
The Rickening.

Monster Clone POV

"I can see you. Come out already." I turned to a corner of the room, "Rick."

A figure in a labcoat walked out, slow clapping as he appeared out of the shadows and into the light, his invisibility cloak shimmering away.

"Really? Slow clapping? Could you get anymore cliche?" I snorted.

silently however, I was already using my geass to figure out what he had prepared.

"Oh don't tempt me, Dr. Dolittle. Frankenstein would shy away from whatever you've got going there. The whole white hair, red eyes look. Very edgey. Bet all the 14 year old girls love you." Rick shot back.

"Frankenstein was a pussy. He'd shy away from a spider on the wall. And as for girls, I'm not a pedophile, unlike you. What you did with that floop floopian? Disgusting. How old was she? 10? 11? Yeah, I know. I remember. I have all your memories after all."

"She was of age for the species-" he argued.

"Doesn't matter. What brings you to my humble abode?" I cut him off, scanning the surroundings for all possible avenues of attacks.

and what do you know.....

Silently, I began to deactivate all the bombs, bugs, viruses, laser webs and honestly a fuck-ton of other tech he had somehow rigged up everywhere. Thankfully, it was all dormant and none of my ship's vitals were breached. And not even in a 'he's so good I don't even notice they've been breached way'. They were legit safe. I almost sighed in relief.

But it wasn't safe yet. Not until he was dead. For real this time.

"Oh it's humble alright. I've made squirrel houses more advanced than this piece of -burp- crap junker." He scoffed.

"I highly doubt that. This is more technology than you've made in your whole life. Better tech too."

"Suck your dick some more, why don't you. Maybe your multiple sclerosis will save me the trouble of killing you myself."

"So you're here for an autograph?"

"What do you -burp- think, genius?"

"I think you're stalling for time." I rolled my eyes.

"Next you'll say, 'I'm sure you're wondering how I'm alive-what?" He stopped mid sentence.

"You used that microbial growth gel in your heal. When the Chthulu chomped your head off, you just revived in it's corpse safely off world from the citadel. Yeah. I know. I use it in my rapid growth clone vats. You know what I don't use it for? To revive myself. Because I'm not a dead drunk pattern of consciousness shambling from corpse to corpse like a fucking parasite. Because I have some self respect."

He shot at me with a laser pistol but my forcefield stopped it.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Self -burp- respect is overrated. All this touchy feely bullshit they fill your heads with these days. You had me on the ropes, which is a biiig thing. It doesn't happen. Ever. And you didn't finish me off? Amateur -burp- moves, kid."

"I didn't finish you off, because you weren't worth finishing off. Becuase by the time I realized this, by the time I had your entire memory, it wasn't worth it for me to start another timeloop when I knew you'd just come back here, looking for me at some point of time and then, it'd save me the effort of hunting you down."

"And you've done so well at that haven't you? I looked at your logs. All these adventures, all those close calls, that drama and serialisation. So much potential, wasted And the family subplot? Blergh." He gagged, "Boooring. No one wanted that but you just don't care do you? Because all of the world's smarts in you couldn't change what you really were. A failure."

I snorted, and broke out into laughter.

"Wait seriously? You came down here to try and tear me down emotionally? Instead of, I don't know, blowing me to kingdom come."

"Sorry, I don't swing that way. But I -burp- appreciate the sentiment."

"Yes, yes, I walked into that one. Still, this is pathetic." He shot at me again, to the same results.

"Did you think my forcefield would be down the second time?" I laughed.

"I was expressing disapproval of your dialogue." He raised a finger.

"Creating a distraction you mean. For the ion cannon? I disabled it on the way in."

"Aha, but-"

"The neutrino bombs you hid in the discharge port too. And the dimension disruptors and the disintegration bombs and black matter fuel injection and the nanobots and the quantum loop entangler that was supposed to trap me in the realm of uncertainty loop and fracture my existence into a million pieces so you could pick me apart like a fresh roasted salmon. And it's flip switch which activates when I do that. And the other, other flip switch in case I do that as well. And the shoddy reality anchor replicas you put together to thresh the ship across realities and destroy it that way. Ah, and of course, the psychic contagion you laced the ship with." I noticed, calling on the A.I. to wipe it out.

The entry bay flashed red and a burning skim of spiritual lasers zipped through the bay and then the whole ship, eliminating it.

"And the rest of your coterie of gadgets." I continued, "All dealt with. And I must say, I am disappointed. Not by the gadgets, no. I'm disappointed that you didn't even have the balls to show up here in person. A decoy? Really Rick? A fucking decoy?" I snapped my fingers and shattered the thing into a million pieces and vaporized it, grabbing the decoy chip from its brain.

"Guess being a deadbeat is second nature to you, isn't it Rick? You could have revived your wife and daughter. Even just trying would have been enough. But you gave up. Unlike me."

"Yeah, I know. I'm painfully aware of your utterly braindead attempts to revive your wife and your -burp- harebrained schemes. I had to suffer through those logs to get here." A grating voice came from the chip.

"Well, all that suffering wasn't for nothing, now was it? After all, now you can die, once and for all. Now where's the real you?" I followed the signal from the chip to another dimension neighboring the nexus of the citadel, just on the periphery of what was once the central finite curve. A place where he had set up a lab I couldn't just destroy by collapsing the dimension itself. I did it anyway. And set up a field around it to prevent any and all escaoe as well before I teleported in. He's not escaping this time.

Time to undo the mistake I once made.

I tore a path through reality, a portal to the nexus and walked through, crushing the chip in my hand as I came upon a zone completely shut off from divine power via reality anchors. So many goddamn reality anchors.

I sighed.

I can do this the old fashioned way, I guess.

I walked in to see Rick standing at the end, triumphant, a sci-fi rifle in his hand.

I pulled out my own standard issue laser pistol, as we entered a standoff.

cowboy music played on theme from the system he had installed into his new lab and the air hung thick with suspense as he took a sip of his mega seed juice emptying it. He threw it into the air as we looked at each and no words needed to be said. The flask sailed through the air for a second before plummeting to the ground.

As it crossed my eye level, suddenly a pulse of energy rippled out from a desk behind me, shorting my forcefield. It flickered in and out before shattering completely.

And the flask dropped to the floor clinking as it slid on the metallic panelling.

Shots rang out. And a body hit the floor. Rick's body.

I walked over to him, clutching my arm where his shot had glanced me.

He was half dead already, a quarter of his brains completely melted and vaporized while the other three quarters was boiling in it's own marrow from the heat of the shot.

"What was the point of this Rick?" I asked coldly, "Why come after me? You weren't going to win this you know?" I jacked into his systems and

"Heh." He snorted, "I'll be back. This was just a test run. I'll-"

"No you won't. You'll stay dead. And this time I'll make sure you never get back up again. I'll even wipe you from existence." I jacked into his systems and bypassed the ship's security, awakening the true body, sending a message along with this location.

'Wipe Rick C-137 out. End all possible existences of him across the multiverse.'

The bots on the ship should be delivering the divinities to him even as I sent it over. With them in hand, I could truly do it now.

"Will you?" He chuckled.

"Enough with the mind games. You have no ploy left. My shot burst through all of your control chips. And I deactivated your doomsday devices and psychic viruses."

"But did you catch the self-replicating fifth dimensional decay-protomolecule I hid inside them?" He noticed the surprised look on my face and smiled, "This was also a distraction."

"For the decay protomolecules you hid in the psychic contagion? Yeah. I know."

A decay protomolecule. A higher dimensional cellular organism that can be theoretically programmed to achieve some minor tasks as an autonomous drone. But by selecting one. From a world where the concepts had all turned to decay, a world so dead, even death had died twice over, he created a force of higher dimensional destruction. A miniature dimensional strike that spreads like a zombie virus, infecting whatever it touches. It was one of the few things that could cause chaos on a multiversal scale.

I sighed.

What else could I expect from him?

I knew from his memories that he had stagnated for a couple centuries and at this point he was just testing out all his kooky theories with Morty that he didn't bother testing before, like the ionic defibulizer that killed a version of him in Rick Potion #9.

To think he was still able to invent something completely new, I was almost impressed.

Though, it'd need a clean up before the plan proceeded, it was no problem.

"I must ask though..." I laughed, "You'd rather put the multiverse at risk for a futile attempt at revenge than just live your life peacefully?"

"The multiverse is infinite. It'd never spread through the multiverse fast enough to matter." He coughed as his implants sparked, tasing him in his dying throes.

"Not to you, you nihilistic, suicidal bastard." I shook my head, "Say have you played cookie clicker?"

"I don't -burp- waste my time with games meant to keep 40 year old single moms occupied like the mindless drones they are."

"Well, in that game, if you make enough cookie enterprises, there comes a point of time when the number of cookies fill up the infinite universe faster than it can expand. And soon... "

"Is there as tsszt!" He hissed as another implant of his burst, blowing a hole in his stomach, "Rest stop between here and the fucking point."

"I was getting to it. And if you keep blowing up your implants in futile escape attempts, you won't survive to get to it."

"That's the plan." He snarked.

"Very well. The point is, Rick. At some point this weapon you've created will reach your worlds. The ones that made up the central finite curve before it, y'know, blew up."

"Did I mention how few fucks I give about it? Here, let me check my pocket for a fuck to give-"

"Oh I know you don't care about the world. But you do care about the Smiths. Morty, Summer. Beth."

"There are infini-"

"Infinite versions. You can jump to another version, anytime you want. And yet the fact that out of all places you can go, you choose them more often than not."

"Guilt tripping me won't work. You're using Walmart coupons at a Target." He coughed up blood.

"No. I just wanted you to realise what you had done."

"I socked it to you is what I've done."

"Intellectually you recognise that. The same way a fat man recognises he needs to exercise if he doesn't want to die of a heart attack at 30. But neither he nor you truly understand it until it hits you where it hurts." I projected a holoscreen showing a portal opening over billions of Smiths households in the former central finite curve, as chunks of debris with the protomolecules rained down on them."

I could see his eyes flicker ever so slightly as he held back his horror and tears.

"That's what I wanted you to know. I wanted you to feel it before you go." I smiled, as he gave me a cold glare, trying to hide his feelings.

It didn't matter to me at this point though.

I leveled a gun at him and blew the last vestiges of his implants keeping him alive.

One by one, I walked around and manually deactivated the reality anchors, back-up plans and safety procedures he had set up to save his life. Combined with my barrier that I had set up before entering here, he wasn't going to escape. But just in case I planned on having the ascendant true body wipe out all quantum probabilities of his existence from the multiverse.

Finally, once I had rigged his lab for destruction and checked everything, I turned back to him.

With a swipe of my hand, my divine power swept over his corpse wiping him out once an for all.

Returning to the ship, I set a dimensional strike on each of the billions of universes that I had just doomed with the decay protomolecules and collapsed them. Better they die than become a problem and threaten the multiverse later on.

With that finished, I stretched, my joints cracking with a satisfying pop.

"Is Rick dealt with?" I asked as a presence loomed behind me. I could feel the extreme amount of reality wafting off of him. Thousands of divinities, both the Marvel and Magicians ones. Truly beyond monstrous.

"Yeah." The true body replied.

I gulped thickly.

"Are you going to absorb me now or..."

There was a moment of silence as he considered it.

"You can work on the Tortus multiversal cluster for now." He replied.

I nodded.


"Don't mention it." He patted my shoulder, "Let's end this. It's been too long."

He sounded tired. I could understand.

Sympathize even. It had been too long.

A plan nearly a decade in the making. And now... it was time.

"Let's." I smiled, "Ragnarok awaits."


Rick is dead. Long live Rick.

Finally, the true body of Jay is awake.

The final arc nears the end.

This wasn't a Rick is awesome chapter as I originally meant it to be. This was a MC has grown since he met Rick. Since chapter 1.

Also Rick didn't pull unexpected shit andc didn't make any stupid mistakes or oversights as you dear readers advised.

So tell, me what do you think?

Was it decent at least?

I'm not rewriting it either way but your opinions would be nice.

Thanks for reading, my dudes. It means a lot to me that you guys have stuck to the fic till the end.

Just a few more chapters.

Till then see ya.

Extra chapter at 200 powerstones.