I would not put it out of consideration, "How rude, I simply want his permission to invite my guests, I have many relations that want into the House of the Duke and I plan to deliver."

Oteri had previously been ban by father from holding any sort of gathering within the premise, given that the cost was taken from the Duchies coffers as well as the fact that they were very lavish and indecent bringing shame tenfold upon the family.

I grunt in acknowledgment and turned to leave once more, "I'll mention it. Doubt he will grant you any leeway but I'll mention it. Goodnight, Oteri, Dagena."

As I make my exit I soon hear a light giggle beside me. Just as I thought, Dagena. She walked with exaggerated steps, her face widened with a grin. We'd been theatre for her for sure. Couldn't blame her, had I not been part of the show I would have found it all amusing too.

I acknowledge her antics with a glance and a wry smile, that's the most I could do with my current mental energy. But she wanted a conversation it seemed.

"Rainald," the sound of my name called overly sweetly, like any woman I had met, her sugary voice meant she needed something, "Can you keep what happened this morning a secret between just us two?"

This morning? Oh…

I rolled my eyes, "Dagena, I couldn't care less who you frolic around with," I looked her in the eyes as I place emphasis "Just do not forget yourself, not even Galswinth will save you from Father's ire if you do"

She looked stunned for a bit before smiling, appreciative, "Thank you, Rainald. I'll be careful as you say."


Finally getting to my room, I breathe a sigh of relief. Alone at last. I could not help but grin at my bed and working table. Their silence was comforting.

Idly taking off my boots and coat, I head to my worktable and begin to push all the mismatched memories forward. With a quill in my hand and an ink bottle beside me, I write away.

The memories of great and wonderful things done by my hands. Saving lives with oh so obvious surgical techniques. I wondered if any of these could be put into practice here, but without analgesia, most likely not.

The more I wrote, the more I re-lived the memories, the more I understood the kind of man I was, the kind of scientist I was. My challenging and competitive personality, my eagerness to deliver, my hope to cure, my inability to love, my wickedness to peers and my crippling superiority complex.

Although, I was driven by many of these 'left over natures' from my past life, I could not fathom embodying them, especially with the way I was now.

I had the desire to help and to cure but I did not believe myself superior because I could. I lacked the drive to deliver to others, I was fuelled only by my personal ambitions. I wondered about love and questioned its hidden complexities, I did not have an opinion on it as of yet. And I dare not be wicked, my station was still low under the roof of the Duke, a problem I have realized time and time again.

My only escape from this was to either miraculously find a gold coin and set up the first hospital where I could practice what I recalled from my past, or grow to hold all the power the seat of Special Advisor held and represent my interests.

Needless to say, I do not believe in miracles. Wielding the full power of special advisor, I would be able to secure my position through the unwitting Duke. And this feast was the ripest chance I had to do so.

I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow around this time as well. I've unfortunately been offline and unable to write because of certain...problems. These have been rectified to an extent so I am back.

Tim_Saiancreators' thoughts