
Eye Witness Account

"This morning we bring to you a special report on last night's brutal Grimm attack on the White Fang hideout from an eyewitness account that wishes for their identity to remain hidden. Now to Officer Valentine for the investigation and interview."

The camera cuts over to a salt and pepper haired man who wears a detective outfit, fitted with suspenders, a bow tie and a pair of dress shirt and pants. He has a note pad in hand as viewers only catch a glimpse of back of the interviewee's head.

Valentine: "So let's start off with the basics, I already have your name, gender and age. I want to know how exactly this whole thing started, no details spared."

The Interviewee's head nods as they slowly begin to speak, their voice distorted but understandable.

???: "It was late last night when I headed down to the docks. I was invited by a close friend to come to this White Fang meeting. He swore that the news reports were wrong and the White Fang was just an activist group that was looking to better the relations between Faunus and Humans. So I begrudgingly attended this meeting not knowing the horrors that awaited me that fatal night, god the blood, it's everywhere."

The Interviewee grabs something off screen before viewers are met with the unappetizing sound of the Interviewee losing what ever contents were left in their stomach as they sobbed a bit.

Valentine: "Yes, I've seen the crime scene. It truly is a massacare but please stay on track.

???: "Y-Yes sir. So we arrived at the meeting spot around midnight or half an hour in. We began to talk on our way down to the dock, them explaining what the Fang really did for our people, helping and rescuing them from abolishment. I simply listened, knowing that some of what he spoke of was complete Bullshit but I continued to listen to him. As we stepped onto the begining of the docks and the salty smell of salt filled the air I was pushed back against a storage crate. My friend had amazing hearing and knew something was off as they pulled out a weapon and peered out from the corner. I heard someone yell about no humans allowed and telling them to leave when suddenly the quarrel was put to an end and one was welcoming their brother to the meeting and all weapon were put away. We rounded the corner and saw this guy, looked to be a teenager but carried himself with such self confidence and prowess that simply being around him make me tremble."

Valentine: "Can you give me any Idea of what he looked like, outfit, hair, hair color, face?"

???: "Like I told the sketch artist, it was dark and hard to see. I can partially see in the dark but even then this guy almost gave off a darkness all himself. He has dark hair and that's all I know. Anyway we kept on to the hide out, my friend serving as my voucher as well as my guide as we were met with a line of all those who wanted in and hear what the White Fang was about. I paid little attention to the line as I kept talking to my friend but right before it was my turn to step forward and get a mask that same guy was ahead of me. The guard had something and handed him a mask before waving his hand across his face and spooking the guard . I mean this guy was really scared as he trembled when he handed me a mask, one of the ones you see all the Fang members wearing. As we walked into the wearhouse it was packed full of people, all of them cheering and praising the White Fang. This bigger guy, kinda scrawny as he steps up and begins to address the assembly of Faunus, quieting them down. After that he welcomed all new members to the stage as this one guy in what looked to be a real Grimm mask was lead by a few guards to the stage in front of the leader. I'm not sure what gave away that that night was going to end like it did, maybe it was the guy or maybe it was the crowd but I knew something wasn't right as the leader asked very simply and plainly, 'why do you want to join the White Fang?' God if I knew that I had time before that all happened I would have ran with my friend and taken them far away if I knew such an ungodly thing existed."

Valentine: "What do you mean an ungodly thing? A Grimm is nothing new or was it th-"

???: "It was more than a Grimm! It was a human, a Faunus, whatever it was looked like you and me and killed! It killed so many people without mercy!"

Viewers watch as Valentine reaches over and puts his hand on the interviewee's shoulder as they sob once more.

Valentine: "Calm down, start with what happened. The guy stepped up on stage and was asked why he joined, what was his response?"

???: "Balance, he came there for balance and said that all of us there were infringing upon it. When he said that the guards were quick to their guns and other weapons when the leader's head just rolled to the floor, blood spewing up like a fountain. That's when gunshots rang out and the panic began to spread throughout the crowd. I looked to see what was attacking and I could only think of the stories I was told as a child. You know how they say there are two gods, both brothers and each a different side. One dark, the other light? Dragons, those two took on those forms but this guy, he was scary. If I could compare this guy to anything it would be the two god… Every hit, every shot, none of it even fazed or harmed him, he just kept on and on about balance when, oh god she's dead, she's dead because of that, that thing killed her!"

The interviewee began to shake and tremble before he fell over. The camera cut away and to the reporters.

Reporter: " What a horrible turn of events to have all of this transpire. Remember folks, be on guard, a Human/Faunus could actually be a Grimm."