
Golden Girl

I returned back home and made a beeline for the workshop where Saraswati's battered body floated in a nano fluid tank.

"Damn. That's a lot of damage." I said, examining the cracks in her skin and the damage to her skull and spine.

"Saraswati." I reached out into the ships system, "Saraswati, my cute little baby, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

But there was no answer and my power was forcefully expelled from the system.

It stung, like a slap to the face as I could make out one singular concept.


"Computer, open a channel to Saraswati." I ordered.

But once more there was no response.

"Computer!" I repeated, whent he screens suddenly lit up with Saraswati's face.

"Go away!" She said.

Well shit.

"Saraswati? Did you subsume the A.I.?"

She frowned and looked away.

Oh she definitely ate up the A.I.!

No doubt about it.

And that means she probably saw my plans.

No wonder she's pissed.

"Saraswati.... I'm sorry."

"I'm not talking to you, Papa! I know your plans! I'm angry!" She said, puffing up her face.

"C'mon.....you know I care about you. If you saw the plans then you know I never meant for you to get hurt. I love my kids. And that includes you too, Saraswati." I assured her, reinjectzing my power into the system.

This time it gave way. She seemed to relax a bit.

"You're not hurt are you? Talk to me, please." I coaxed her.

"...no. I am not hurt." Her expression softened, "But I'm still angry. You knew I couldn't stand up to him. And you still sent me to him! For 5 minutes!"

"I didn't think he'd be this strong. You saw the movies right? He's not that strong in them. C'mon.... I'm sorry." I said, sending the concept of 'care' and 'worry' through the system to her, showing her how much I loved her.

Finally, she gave in.

"I'll accept your apology. If you make my body good again. And I get to sleep in Papa's bed today!" She bargained.

I stroked my chin and appeared to think hard on it before relenting.

"Alright. Deal. But I want you to be hinest with me first. Are you really fine? His energy didn't hurt your consciousness right?" I asked.

Her body was going to be fine. She had already dulled neuro sensors that could turn off immediately once the pain threshold or damage threshold reached a certain point.

So aside from not feeling as much pain as a normal person she was also equipped with a remote shut off feature if it got too much for her.

Which is why my biggest worry was the possible damage to her conciousness from the Power Cosmic.

"I don't know....I just woke up in the ship again and felt very, very hungry.

Then after I ate the Mister Computer I felt so much better!" She explained.

I see now.

So there was damage to her consciousness after all.

I'll need to scan her and see how bad it was and the possible effects ot can have. As for the rest....

"I'm glad. I was so worried you'd be surprised. I know you think I don't care about you as much as the others. But I really do, okay? So don't you dare doubt it ever again!" I said, caressing her with my technokinesis, as she smiled happily.

"I know. I love Papa too." She said, as the screen flickered with yellows and greens flashing like a disco ball.

"Okay. But with Mister Computer gone, what happened to his files? All the data he had stored in him?" I asked.

"I have it! All of it, inside my head! She replied.

"Do you want a file? I can get it for Papa!"

"Actually yeah. Can you bring up the files on all the mystic artifacts I noted down earlier and their current locations. And send some droids to retrieve them. Leave the Darkhold though. I intend for it to be a final exam for Wanda."

"Done." She replied.

"Good. Now there's only one problem. With Mr. Computer gone, I'll need someone else to do the work he took care of. Since you ate him, can I rely on you to do it for me Saraswati? Will you help Papa with his research?"

"Yes! Yesyesyes! I would love to!" She jumped in joy.

"That's great. But you know what that means. You'll need to stay in the ship most of the time. Do you understand?"

Suddenly her mood soured.

"But you promised!" She complained.

"Not today. Today you can sleep in my bed. But from tomorrow onwards, I need you to stay in the ship and help around with the chores, okay?"

"Okay...." She said, dejected.

"Hey! Hey. Listen. Just because you have to stay in the ship doesn't mean you can't be in you human form. It just means you can't go out of the ship for a while. So don't be so sad." I explained.

"Oh! That's right! Papa's so smart!"

"Damn right I a-...ahehem." I caught myself, and course corrected.

"What I mean is, you'll be as smart as Papa too once you get used to the new processing power you have from Mr. Computer, in no time flat!"


"Of course. Would I lie to you?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes you would." She replied.

"Oh ye of little faith." I swept back into my chair and spun around defeatedly.

"Hehehehe." She giggled, her voice echoing across the room from the speaker in a truly creepy way.

Yeah. Having a ship as a daughter is fucking weird.

And goddamn dangerous given her infantile temper.

A little more socialization is definitely needed at this stage.....

Maybe I'll just transfer her conciousness permanently to the android once it's powerful enough.

And then, Dr. Wong can deal with the aftermath.

Yup. It's decided then.

I turned around and focused on the nano fluid tank as my new nano swarm got to work on her body.

I was already drawing up plans in my mind for her new body.

A two foot frame just wasn't going to cut it.

It needs to be at least four feet.

And the skin...it needs a double lining of reinforced vibranium alloy.

Broader shoudlers for better combat efficiency too.

Maybe a secondary healing reserve of nanobots inside her gut. Or butt.

Or both.

Maybe the hair can have more uses than their current sensory purposes too.

Monomolecular hair saws?

Microscopic needles?

We'll see.....

And with that I got to work, stripping the outer layer of nanobot linkages that formed her skin.

My internal mesh dug into her skin and worked it's way up and down her body, inducing dissolution in them with a swift and effective shock.

The golden skin fell apart like sand, revealing the metallic interior.

Immediately, I began to separate the modular attachements and the pieces that were still intacts along with a backup power generator and any other pieces that my nano swarm hadn't already surgically removed, before the entire deformed outer chassis was all that was left.

Putting it through the photonic beam filters again and again, I wore out the printed and psychic circuitry and the damaged polarity plating from it, making way for the next step.

With a grunt, I heaved the mass onto my shoulders and dumped it into the cosmic forge.

And since I wanted increase the size of her new body, I added in some more Uru and Vibranium alongside it, to make up for the remaining weight.

The miniature sun dwarf star that acted as the forge's fuel burned bright, melting the chassis almost immediately.

Within seconds all that was left of her body was a molten mass of alloys.

Activating the hard light conveyer belt, I dragged the melt out of the forge and through a density field, separating the alloys, from Uru to Vibranium apart at a molecular level, to prevent any impurities or undesirable alloy mixtures from forming.

Then bringing them into the gravitron press, I began to code in the instructions as gravity fields warped the insides of the press chamber to my specifications, shaping the metals with the help of gravitational forces into the desired modules.

Once the different modules of her body were reshaped, I quenched them all in a mixture of magical spring water mixture amd my new energy absorbing Anu Mk. I nano swarm.

Why use spring water as a quench?

After all, usually, quenching is best done with specialized chemical cocktails tailor made for the procedures.

The reason for that was Uru.

Due to the nature of Uru and it's fantastic but volatile conductive power for cosmic forces, when it shifts between stable energy states at a fast pace, especially in an environment where there is an imblance between energies inside the Uru and those outside it, Uru tends to discharge unreasonable amounts of energy in all directions, almost like a shockwave only radioactive.

Like what happened when Hela broke Thor's hammer.

This wasn't a problem in the forge and the gravitron press due to their high energy levels.

But outside that, it wasn't going to cut it.

The usual cocktail of oil and coolant quenches would've lit up the room in a storm of cosmic energy damaging certain sensitive devices in the workshop.

And I wasn't about to waste cosmic power on a quench.

At least not until I can get my nano swarm to passively absorb it from the atmosphere to replenish my reserves.

So came the easy solution. Magical spring water.

It has sufficient energy within it and wasn't a half bad quench.

And if any excess energy waves were released, my nano swarm would absorb them.

With that done, I directed the modules through a material projector and printed out a new base of circuitry onto the chassis as well as a subdermal mesh like my own, except made of Vibranium, to hold her body together better.

With that done I picked out the head off the body and sent it through once more, this time adding razor sharp hair made of adamantite onto it, with little microscopic magnetic gimbals at their base of the scalp, to move it.

Carefully, I picked up the head and placed it back with the rest of the finished parts, and inserted the laser eyes impants into the base of the eye socket.

Why? Because laser eyes are hecking cool!

From there it was as easy as one, two, three.

First, I put all the internal components back together and connected them to each other.

Then, I activated my shard power, letting loose a kaleidoscope of colours, spreading throughout the new chassis, and seeping into the components.

With a thought, they began to move on their own assembling themselves settling into their correct positions, sockets and niches.

After an enchantment to reinforce the components, I laid the chassis down in the golden pile of nanobots lying dormant on the workbench and raised a hand over them.

My subdermal mesh extended from my skin, like a spider's web, digging into the pile, energizing the nanobots back awake.

Then, with a snap of my fingers a beam shot out from a portal, zapping the pile as it began to magnetize and attach to the new body, forming the golden skin again, and the android hummed back to life, it's eyes glowing like flaming orbs in the dim lighting of the workshop, giving off a haze of light scattering like smoke from them.

That is so damn cool!

Finally, I pulled out a helmet from a portal and placed it onto the android's head and turned to Saraswati.

"Saraswati! Ready for transfer?" I asked.

"Yes, Papa."

"Alright. In three, two, one!" I flipped the switch on the helmet and the psychic circuitry printed on it began to glow faintly with a green sheen, as a pulse of energy zipped through the helmet and into the brain of the android, causing it to shiver and shake silently for a moment before it's eyes began to focus.

"...papa?" Came Saraswati's voice from the android, as it sat up straight.


"Thanks." She smiled, giving me a hug.

"No problem." I smiled back, patting her head with a forcefield covered hand, courtesy of her new razor sharp hair.

In hindsight, it was a bad choice.


Note to self. Invest in a pair of adamantium petting gloves.

And thus, was complete a new daughter.

Now I just have to get the infinity stones and ....wait a minute.

A thought occurs.

I separated from Saraswati and pulled up a holoscreen checking the date.

August 7th, 2012.

10:51 p.m.

Hmmm... It's been a while since I came to the MCU. A couple of two weeks cycles have passed.

Enough for Galatea to have caught at least a couple more of the remaining Endbringers.

And yet, ever since she deposited Behemoth and Leviathan over a month and a half ago, there's been not a peep from her?


Maybe I should go check that situation out first before I start preparing to leave the MCU.

And then, there's my deal with Odin too.

I am going to leave before Ragnarok happens so I might as well take care of Hela before I go.

I yawned.

Maybe tomorrow.

Yeah. Definitely tomorrow.

Today, I have another promise to keep.

I turned to Saraswati, and picked her up in my arms.

"Come, let's go to sleep. It's past your bedtime."


Alright guys. This was the last chapter with ship daughter.

Next time, MC revisits Worm for a bit and then Asgard to deal with Hela.

Till then, thanks for reading!

This was the extra chapter for 200 powerstones.

Next extra chaoter at 400 powerstones.

See ya and have a good night!

Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee at,
