
The Beginning

The sound of a clock, loud and echoing. The noise never ending as it yearns to truly be silent, no longer making the ticking and tocking. For this isn't a clock, it is a soul. A soul that longs to no longer be a drift in time as an instrument of others. The soul wishes to take form, to be something other than a weapon, to exist as more than a mere tool. To live a life that is its own. Suddenly the ticking stops, the metaphorical clock stopped tocking and a crash boomed through the space. Metal clanging to the ground, gears flying throughout the way and springs expanding and bouncing away. The soul that sleepily laid there became attentive, more awake as all he had hoped would come to an end had. Two lights began to faintly glow, one of pure and white light shone to one side, being blinding and overwhelming. The other one of darkness, yes a light that also be dark. The darkness expanded out and clashed with the light of white, the two entangling with each other and causing a new and troubling noise. The lights had ceased, both retreated. Both lied in their prospective sides before once more the two came together. This time, instead of the quarrel that had happened once before the two lights began to dance together. A dance of love but not a normal one like the fight that had transpired. The fight was like brothers who had a petty squabble and decided to end it in a brawl. This dance was one of compassion, one of kindness, forgiveness and that of which brings family together. Suddenly light whispers filled the soul's essence. The whispers where that of the brothers, who's dance had ended and took notice upon the soul's ever drifting presence.

[Ah a wayward soul brother, one that we have used as an instrument times before]

{Ah yes it is *sigh* we truly have abused our powers and allowed our creations to fool us both}

[Think little of it Dark, we must not dwell in the past but instead the soul at hand. We have much to repay this being.]

The soul shifted between the two, unable to put together what truly was going on. Before it was two beings, both with horns and made of the light. One of darkness and the other of golden light, both giving off an amazing aura. The words they spoke boomed throughout the space in which the soul dwelled.

{Light, we must repent for the wrongs we have done to it. We have used it so many times and now… Now we no longer need to use this weapon.}

The being gently placed a hand upon the soul and began to feel great empathy towards it. The soul was an old weapon, a sword that never breaks or vaulters yet every sword rusts and this soul was not even a shadow of its former self. The one called light simply nodded and placed a hand upon the soul as well.

[speak unto us little one. Tell us how we can repay you for the debut that we owe you?]

The soul within the grasp of the two beings began to speak

"I want a life of my own. One to make my own decisions and where I am no longer a tool, instrument or weapon of others. I want to go out unto the land of Remnant and live a life where I can be free and only be bound to someone or something that I choose!"

The soul let out its wish and the two nodded to each other as the two seem to smile

{[We of dark and light shall grant your wish! You will choose all you want and the life you live! We grant to you a system to help you upon your life. All of this, all of your time as a weapon, tool and instrument will no longer bind you and shall all seem like that of a dream. Sleep so that you can choose what life you will live and rejoice upon your choices and life. When you wake we ask that you remember us and that you live your life to the fullest!]}

All began to fade before The soul stood in a room of pure white.

(Welcome to Balance, I am your system. I ask that you please give me your name and me as well so we may begin the creation system!)

There I...The soul stood in the room as I began to ponder all that had become. I began to rub my temples before jumping at the hands I now had. It's been awhile since I've been in a humanoid form much less one that is soon to be my own.

"Y-Your name i-is S-Samantha, Sam for short. N-Nice to meet you Sam.."

I sat there for a moment before a loud ding went off

(Samantha registered, Sam for short. Nice to meet you too user, speaking of which. What is your name user?)

I froze up a bit before scratching my head in confusion. Unable to think of a name for myself that would forever be my own.

"U-Um I guess if I had to choose...Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith. Call me Seryy for short.."

(User recognized, Seryy. Nice to meet you Seryy! Let us begin the creation for you to become a part of Remnant.)

I smile, or what feels like a smile. I see a little lavender rectangle that reads confirm on it. With that it disappears and a wall of the room crumbles down and reveals a dark room. In it lies a bunch of options for selection of what seems to be races, stats and more.

(Seryy, Let us begin the creation of your body in which to transfer your soul into. Also Light and Dark have given you their blessings as well as wish you the best of luck in this new world!)

This is where it begins, my new life and a new world!

Hey look,its a fan fic. Yay and what not. Enjoy the story!

TheLastD00Rcreators' thoughts