
Inazuma Eleven Thunderstorm

Dylan a 17 year old boy was playing football with his friends when one of them shot the ball too strongly and hit his head completely destroying his ear-drum and he died on the spot when he regained consciousness he was floating in a white space... [Hello guys it's my second fan-fic so tell me if there is a problem in the story and all... also english is not my mother language so i am still learning it also i watch/play the french version of the anime/game since french is my motherly language so please just tell me if there is some grammar error and i will try to fix it]

Dark_encheanced01 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Death and a new life start

once upon a time in a world very familiar with ours a 17 years old Boy died by being shot in the head while playing football with is friends...

'Where am i ?' i asked myself while looking at the completely white space-like thing i was in.

"What the fuck is that place ?!!?" I said curious about how i got there.

'Also how did i get there ?' i thought before something suddenly appeared before me.

It was a Book.

Since i didn't know what it was or where it came from i decided to inspect it...

'It doesn't seem to be a trap ! Let's read it !' i thought while opening the book.

At the first page was written...

{This book was created by GOD to help those who were chosen randomly by the Universe to get reincarnated into another world of your choosing.

You need to write at the second page which world you wanna go to and choose your appearance, you also got one wish to be sure you live a good life in this other world !}

I was dumbfounded, what the fuck was happening did this ball shot me that hard ? If it was true it would be a dream coming true but i don't know if i could trust this since this seems too good to be true, 1. I got to choose any world i want to go in.

2. I got a free wish.

And 3. it don't ask for anything in return.

Like a certain someone said "Nothing is free ! even more if the one who is giving you something is the devil !" So i didn't want to be trapped and tortured in hell ! I know i was not a bad person but i was not good either even then i got nothing to lose i already died (if this book said the truth then it means i died) so i did what the book asked me to do and wrote which world i wanted to be in with the pen that was at the side of it.

I chose Inazuma Eleven because i am a fan of football.

(Soccer for the stupid people of the usa)(seriously this is called FOOTBALL THERE IS THE WORD FOOT IN IT !!!🤦)

I hesitated between Inazuma eleven and Dragon ball since those were my favorite manga/vidéo games i loved the story and the adventure of Dragon ball (I am talking about Dragon ball not DBZ or DBGT nor Super)but I grew up with Inazuma Eleven and played every game from the first one that came out in 2008 until Ogre the only thing i didn't like about Inazuma Eleven was the Go, orion and Ares series but i only discovered Dragon ball when i was 12 years old and i really wanted to know what it feels like to shoot a fire tornado so i picked Inazuma Eleven as my world and for the wish i didn't really know so i thought about it for a while before writing that i wanted to have unlimited potencial. (i can always be stronger if i train just a little)

After i wrote that, the book disappeared and a window with my body and face in 3D a slider and it said that it would be my body when i turn 18 and I chose to look toned (not too much just a little bit more than Muhammed Ali (he weighted 107kg for 1.91meters) at the height of 1.93 meters and i choose to be caucasian with fair skin, black spiky hair and purple eyes (and a big D of course !) i looked quite good ! I was at least an 8/10.

[MC appearance]—>

After i confirmed my appearance the window disappeared and everything became black.

When i woke up i was in a bed in a room decorated with a lot of football posters. There was a desk with a pc and a big tv on the wall in front of my bed there was also a cupboard with clothes in it at the right side of my bed suddenly i got a big headache and new memories started to rush in my head after a while it calmed and i remember i am the son of a rich family that as more than 100 billion Yen (approximately 640 million € for the European and approximately 707 million $ for the american) so we don't have to worry about money, my father is japanese but my mother is belgian so my parents decided to live in japan after my birth but my father disappeared when i was 2 years old so i didn't know him.

i got up to see what i looked like in front of the mirror that was on the left door of the cupboard and i looked exactly like in the customization window but younger, the name of this body was also Dylan and the surname was Raiu (it mean thunderstorm in japanese) and i was currently 12 years old and it's the middle of the school year, i don't know when cannon start but even if it was gonna start right now, fortunately i played football in a club and won with my team, a little tournament for 10-15 years old in my past life so i should still be pretty good and i at least should be able to beat the average football player, but suddenly someone barged in the room waking me up from my thoughts, that was my mother she was 31 years old and she was caucasian with dark blue eyes she had the same black hair as me but much longer and she had glasses giving her a secretary kind of look, when she saw me she rushed to me and hugged me tightly and said "Thank god you are awake !"

"What happened ? Why are you crying ?" i asked her.

"You had an accident ! I thought i would lose you !" she responded crying and hugging me tightly.

"Hey, it's okay, i'm fine now !" i reassured her with a smile.

she stopped hugging me and told me that dinner was ready so i followed her and we ate chicken with fries and salad.

After eating, she told me that we will go to the hospital tomorrow to be sure i don't have any problems and that if i didn't have any i could go back to school for the start of the school year.

[The next day]

Me and mom got to the hospital and after different tests, the doctor said i was healthy and don't have any sequelae from the accident. (The accident is just Truck-kun who didn't do his job correctly and didn't kill the MC (that's a joke 🤣))

"You having not even a bruise is a miracle !"

And the doctor who made me do those tests was Dr.Blaze, the father of Axel Blaze (i use the European and American name not the japanese ones since i don't know them).

After the hospital me and mom got to a restaurant to eat something and play in the park before going back home.

[That's the end of this chapter ! Also for the romance it will be Nelly Raimon even if normally she is the girlfriend of Mark Evans in inazuma eleven GO but for Mark it will be another girl and at first i though it was gonna be her who was gonna be the romance in the game and anime 😅 (yeah for those who don't know at first it was a game on DS and then they made an anime and a manga of it (but don't read the manga, because even if it's funny it doesn't really tell the event like they are in the games and in the anime)]