
Incentive to Succeed

An old, senile and lonely medical doctor dies in the ward of his own hospital. Unsatisfied with his "meager" accomplishments, he accepts Death's offer for a new start at life however random his chances are in a world where he is a scorned bastard of a resident Duke. "I will hold on to my memories. Memories of failure, I have no doubt will be a marvelous incentive to succeed in my new life. No matter what. I will succeed, one way or another." ***Chapters will be posted twice a week, every three days. I've made a discord server btw. You can pop in and out offering your critique or praises here;https://discord.gg/YbxrtrU ***** Need a freelance writer? https://www.fiverr.com/s2/88989fb0f2?utm_source=com.google.android.apps.docs_Mobile

Tim_Saian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


I had a headache. It was throbbing and it was persistent and it was on one side of my head. It was a migraine.

And given the less than modern times I found myself in, I certainly couldn't just self-medicate on paracetamol. But the unfortunate pain in my head did serve to remind me of one of the items on my to-do list; Making modern medicine for medieval times. I'd regained enough of my memories for the processes involved to be carried out without much hassle and with great certainty.

I let out a sigh, scrubbing the hurting side of my head. Making modern medicine would be very helpful and would have me as a renowned physician the moment I make something as simple as a painkiller. It would also be beautiful for instilling loyalty. I'd have to get to it at some point or another, if only for my benefit.

I certainly didn't want to have my head opened up the moment I let it known I have the ailment. Treatments in this time were rather crude, and the treatment for migraine would be an exorcism followed by having a hole drilled into my skull.

Perhaps I simply needed to sleep.

"Lord Rainald!" I jerk back into a proper sitting posture and my eyes fluttered open at the urgent call of my name. Come to, I sigh heavily and slouch in the comfortable cushioned couch, it's call for my slumber still loud and clear.

"Matilda, what is it?" he could feel the heated glare of the woman seated in a separate couch chair beside him without bothering to look.

Her silence at his question made him groan a bit and turn an eye to look at her, she didn't like not being looked at when spoken to. It was an issue he discovered she had after many long hours working beside her. Ignoring her would only lead to strained relations and an overall decrease in productivity.

"Good." She said satisfied with a smile on. The smile quickly disappeared replaced by a frown wrinkling her forehead. "We can't have you falling asleep before the Mayor arrives with the documents you ordered."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs, "I ordered his presence along with those tax accounts over an hour ago, Mathilda." I crack my thumbs, pushing down at the sockets and flex them, "If he is taking so long to arrive with them, chances are he is hurriedly trying to cover up his corruption. In such a case I already know what decisions to make, so I'd better save up my strength for when the time comes no?"

"Indeed," she pouted, she too very aware of behaviours corrupt vassals flinching off their proper taxes took, "But this still is the rulership of our vassal. You cannot seem too relaxed nor too tense especially on an unexpected visit."

We currently sat in the statehouse of the City of Perlun. It was a relatively comfortable place, complete with an indoor fire and biscuits and blankets prepared for guests.

I only groaned at her chiding, choosing to give in to her nagging rather than banter against it, giving her the satisfaction of a proper sitting position. And no sooner had I given up to her whims had the man we'd been awaiting arrive.

"Ah, Lord Regent, I apologize truly for taking up so much of your time with your assignment, you see, it-"

"Enough." I waved off no doubt what would be a pile of fabricated excuses. I look about the man, he had a…round bureaucratic look to him. His robes, red and styled with the images of a dragon and beautiful green flowers. And on his neck and wrists were charming jewellery.

He'd brought along with him an entourage of servants carrying many old and dusted books in hand and box.

"Are these the records I asked for?" I question. What he'd brought was more than was necessary for three months of records. "Or are these the records kept over your time here as Mayor?"

"Ah, yes My Lord, I thought you'd rather screen my entire tenure to realize my value rather than just a few months." He spoke nervously, his hands fiddling around underneath his long sleeves. I narrowed my eyes at the man, his suspicious behaviour was getting suspicious as well, if such a thing could happen.

"You need not assume what I need from you, you are not my direct servant. Just do as I ask and all will be well. Now hand me the records for the past three months." I beckon with my hands.

His hesitation was evident. And amusingly I found a man who could sweat in winter cold without exerting any effort. I smile as he quite slowly hands me the records. I thank him and begin flipping through the first month, quickly identifying a pattern of theft.

Even worse were the scribbles he and possibly the servants behind him made in their efforts, "According to these accounts there should be an increase in the gain gotten at the beginning of each week, merchants do reside here often do they not?"

"Ah, yes! Yes, they do bu-"

"Then surely they pay residential as well as hawking fees? This city may not be a castle town like Harsem but it is still a strong trading station for merchants simply for the fact that it is closest to the capitol of the Duchy." I slam the book shut and set it aside and pick up the next one, "Where has that gain gone?"

I scan through the next book, hearing whispers around me as I do, "Is there anything you wish to confess, Mayor?" I ask, not wanting to perform calculations all around my throbbing head for another four weeks of gains and losses.

"Ah, that is…Ha! I mean, My Lord, it is nothing."

I smirk at this. That sentence was almost completely incoherent, the man was falling apart and his face looked a lot greasier. I take pity on myself and dismiss the servants behind him. The action made him all the more anxious though.

"Relax, Mayor, have a seat."

Once seated I let a few moments pass to let him gather his thoughts before beckoning him to speak.

"Ah, Yes, Lord Regent, I will confess that I have been unscrupulous with these accounts." He said, wringing his hands and darting his eyes anywhere aside from mine.

"And when did you begin carrying out these activities?" Matilda asked, getting curious at the man's confession.

"At the beginning of the year, My Lady." He answered quickly. I smiled at this, he must have planned this all out.

"And what gave you the confidence to carry out these illegal actions? There had to be some motivating factor behind his actions. Something giving him the confidence to act without fear of reprimand.

He eyed me cautiously, hesitation clear in his eyes. He could be fabricating a lie to cover up whatever damning truth was yet to be unearthed. "Mayor. You do understand the consequences for lying to my face don't you?"

He gulped eyes widened and priorities straightened he quickly spilled it all out, "The Steward he and his assistants arranged a deal with me, he promised no one would find out about this so long as he remained where he was, beside the Duke."

"Falsities!" Matilda roared to her feet, hand-placed ready on the hilt of her sword, "Confess the truth of your sins lest I strike you down where you seat so slothfully!" and with a swift pull, the tip of her giant sword was held true at the Mayor's face.

Expectantly the Mayor had turned into a mess on the floor shrieking in fear.

"Mathilda!" my eyes narrowed dangerously at her, she had all her attention focused on the sad heap the Mayor had become and paid me little mind, "Control yourself!" I admonished, still seated yet ready to stand if her insanity takes her any further.

"Ah, I am sorry my Lord," she apologizes and I relax as she begins sheathing her sword, "I do not know what came over me." She says, kneeling before me.

"Get out," I ordered, still surprised at her reaction towards the Mayor's revelation, I was in no mood to tolerate or culture such personal outbursts, especially with a migraine.

"Milord?" she looks up, surprised at my words, doubting her ears no doubt.

With a harsher glare, I repeat myself, "Get. Out."

She carries herself quickly, bows her head slightly to the Mayor and I, paying proper respect to status before marching out.

Seeing her leave I set my sights on the Mayor who still grovelled on the floor.

"Now, Mayor, tell me more about this arrangement."

Hey guys!

Its been a minute since we had Rainald with us hasn't it? Eight whole chapters stretched over weeks. But its all pacing. The story will continue to progress through the perspectives of different characters, sometimes more often than the Main character given the arcs.

Anyway, leave a comment down below and tell me what you think Rainald is going to do next and what the faith of our frail Steward and Mathilda's lover, Edward, will be

Tim_Saiancreators' thoughts