
Wise Tails

The man I green was quite dumbstruck as he looked at me with a face that questioned my life decisions. I groaned as I looked at the man and went to take off before a hand grabbed my shoulder. The crazy haired, green glasses man looked at me and sighed.

"worry not about rushing, when we get to the school I will personally vouch for you and say you were helping me with some errands. But you must actually take your time and walk with me. Is that an agreeable deal?"

I was awe stuck as this man was willing to put his neck on the line for a stranger like me! I nodded and smiled, out stretching my hand in a kindness,

"The name is Seryy Smith, thank you so much for extending such a kindness. I will do as you ask, I can't repay your deed"

He took my hand and furiously shook my hand up and down, yanking at my arm.

"The name is Professor Oobleck, I am the history teacher at Beacon Academy and there is no need to grovel and be so humble. I am after all hiring you to help me carry my stuff back to the academy!"

He quickly pointed at the mess of books and papers that resided beside a store. The amount was quite big but enough for the two of us to handle at the same time. I quickly took up what I could and smiled at the goofy professor, ready to accomplish this deed and show my worth to him. He too took up a pile of things as we began making our way to the school. As we walk together through the streets the good professor asks a few questions, mostly personal things like age and past, ect. I politely answered them all and add more to anything he asks me. We share a few jokes and have quite a few laughs as we make our way into the halls of Beacon Academy. As we walk in new students crowd the lobby who are socializing, having fun and being what I guess is normal. I smile and watch everyone talk, have fun and make friends. I slowly get pulled away from people watching and into a classroom. I set down the things down and stare out into the crowd, wanting to meet new people and make friends. Oobleck took notice in my fascination and chuckled,

"Come now Seryy, we must not waste any more time. I'll take you to Ozpin so we can get you enrolled."

I couldn't help but smile as I was able to finally get to enroll into this school and get closer to achieving my recent goal of being a hunter. I was over joyed as I let Oobleck lead me into an elevator, my heart pounding faster and faster as we reach the elevator. Oobleck presses a button as we slowly begin to rise. He looks over at me with a smile and I look back with a smile plastered to my face. The doors dings and opens, there stands a silvered hair man, in his hands a cane. He looks towards me as I slowly step out of the elevator haphazardly, not sure what I should do before Ozpin.

'Oobleck! it is a pleasure to see you! I see you have brought a guest, whom might you be!'

"The name is Seryy Smith, I'm an aspiring Hunter to be and am trying to achieve my short term goal of coming here and joining this school! I won't call it destiny that I be here but more of"

Ozpin quickly cuts me off

'Almost like coincidence?"

I smiled as he took the words right of my mouth as Oobleck smiled at Ozpin,

"I'll just be going, he was late for applying because I had asked him to help me with a few errands, please enroll him on my behalf!"

With that Oobleck made his way out of the office and back into the elevator, the doors slowly closing as he gave me a thumbs up. I began to feel jittery as Ozpin sat at his desk and motioned for me to sit down. As his hand motioned towards the desk I sat down quickly sat down.

'Now Mr. Smith-'

"No Mr. Smith, just Seryy please"

'My apologise, Seryy. Would you happen to be the same Seryy whom's number suddenly appeared in my scroll? Did the wizard send you?'

I smiled and nodded, happy to be meeting this man for the first time and him being nice. He suddenly pulls a plate from the butt fuck of nowhere with cookies on it.


I slowly take one with an inquisitive face,

'Worry not, they are safe! But Seryy I wanted to talk to you about your arrival here at the school and..."

He looks at my attire with great inquiry then points at my pants

'Im sorry to go off topic but would you by chance be a Faunus?'

I chuckle and scratch my head,

"That I am but how can you tell? I have no features to even indicate that I am, hell I'm not even sure what kind of Faunus, I just know that I am some type of rare one that most don't see"

He stands up and looks over me again before smiling, his face showing some fascination.

'You have a tail! Even I could barely tell at first but now that I look more closely at you I can see that your belt isn't even a reptile leather, it's attached to you!'

I laughed and pushed this off as a joke, thinking he was trying to yank my chain as some sort of gag, that is till I checked. Sure enough as I began to undo my belt I felt it. I felt the additional part of my body spring to life and unwarp from my waist band. There attached to me was a deep and dark black tail, almost like a void. I have a tail, cool! Wait... I have a tail?!

Thanks to you all! I've hit 13k and I am so excited! Shout out to all my fans and I ask for your guy's feed back but in all enjoy the book!

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