

I snuck past the wall of palettes, hiding on the other side of the room, parallel to the two men hiding by the office wall, before leveling the laser pistol out straight at them and firing off a volley.

At this distance, and parallel to them, I didnt even need to aim as the shots caught them blind, sitting ducks.

The Haitian was the first to fall, his chocolate skin peppered with boils, his left hand missing from his shoudler, and both of his lungs nearly vaporized.

And he was lucky, because he died simply from the pain. Mr. Bennet however, wasn't quite as fortunate.

Now with the power negator dead, the trio could access their abilities once more, and at 3 to 1, they had the advantage.

Ted was the first to charge, his nuclear heat melting Noah's gun in his hands, which themsleves melted off, falling charred to the floor, meat and bone burnt clean off.

Yet Noah kept his mind steady, mouthing at most a guttural grunt, as he scampered backwards, leveraging of the wall to get to his feet.

"You aren't going anywhere, Bennet." Hana announced coldly, sliding into the corridor after him, before shooting his foot out from beneath him.

He fell again, this time for good.

Of course that didn't stop him. He had withstood telekinetic blasts, and psychic fires in his career and came out alive.

He wasn't one to give up. Even with one good leg, he crawled across the floor, dragging himself by the elbows, even as severe blood loss began to slow him down, and Ted caught up woth him.

"Let's just kill him already." Hana said, looking down at him in pity as he just smiled mockingly. That smile, even half a room away I could tell, was suspicious.

"No!" Parkman stopped her, "Let's not. We don't need to kill anyone yet."

"Yeah. Get the bandages. He's not dying easy. Not until he can remove those trackers from us. Otherwise these people will keep chasing us to the ends of the earth." Ted said, attempting to stem the blood flow with his shirt to no avail.

"That's not what I meant!" Parkman said, even though he still retrieved the emergency safety kit from the offices behind us.

"You won't escape." Noah laughed, coughing up blood, "Those trackers are impossible to remove. We will hunt you down. Like the animals you are."

I sighed.

At this rate, he was going to die. And while I didn't mind that, his death would only give me more options for the serum and more leverage on his daughter.

She was one of the sources of the catalyst that reduced the outward mutations caused by the serum after all.

If I could my hands on her, or her blood more specifically, the easier the better.

And no one's easier than girls with daddy issues and she had a twofer on that. Both her fathers were secretive assholes. Noah was a manhunting secret agent and murderer, while her bio-dad was a lying, cheating, distant shmuck on the best of days.

Man, characters in stories really have some fucked up family dynamics huh?

I mean I would've just cut my losses with dad's like those, but Claire? Oh no. She just jumped from bad boy to

bad boy, until one got her pregnant, killed and nearly caused the end of the world in the final season.

Back on track though, it was the trackers that were a concern for me, given I wanted to use Hana to forge a fake ID for me.

Emerging from the palettes, I walked over holstering my laser pistol, as Hana turned to me.

"And you said you were a poor shot."

"Well, everyone's entitled to their secrets, aren't they?" I said, patting her back, as I moved to treat his injuries.

"Try to keep conscious now, Mr. Bennet. I still have questions for you."

"Who...who are you?" He asked beneath labored breaths, "I don't remember tagging you."

"Because you didn't." I said, bandaging his leg, "But I'm sure you remember this."

I pulled out the virus vial from my pocket.

"The Shanti Virus!" He exclaimed, eyes wide, "I don't know who you are or what you want with it, but that is not something you want play with. This can kill everyone you know and love. Please..."

"Oh it already did, Mr. Bennet. All of them. My brother died in my arms, begging for his life." I said, spinning a tale, "All because you and the company released this virus onto the world. 95 percent of all people died. You people wanted to rule the world so much, you didn't care if you had to step over the bodies of children to do it."

"You're a time traveler!" Noah gasped in shock.

"Yes. From a time where your company blew up New York and released this virus when the public came close to finding out about it. You sick fucks will do anything to keep your power, even if it means committing genocide. So now, I want you to have a taste of your own medicine. You'll die here today, and the world will be safe, when I destroy this virus." I said, acting angry, "But before that, I want to know. Where is the tracking system located? Where is the Walker system?"

At the mention of the word he began to shake visibly, as he asked.

"How do you know about the Walker system?"

"Just answer him!" Ted interjected, smacking him in the head with the butt of his shotgun.

"Go to hell!" Noah replied, biting down on his tongue, severing it, as he bled out to his death.

Noah Bennet. Bastard. Murderer. And Loyal Dog of the company till the very end.

"Dammit!" Ted cried, kicking the body over and over again as sirens rang outside facility.

The fire department was here.

"Ted, let him go." We need to get out of here." I said, as Hana peeked out the windows.

"The police is here too!" She cried, running past us.

Folowing her lead, we ran too, rushing out the fire exit, out back, and to the valley below before the firefighters broke in.

In the valley, we found a quiet place to hide and catch a breath in the shade before planning our next move.

"What do we do now?" Ted asked, as Parkman sulked in the corner, miserable about the death he had caused.

"You escape. You do have an escape plan don't you?" I said.

Hana nodded.

"We have a car hidden in the valley half a mile that way. You can come with us of you want."

"No. I'll distract the police, while you guys escape. Meet me in New York next week. We will find the tracking system there. You remember my radio signature, right?"

"Yes." Hana replied, "But how will you escape pursuit?"

"I have my ways." I said, getting up, handing Ted the vial, "You need to destroy it with your power before you go."

With that I left them to their devices, retracing our escape path to the vicinity of the facility, and saw the police covering the area.


I took a detour, hiding the portal gun near the oil mills before walking over to the factory from the roadside, in clear view of everyone.

The police reacted immediately, pulling out their guns.

"Hand where I can see them!" An officer shouted.

Immediately, I raised my hands and stopped in my tracks acting confused.

"What's the matter officer?" I asked.

"You got any guns?" He questioned, ignoring my question.

"...no? Why?" I said, "I am just here for a job interview."

"A job interview?" He repeated, "What job?"

"He didn't say. He just said, come on over to the paper company tomorrow. I'll set you up with a job." I replied, with an african accent.

"Who told you that?" The officer asked.

"Rene. He's a friend. Met him at the bar yesterday. You know how it be, right. You get a couple drinks and just spill the beans to any random guy you meet. Well this guy, Rene, he was a real good listener. I mean not a word outta his mouth the whole time. Then when I'm done he just pulls out a notepad and wrotes it down for me. Come meet him here, at the paper company, and he'll help me get a job. Real angel man." I replied.

"Does anyone know a Rene around here?" The officer turned to the employees and asked.

When no one answered with more than a shrug, he looked back at me suspicious.

"Really? You don't know any Rene? Tall haitian guy? Mute? About ye high?" I gestured, when one of the employees perked up.

"Oh that guy. Yeah, he's the secretary. I just didn't know his name." She said, causing the officer to relax.

"Yeah see." I pointed out, "Where is he? Can I talk to him?"

That brought down the mood as a stretcher was rolled out and the girl looked at it in schadenfraude.

The officer getting the message gestured at the stretcher, and patted my back sympathetically.

"Sorry for your loss."

"I see." I said, eyes downcast, "He was a good man. Truly few of those left around."

"Yes." The officer replied.

"How did this happen? If you can tell me?" I asked.

"Burglars, we suspect." He said, You wouldn't have happened to see them on your way here, would you?"

"Burglars? Were they in a white van? Because I saw some guys get in a van out that way and drive off in a rush." I said, pointing at the cliffs by the oil mills.

"Did they have guns?" He asked.

"One of them had a bag, and the other had this thing, like a fire extinguisher but with one of those small propane tanks."

The officers ears perked up at that and he pulled out his radio.

"We've got a tip. Perps heading northwest on Berkley road. Be careful of the flamethrower." He said, before turning to me, "Thanks for that. We'll bring 'em to justice son. Don't worry about it." He said, walking away.

I waited for a moment, till he was busy, before I walked off too, back to the oil mills, porting away.