
Sweet Dreams

The two continued to bicker as I fell asleep, this time unable to return to the darkness that I was so accustomed to. Instead I was gifted with a dream that was almost like reality. I awoke in my dream and looked around, surveying the room to find I was in the dorm with the girl's arms still wrapped around me. I quickly sat up and slowly began crawling out of bed, making sure to not wake the girls even if it was a dream. For some reason I was compelled to go out and do something, something like a flame to a moth, this ever compelling sense of must as I slowly begin to dress myself. I look out the window I have and shiver as my eyes fall upon the harbor, my senses pinpointing that I must go there. I groan as my head throbs, something telling me I needed to get moving as I stumbled out the door. I felt as if I needed to go lay back down as I made it into the hall. I close my eyes for a second and begin to feel light, like I was no longer burdened with my body. I slowly opened my eyes to feel rejuvenated and ready to go, that was before I tried to move forward to find my body won't move. I try once more to find that my body no longer responds to my commands, doing as it pleases. Slowly my body lurches forward as it slowly begins making its way towards the door, something telling me that I was going towards the light. I lumbered through the hall and got closer to the steps when suddenly a blur of gold caught my attention, or rather to say the attention of whatever was controlling my body. To my surprise the hair belonged to Yang, the spitfire blonde that I met the other day. She jumped and let out a squeak, planting her fist into my face. The impact alone would send a normal man flying but the kinetic energy began to dissipate as my scales absorbed most of the blow. I was pushed back a bit but left standing as she withdrew her fist and surprised to see it was me.

Yang: "Oh shit its you! I'm so sorry handsome, you startled me. Oh god please don't tell me your face is ruined!"

My face was fine except for a bit red from the impact. I could feel a smile creep across my face before shaking my head.

"No need to worry your pretty blonde head about me, Ive taken quite a few powerful blows but damn was that strong! I would love to stay and chat but I have a few things to go take care of and time is of the essence, maybe if you're free one night we can go get a drink or something. My treat, how about it?"

She smiled and pulled out her scroll and put her hand out. I reached in my pocket and handed her mine, I quickly put my number in and she did the same. I recovered my scroll adn waved as I rushed down the stairs. I couldn't believe that whom ever was controlling my body had the ability to be that smooth. We ducked through the stairwell and out into the court yard as our senses were it up as our gaze was laid upon the docks. Something was driving us up the wall and towards the docks as my body took off down the streets, ready to sniff out the problem that was being caused. The kingdom of Vale was lively tonight due to it being the end of the week, thus meaning it was time to drink and have fun. Bars, taverns and pubs were packed to the brim with people as well as restaurants, the streets giving off a warm and cheerful glow. We danced we danced in between the crowds of people as we dashed towards the harbor that is till we slammed into what felt like a brick wall. Dazed and confused, we rebound as we see we ran into a stocky well built man, who was not happy that a brat like me ran into him. He grunted and snorted as he glared down at me, wanting an apology but wasn't going to get one as we once more dashed off down the streets and disappearing into the crowds. We soon felt a tingle up my spine as we stepped onto the harbor, the pale moon light bathing us as we stood in the dark. Suddenly the sound of guns being cocked echoed through the harbor as a few figures stepped into the light.

???: "Down on the ground Human! We don't want any trouble but we are ready to fight back if you try anything!"

I automatically knew that these were some of the White Fang members as they once more mistook me for human. We put our hands into the air and uncoil our tail, showing we aren't human. They all quickly put their weapons down as they see the tail and understand that we're not human, a few walking away as a child in a Grimm like mask takes our hand and begins leading us to a wearhouse. Members begin to gather at a door in front as we do too. We begin to walk in and are stopped as a Grimm mask is out stretched towards us. A chuckle comes from us as our hand is waved over our face, I have no clue what has changed as the guard grows wide eyed after that. My body slips into the crowd and listens as what seems to be the crowd leader of this sect steps out.

Leader: "Brothers and sisters! We are here tonight because we have been oppressed and treated as lesser beings because of our race! No longer! We have many new members, we will show that we are just as equal as humans! Newbies, step up on the stage and join our family, our revolution!"

Soon my body is being pushed up the steps of the stage, I being the only one as I am escorted to the Leader. I dive into the darkness, knowing that I have no control over my body, having an idea of who does. I search through out the space and my thought is confirmed as Grey has taken over, causing me to curse and return to watch.

Leader: "And we ask brother why you are here, how have humans mistreated you?"

Grey steps up to the mic and I can feel a poker face wash over us,

"I'm here to restore the balance, this place here infringes upon that balance and it is my job to keep it, for those who impose say your prayers"

Mumbles begin to wash over the crowd as a gun barrel is put to my neck. In a sudden blur I am looking at the leader who is holding the gun but something is off.. After a split second his head tumbles to the floor and blood begins to spew from what is left of his body. The blood begins to wash over my body as Grey whispers,

"We are the balance, 'tis our job to keep it and maintain it. We are the Grey, we are the force that keeps it in check. We aren't good or bad but Grey."

I can feel a pulse ring out through my body as a great power begins to surface from deep with in and I am forced deep into the darkness, unable to make it back to stop whatever stupidity Grey has planned. Only to awaken in the dorm bathroom, covered in blood and a mask lying beside me. What happened, what had I done?