
Inazuma Eleven: Football Prodigy

Eight-year-old Tanaka was once a talented football player, until a tragic accident left him disabled for life. Despite this setback, he never lost his love for the game. One day, an unknown entity healed his legs, and he was able to play again. With newfound determination and a renewed sense of purpose, Tanaka sets out to prove to the world that he's still got what it takes, and become the world's best player in honor of his deceased older brother.

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Football Street Showdown (3)

As the two teams warmed up on the football field, the Football Street Showdown tournament had already begun. The commentator welcomed the viewers and introduced the rules.

"Each team is composed of three players: one goalkeeper and two outfield players. The goalkeeper is the only player allowed to touch the ball with their hands and arms, but only within their designated penalty area. A goal is scored when the ball crosses the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar."

"This tournament is a battle royale, so if a team loses, they are eliminated! The team that scores the most goals within the time limit wins the match. It's all or nothing out here. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some intense action!"

As the sound of a ball being kicked around echoed on the mini football field, Tanaka and his teammates lost interest in watching the newbies play and instead focused on their warm-up exercises.

Renjiro asked, "Are you playing forward?"

"That's where I perform the best. But if it's inconvenient for you, I don't mind playing in defense," Tanaka replied while running around and dribbling with the ball.

Hearing this, Renjiro smiled. "I knew you were the kind of person who would prefer to score goals. Anyway, this is perfect since my main position is defender, and Haruta can only play as a goalkeeper.

"In that case, we'll use the 1-1-1 formation. I'll stay back with the goalkeeper to provide solid defense while you push up and try to create scoring opportunities. Depending on the situation on the field, I'll come to support you in the attack."

Tanaka was pleased that Renjiro trusted him a lot with this formation. "Are you sure?"

Clearing away all his hesitation, Haruta reassured him. "Don't worry. Even if you turn out to be a trash-level forward, I'll stop all their shots."

With their positions settled, Tanaka and his teammates were ready to take on the competition.

As the final whistle blew, the crowd erupted into cheers for the Golden Lions.

On the giant screen, the final scores was displayed for everyone to see.

Golden Lions 2-1 Silver Arrows

"Go Lions!" "That's how you do it!" "What a game!" could be heard among the enthusiastic fans. Some even started chanting the team's name, "Golden Lions! Golden Lions!"

On the other hand, the supporters of the Silver Arrows could be heard shouting words of encouragement to their team. "Great effort!" "We're still proud of you!" "Next time, we'll get them!" Despite the disappointment of the loss, the fans of the Silver Arrows stayed optimistic and supportive of their team.

As the teams made their way off the field, the cheers and applause continued, creating a lively and electrifying atmosphere that set the tone for the rest of the tournament.

After that, it was time for them to face off against the Phantom Strikers. Tanaka's heart raced as it was his first official match in five years.

"Welcome, everyone, to the start of an exciting match between two formidable teams, the Blizzard Rovers and the Phantom Strikers. The Rovers were one of the top three teams in last year's tournament, with a fantastic display of skills, tactics, and teamwork. They will undoubtedly be looking to continue their winning streak and prove themselves as one of the best teams in the league.

"On the other hand, the Phantom Strikers may have finished in the top five, but they are known for their unpredictable gameplay, often catching their opponents off-guard with their clever feints and sudden attacks. It will be interesting to see how they will match up against the Rovers' solid defense and potent offense.

"This match promises to be a thrilling battle between two talented teams. Who will come out on top? We'll find out soon enough!"

While Tanaka made his way towards the mini football field, he felt a rush of excitement coursing through his veins under the watchful eyes of many spectators.

As soon as he stepped onto the grass of the football field, he felt at home, as if he belonged there.

The boy standing across from them wore a mocking smile. It was the same one who had taunted them earlier. "Try your best," he sneered, "because you'll need it."

Renjiro shot back with a voice dripping with provocation. "Last year, you lost against us. This time, I'll make sure you don't even pass the first selection."

Haruta chimed in, accusingly. "Sato, you must know something about Ayato's absence. You weren't surprised to see our third member missing, as if you were expecting it. Don't think you'll get out of this tournament unscathed."

Meanwhile, Natsumi sat in the spectator stands, watching intently. On the football field, Tanaka was more handsome than ever in her eyes, shining like a star amidst the rest. His confidence was one of the things she loved most about him.

In the midst of the crowd, a lean young boy with spiky, messy, red hair and piercing green eyes watched the tournament matches out of boredom. He had vowed to never play football again, but he still found some entertainment in watching others.

Then, the referee's whistle blew, signaling the start of the match.