

"Ha! Being a Saiyan feels great! I feel like I could just punch through a building, like I could run a thousand marathons!" My little brother hopped around like a rabbit as we returned, his tail flicking cutely behind him.

"Don't run inside the house, you'll break something." My mother scolded him as my kids laughed.

"I won't break anything. Besides, isn't everything here basically indestructible anyway?" He waved her concerns off.

"Doesn't mean you won't hurt yourself. You're not indestructible and my forcefields are built for 200 percent impact return. If you hit them, they'll hit back twice as strong." He froze in place at that, as his expression changed from joy to fear in an instant eliciting a laugh from me.

"Don't worry. I'll give you bypass authority later when I register ypu on the ship's log." I said when I remembered something, "Which reminds me, say, Ma, Pa, do you want to be immortal?"

"What?" My father asked. They looked confused, so I explained.

"Now that I am a god, I will live forever. I would hate to see you die before you get to see your grandkids and their grandkids grow up. And I intend to make a very, very, very big family. So I figured it would be best for you to become immortal too. I mean, unless you don't want to? I'm okay with that too. I won't force it onto you or anything. I made that promise to myself. I wouldn't use my powers on you without your consent. But y'know, I don't want to lose any of you. Ever. Losing my first wife was enough of a reminder of mortality for me. I swore then that I'd never let anyone I love die again."

They thought it over for a second before my mother asked.

"Will it be permanent? What if we get tired of living? Will we be able to-" she hesitated to ask. I could understand.

Asking your son if he would kill you for your own sanity is distasteful to say the least.

I steeled myself and banished the thought.

"I can do anything Ma. Anything. I can make you live forever. I can make you want to live forever. I can make you comfortable with the ravages of time at a multiversal scale. And.... If you so want, someday, I can let you pass on peacefully into an afterlife I rule, be at peace forever. Together."

My mother teared up a bit and my father hugged her, nodding.

"Okay then. We will take the immortality."

"Thank you. So much." I hugged them both, "I don't know what I'd have done if you had refused."

My father patted my back.

"Silly boy. Why would we ever leave you all alone if we could help it?"

"Un." I nodded, hugging them tighter.

"I want immortality too? But spare me the hugs." My little brother said from the side with a cheeky smile as my mother smacked him on the shoulder.

"Such an ungrateful little brat." My mother huffed, but I could see that the small smile never left her face.

"Now then, I'll go deal with a couple of chores. Bring back some more daughters and grandchildren for you, as promised. Make amends. Meanwhile, could you help Wanda plan the wedding?" I asked.

"Of course!" My mother's face shone with energy as she perked up.

"I'd be glad to have mother's help." Wanda replied.

"Wedding. Finally!" Yue chirped with glee as she wrapped her hands around me making adorable Yue noises.

"Jay is the best." She buried her face in my chest, nuzzling in.

"And don't you forget it. Now go. I'll get everything else done and come back.

I smiled warmly as I ran my hand through her hair, kissed her and Wanda goodbye before I opened a portal and disappeared into it.

Slowly and steadily, I gathered up all the kids, girlfriends and one-night stands I had had and checked up on them with the offer my mother gave me. If they bore my kids, I'd take them with me. If they so chose, the women could marry me and come be with me on the ship. And if not, I'd take care of them either way and be a dad to the kids. From Naruto to the many dimensions of Rick and Morty, I made my rounds, and said my piece before until finally, it was time for one world in particular.

Star Wars.

It had been six, going on seven years now since I had left this place and left an android to be with Ahsoka and keep hold of the galaxy. Well seven years for me. I used my divine powers to time travel back to the day I left the Star Wars world for the last time, some two weeks after my fateful night woth Ahsoka. Dispatching the android my stupid, immature past self left behind as a consolation prize was the easy part. It never even made it to Ahsoka's doorstep before I repurposed it and sent it back to the ship.

The hard part was mustering up the courage to knock on the door. I paced around at the edge of the porch, a sinking feeling growing in my stomach as I contemplated the best strategy for it. I didn't want to use the geass to find out because I preferred to face my mistakes on my own, but the anxiety was giving me second thoughts.

Of course, that was till the door slammed open and Ahsoka marched out in a huff.

"You can face General Grevious alone for me, but you can't just walk up and talk to me?" She asked, annoyed at my indecision.

"I just...." I went to rely on my old crutch of sarcasm but decided against it when I saw her face.

Honesty it is. She'd appreciate it more, given her personality.

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes.

"I honestly don't know what to say. I feel like an absolute idiot. I...."

"Left me feeling like a twilek hooker after I gave you my all?"

"No, I mean yes, but not like- ugh!"

She giggled at my dilemma, her laughter was like a melody, and her lekku twitched cutely in the wind.

"You saved me from my miserable, pathetic state of mind. You reminded me of what was most important. And you dragged me back from the lowest point in my life. And I... I'm ashamed of myself for leaving you. All this time I have felt shame and guilt at my cowardice. I thought you deserved better and that I wasn't good for you-"

"I wanted you, Jay. I have always wanted you." She grabbed my hands, and pulled me closer, her eyes full of love. Love I didn't deserve.

I averted my eyes from the pure look like it was sunlight to a vampire.

But Ahsoka grabbed my face with both her hands and turned it to face her.

"No more pussyfooting. Just say it already, you stupid, stupid, idiot. You think too much!" She pouted.

I nodded.

"I completely ignored what you wanted. I should've....I should've never left. And Ahsoka, I am so, so sorry for that. But if you'll give me another chance, I promise, I will do my best to be a good partner to you. And if you want....a good husband too."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She smirked playfully.

I smiled.

"Ahsoka, I love you. And I was blind to not see how you felt. And now that I see you...again, I can't help but want to kick my past self in the nuts..." She giggled and I pulled her closer, wrapping my arms around her, ".... for ignoring the treasure he had in his hands. I'm an idiot. And I know you might just say no but-"

She kissed me deeply before I even finished my sentence, putting me in a trance and I could feel my heart skip a beat as I turned to mush in her arms.

It was like a rush of cold water then when she pulled away.

"Will you marry me Ahsoka? Yes, I will." She did a mock little skit, "That's all you had to say, idiot. But you just went on and on and ugh. So many unnecessary words."

I gave her a cheeky grin and granted her wish.

"Will you marry me, Ahsoka?" I asked.

She sighed and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Jay. Yes, I will. Someone has to look out for you or you'll overthink yourself into an early grave. Not to mention, I promised Offee I'd never leave you alone. She knew how lonely you get." She drew circles on ym chest with her fingers flirtatiously.

"Yeah about that....I have a little confession to make."

"Aside from the one you just did?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. The thing about that is..... I might have been gone for slightly longer than two weeks now."

"Like three weeks?" She asked, confused.

"More like seven years." I dropped the bomb.

She let out a shocked eep and frowned.

"You have a lot to explain, mister."

"That I do."

"That sounds like a conversation best had inside and not on my front porch." Anakin said leaning out the window.

"Why don't you come in for some tea?"

"If you don't mind."

"Don't be a stranger. You're one of three friends I have. You could break in in the middle of the night and I wouldn't mind it."

"Oh don't tempt me Skywalker." I chuckled as Padme picnhed his cheeks.

"Don't give him any new ideas. Have you forgotten the present he gave us for Luke and Leia's first birthday? Nearly scared me to death."

"It was just a toy." I defended myself.

"A toy nanite implant." She gave me a no nonsense look.

"Rated for kids 0 and above." I said in an announcer voice, "Completely safe. It would've protected them from getting hurt."

"I am not going to debate the ethics of modding my infant children Jay."

"It would have been so cool!" Anakin lamented, "It even turned into an self-cleaning battle suit."

"No means no, Annie." She laid down the law.

"Alright. Your kids, your rules." I gave in.

"Now come in, don't just stand there. Tell me all about this confession of yours."

"Oh, right. But befire that, as is tradition, I must ask the father of the bride for her hand." I turned to Anakin and he gave me a smug grin.

Ahsoka smiled as I wrapped an arms around her waist and puleld her close.

"So, Papa Anakin. I would like ask for your padawan's hand in marriage. Will you give us your blessing?"

"Now I don't know....You seem like the bad boy type." He smirked, "How can I be sure you'll take care of our adorable little Ahsoka here."

"Well, since I'm such a bad boy, if you refuse, maybe I'll just kidnap our adorable little Ahsoka and steal her away anyway~" I swept Ahsoka off her feet and into a princess carry as I nibbled playfully at her lekku, causing her to squeak cutely. She blushed furiously as she nuzzled into my neck.

"When you put it that way, I have no choice but to say..." He purposely dragged it out, "Maybe."

"Master!" Ahsoka pouted as we all laughed.

"Let's talk inside, son-in-law~" Anakin teased with a smug grin.

"Of course, father-in-law!" I played along.


"So you're a god now?" Anakin asked, putting down his coffee cup.


"And you came back after all this time, with five wives-"


"Six wives. And you still want Ahsoka."

"I love her. I truly do." I looked at her, as she sat in thought, "And I will respect her decision. If she doesn't want to-"

"I didn't say that." Ahsoka stepped in.

"I know. But if you-"

"I won't." She insisted.

"Are you sure?" Anakin asked.

"You haven't given up trying to revive Offee have you?" She asked.

"No. Never."

"Then I will marry you."

"But Ahsoka he- What if he throws you away for some other woman?"

"I know what you mean master. But don't worry. He won't throw me away. He hasn't given up on Offee. That's proof enough for me. Besides, if he was the type to do that, why would he have six wives?"

Anakin fell silent but he was still conflicted.

"Anakin, it's normal for men to have many wives." Padme said, "Even as queen, I had quite a few consorts. Every queen does. It's perfectly fine."

"I don't- Wait, you had consorts?" He raised an eyebrow.

She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"A topic for a different time, Annie."

"Okay, maybe."

Finally, I spoke.

"Anakin, you know me. We're friends."

"I don't feel like I know you at all, Jay. And don't get me wrong. I still think of you as a friend but...this is too much to take in at a time."

"I get it. Take your time, Anakin. Just remember, I am your friend. And Ahsoka's too. I am marrying my best friend. Why would I ever hurt her in any way? On purpose?"

Anakin relaxed.

"I guess you are right. Just...if you make her cry, I will come for you." He warned.

"Now you're talking like a real father-in-law." I smiled.

His expression softened.

"It's good to have you back, Jay."

"Same here, Anakin." I gave him a hug, "Same here."

"So when is the wedding?"

"Soon. Very soon. My mother is planning it already. You should get your invitations within the week."

"So soon? I'll have to go clothes shopping!" Padme gasped.

"Didn't you already get a new dress last week?" Anakin asked.

"It's for you. You're not wearing that same royal blue set for the fifth time. It's dreadful."

"It's perfectly fine."

"And that's the problem. You are the princess consort. You should look better than just fine. You too Ahsoka. We'll need to get you the finest bridal gown in the galaxy!"

"Alright. I'll leave you guys to it then." I got up to leave.

"Wait, what?" Ahsoka grabbed my hand, "You're leaving so soon?"

I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"I have a few things to do. Mistakes to correct. I'll be back later." I said, before coming closer.

"And this time I'll show you a loving you won't forget." I grabbed her butt and gave it a soft squeeze, as she shivered happily.

"I'll be waiting." She kissed me again as I teleported away.


Nine years ago

Outside a small town in Nebraska.

A portal opened up in a snowstorm as three figures, two children and one man walked out.

"Just a little further. I'll explain everything once we get someplace warm to stay for the night." The man said.

The kids nodded, and turned to look at the town when two drones appeared above them and turned them to ash.

"Sorry, kids. But I can't take any chances. I'm sorry." He muttered and walked away.

Once he was out of the picture, everything came to a screeching halt as time froze.

I stepped out from a crack in space and snapped my fingers. The ashes began to sizzle and time flew backwards as the ashes turned back into kids, tiny and shivering.

They looked up at me as I patted their heads, putting them to sleep before they could ask anything.

"I'm sorry for all that has happened, Micah, Molly. But I really couldn't afford to take any chances back then. Don't worry, I'll make sure you live good, full lives. Consider it repentance."

Wiping their memories and powers, I changed their appearances and sent them to a foster home run by a kindly old couple, along with the appropriate documents. A few more tweaks to some minds and they had a loving home for the rest of their lives.

I smiled as I watched them be accepted into the house and disappeared.


5 years ago.

Sokovia, MCU

"Here we are." I said as we walked through the battlefield frozen in time.

"And there's my idiot brother. Always has to play the hero." Wanda pointed at Pietro frozen mid-air, the explosion inches from his face.

"Well then. Heroes deserve happy endings too, don't they?" I flicked my wrist and pulled. The space around Pietro distirted and he appeared in my hands.

"Wh-What? I was just-" He turned around to see the explosion and the world in turn frozen.

"What's happening?" He aasked when Wanda pulled him into a tearful hug.

"Sis? Are you okay? This feels weird-ow!" She chopped him on the head.

"What were you thinking, sacrificing yourself like this? Are you mad? Did you even think how I would feel when I have to bury an empty casket?" Wanda asked barely holding back her tears.

I put an arm around her, and patted her head.

"Sorry, Sis, I wasn't thinking anything. I just-I don't know." He scratched his head awkwardly.

"That's your problem. You're the total opposite of Jay. He overthinks everything and you don't think anything through. I'm surrounded by idiots." Wanda huffed cutely and I couldn't help but kiss her.

"Think of your sister too, Pietro. Your nephews and neices. Do you want to see Star sad?"

"No, never. Star is-wait, you're married?" His face lit up.

I raised a hand and showed him our wedding bands.

"Congratulations. I always knew you'd get along together!" He smiled and gave me a bear hug.

"Should I call your brother-in-law now boss?"

"You can call me whatever you like."

"Okay then, Mr. Fluffles." He smirked.

"You nearly died and you still have the audacity to give cheek you little shit." I pinched his cheeks.

"Come, you're late for our wedding."

"3 years too late." Wanda smiled.

"Wait what about them?" He asked pointing at the others in the building.

"They'll be fine. You saved them, our dear Mr. Hero. They'll remember you fondly. Now chop chop. We're already late for the wedding. Let's go! You're your sisters only family. You have to give her away."

"Sure thing boss. Wouldn't miss this for the world." He smiled happily as he followed us into a portal back to the wedding reception.


With that, I returned to my own time, had my wedding and prepared to spend the next 14 years in the Magicians multiverse slowly consuming the old gods while my clones took over the rest of the omniverse with my super tech.

I finished and put down my diary, storing it away in the pocket dimension I had made for my path through omniverse, isolating my existence and history into a secure section of the void where no one except me would be able to reach it. I watched as the beautiful aurora borealis lit up the sky and the door to that section of the omniverse closed. Now that my history was secure and my native omniverse was fully conquered, I could ascend to the Beyond safely.

The Beyond. The realm which is literally beyond the Omniverse. The higher space which contains all omniverses. I had just finished conquering my own Omniverse. There were an infinite number of omniverses more in the Beyond. And there were it's inhabitants, The Great Old Ones, Horrorterrors, Eldritch Existences beyond comprehension and scale, their power unmatched, their influence unrivalled, their age immeasurable.

And today, 23 years into my foray out of my world, I am finally going to ascend.

At 42, I didn't expect to look so old, and by all means, as an immortal, I shouldn't look this old, but turns out my greater divinity subconsciously shapeshifts me to look like what my internal image of myself is. And the stress of hundreds of thousands of wives and kids and just the journey it took to get here have greyed my hairs already. But how can I resist pumping out more kids when there are cuties like Akeno Himejima, Esdeath and Boa Hancock. She even has cock in her name.

Man I had like 300 kids with her. Started a whole new kuja tribe. And then there were the 1000 plus Wandas and Yues floating around.

Ah, good times.

At least I look like a very, very handsome silver fox, so points for that.

I looked down from the platform at the vast expanse of the void where my positively huge family floated around in space. Wives from all around the omniverse, those that married my clones and the kids I had with them. I felt an unbelievable warmth and happiness looking at them, even as I floated in the cold, featureless void.

Mine. All mine.

My precious little babies.

I was giddy with happiness. This was beyond anything I could have expected, but when you let a super A.I. work it's way through an logarithmic growth algorithm with theoretically infinite resources, the omniverse becomes your bitch in record time. Now I wonder if I can speedrun my way to Superreality, the pinnacle of all things, existent and non-existent, real and imaginary, the highest level of "reality" to exist?

By my estimates, it should take another 6.9 millions years before I surpass everything to ever exist and not exist.

This was beyond a dream come true.

At this point, all that is left is to revive Offee.

Now that I have conquered the omniverse, nothing can take her from me. It's finally safe to save her.

"That's a sloppy ending if I have ever seen one." Wanda said.

"The author is clearly out of ideas. What can I say?" I laughed.

"Honestly, if we had omniversal level weapons all along why did we have to do all this footwork?" Wanda asked as we finally got ready to ascend.

"Well, before I could ascend to the Beyond, this was the only omniverse I knew and could access. Not to mention I was no match for the absolute horrors of the Beyond. If I broke this omniverse with my weapons, where would we go? I don't have the coordinates to another omniverse. And even if I did, the eldritch super horrors of the Beyond would chew us and spit us out before we could even get to it. This was the better option." I shrugged.

Wanda sighed and Yue nodded in understanding.

"I still don't get why you haven't revived Offee these past 14 years?" Yue asked.

"I just didn't want to lose her again to something stupid. Figured I'd best be a force in the Beyond, be able to compete in the dark forest of that which lies outside the Omniverse before I bring her back."

"And you said you weren't paranoid anymore." Wanda teased.

Wanda and I had two kids, twin boys. She really doted on them, but that didn't mean she didn't help raise the other kids. She was a stellar mom to Luminara and Star. I could not have asked for a better wife. Well maybe except Offee. But I'm not comparing.

"I miss Offee. Can you at least make sure she ascends with us?" Yue said. She had gotten more open and vocal these past couple of years, and more responsible too, especially after we had our kids. Triplets too. She turned out to be a surprisingly good mother, despite my doubts about her lazy and childish nature. I was proud of her for it. I took her hand and kissed her forehead.

"Of course, honeybun. I was just about to send an incarnation over. She will ascend with us." I turned to the kids behind us, chatting with each other as they waited for me to initiate the process.

"Luminara?" I called out and my daughter appeared before me. She turned 18 last month. Ah, it's been so bloody long.

"Yes papa?"

"Wanna go save mommy Offee with me?"

"Can I?" Her face lit up.

"Of course. Come." I split off an incarnation of my self and opened a portal across space and time.


14 years later.

A hospital on Scipio.

Two hooded figures walked through the frozen halls, past the gossiping nurses and the smoking physicians.

A song hummed gently in the background almost as if it were following their footsteps.

Borrowed Time by Tennis.

It had taken a while to figure that out. And then the implications behind it.

They turned a corner and came to a stop before a door, the song increasing in intensity, ever so slightly as the first figure laid his hands on the niche in the door, pressing the button within.

The door slid open, to reveal her. Offee.

The woman he had loved.

"Stay here until I call." He whispered to the other, and got a nod in reply.


Offee saw the world freeze and thought.

It was time.

The end of her life was here.

But as the moment stretched out, she began to worry.

Was this death? Just a single moment of time stretched across eternity?

Or was this a delusion as the soon to be dead are won't to see?

Such thoughts though quickly left her, as she saw no point to them.

She had already accepted her fate. There was no point arguing anymore.

But still, she hummed her favourite song, as the boredom creeped in, even though she couldn't move her lips.

Another moment passed, and she thought she felt something, a wave of power filled with love washing over her, like those in the oceans of Naboo.

She had a soft spot for that memory.

The time spent at the beach.

Floating in the ocean, in a world of silence, just her and her beloved Jay.

His flustered face when her top washed away.

The cute blush he wore, despite having seen her form a thousand times over.

How he held her close, as he brought her out.

She was almost glad she didn't use the force to catch the floating top.

Wearing his oversized shirt, she remembered kissing him under the moonlight in the quiet night, the sands glowing purple with the bioluminescent microbes.

And she remembered, little Star, running over and piling on top of them, hugging them tight, crying about some nightmare he had had.

Memories she would never get to experience anymore.

Silent tears trailed down her face, as she struggled to keep calm.

She didn't want to die.

"I don't want to die!" She screamed in her mind, "Jay! Save me! I don't want to go! I don't want to be alone!"

And a single line resonated inside her mind.

"You won't."

She turned, ever so slightly, as much as the pain could allow her, and saw a hooded figure enter the room.

The song she had heard so long ago burst in with him too, gently so.

And now she knew where she had heard it.

She could feel something familiar about it, as it walked closer, and took a seat by her side, taking her hands in it's....no, she realized, as a small smile broke out on her face.

His hands.

And Offee knew. Everything was going to be alright. And not just because her body had stopped aching.

A foul smell broke out from her for a second as blood poured out of her stomach, disappearing into nothingness.

Then, he pinched his fingers and slowly pulled them apart, revealing a golden orb glowing, pulsing with a divine power, far outstripping the Mortis gods.

With the fingernail sized orb in his palm, he pressed it into her chest, and she gasped at the power that flowed through her, like a current, only instead of shocking her it felt like it was breathing new life into her.

She jerked, and gasped for breath, as a novel warmth spread across her body.

She was fine now. And she would be forevermore.

She knew that instinctively.

And she was happy.

Letting go of his hand, and she pulled back the robe, revealing a face wet with tears, a hint of greying hair, the scars of time peeking ever so slightly on his face. And all the more she knew.

It was her idiot. Back to save her.


She raised her hand, and caressed my face, her forefinger latching into my ear as her thumb wiped away my tears.

And like a flood my emotions overwhelmed me, memories of times past flashing through me, and old, long forgotten feeling bubbling up to the surface.

It was almost as if a hole had been filled in my heart with her kindly smile.

And I remembered what she really meant to me.

Something I had been lacking in my travels across the multiverse.

Something I had never once found again.

Not in Wanda, for she was to me an ideal, the power of dreams.

Not in Yue, for she was obsessive love and desire incarnate.

No. Offee was something more. Something so rare, the only other time I had felt it was when I lay broken and battered in the fen beyond Bree, and the comforting boom of the song of the Ainur came upon me.

Yes. That was the last and only time I had truly felt it since losing her.

The feeling of a rock in the middle of a thrashing river.

Of having a shoulder to cry on, in times of distress.

A pillar of support that would hold even as the world threatened to fall upon you.

Like a lakeside cabin filled with childhood mistakes and joys.

Someone to hold you tight and promise you not the world but just simple care and love.

A glue that held you together when all you wanted to do is break and fall apart.

A salve to your very soul.

Offee to me was the quiet comfort of home.

"Welcome back, dear." She said, and I couldn't hold back any longer.

Like a dam broken, I fell into choked sobs, my voice catching.

"I'm home." I cried, falling into her embrace.

Once I had calmed down, nuzzling into her bosom, I looked up at her, and couldn't help but smile infectiously.

This was my Offee.

My first love. Perfect in her imperfections. Just as she was.

She ran her hand through my hair, and smiled back.

And we were happy again.

"I'm sorry." I said, "I didn't come back. I should've been here in your last moments, by your side, not tinkering away like an idiot."

"But you are here." She assured, her deep blue eyes pulling me in.

"I suppose I am, huh? Still, I'm gonna give my past self a good whacking before we leave."

Offee giggled cutely, before she realized.

"We?" She asked.

"Oh right! There is someone here who wants to meet you." I said, as a satisfied grin spread on my face.

"Luminara! Come on in." I called out, as a second hooded figure ducked into the room smoothly, slowly walking up to the bed.

Offee looked confused, and raised an eyebrow at the visitor.

But the confusion washed away when they lifted their hood, addressing her.

"Hey mom." Luminara greeted her with a sad smile, and Offee gasped, shaking as she touched her stomach.

"Is she...is this true?" Offee asked.

"You must have felt it too, right?" I asked.

"Yes. But I wasn't sure. It could have been the dark side playing tricks on my mind."

"Well, it wasn't." I assured her.

Offee raised a hand to the grown woman that was her daughter and regret filled her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She said, caressing her daughter's face when another realization clicked.

"You named her Luminara?" Offee asked.

"Yup. Thought you'd like that." I replied.

Offee let out a tiny little squeal in appreciation.

"I think she likes it." Luminara said, looking at me, as she took her mother's hand in her own.

"And you don't have anything to be sorry about. Dad raised me well. He never let your memory be tarnished."

"Wait...just Jay?" She asked.

"Yes. You were dead, remember." Luminara explained.

"But you came here to save me, right?" Offee asked.

"Yes. But see the nature of time loops is such that I can't just save you and let it go. It could lead to an uncertainty where now, having you alive, I would never need to venture back in time to save you. And that won't end well. Besides, I couldn't risk losing you in a more permanent way. So I decided to become far, far more powerful, till no one could ever touch me or harm anyone I loved. Till I was sure I would never lose you again.

And for that to happen... Things must remain as they did, or the future could end up warping disastrously. You will need to remain the way I needed it to be for me to come back here and now. You will come with us." I said, twisting my hand as three jewels manifested within it.

Infinity stones. Reality, Time and Space.

I touched Offee and the gems lit up, creating another Offee in the air above her.

"While this shell, remains here to bear Luminara." I said.

"But Luminara is in my ...." She said, when I snapped my fingers and Offee's eyes went wide.

"Not anymore." I said, as Offee punched my chest, in anger.

"Why can't I bear her?" She asked.

"I want to be there to raise her. I don't want her to be alone." Offee said.

"I wasn't alone mom. Dad was with me. And big brother Star. And Mommy Wanda, and ..."

"Wait, mommy Wanda?" Offee asked, raising an eyebrow, at me.

"It's uh...a long story?" I said, when Offee pinched my ear.

"Ouchouchouch! Okay, I'm sorry!" I cried, "I thought you were fine with sharing?!"

"With Ahsoka! Not some Wanda whatever!" Offee whined.

"In my defense I was hurt, and I had just seen your body splatter all over the floor, and no matter how I used the infinity stones, I couldn't bring you back. I mean now I know why, but back then...I was broken, Offee. Wanda helped me out. Pulled me out of my depression. Showed me that I still had things to live for. Things like Luminara here. And Star. And you." I said, and Offee's expression softened.

She sighed.

"I suppose I'm fine with one or two more." She said, huffing.

"Where is this Wanda anyway?"

"About that..." I trailed off, and Luminara scratched her cheeks.

"Don't tell me she died too!" Offee asked, frowning.

"Well not died exactly....." I said.

"More like lost....." Luminara added.

"She likes exploration, its her hobby, but she's not very good with extradimensional navigation, so it tends to happen from time to time. She'll be fine, one of my incarnations is with her."

Offee raised an eyebrow.


"I ascended. To a higher plane. Now I'm an elder god, and so are you, at least will be soon, when we activate that elder god seed I put inside you. When that happens, reality becomes...fickle. If our true forms enter lower realities carelessly they'll pop like a soap bubble. So we usually send in a lower reality version of our true selves, like an incarnation, an avatar. This is an avatar too. Our whole family has ascended. And so will you. That way we can be together beyond the binds of 11th dimensional spacetime. Forever."

Offee looks utterly lost. I sighed.

"It's a long story. We're working on it." I assured her, "You'll know soon."

"I guess....And what about Ahsoka?" She asked, looking at her best friend by her bedside.

"That...I think I broke her heart but-" I replied, as Offee once again went for my ears.

"Okay okay....Just hear me out. It's fine now. I married her. I gave her all the love she deserved. I still do, actually. We even have seven kids. She's happy as can be! " I said, recoiling.

"She better be. You don't have time for Ahsoka but this Wanda, you do huh?" Offee asked, annoyed.

"Sheesh...What has you so riled up, Offee. You know you can talk to me, right?" I assured her, holding her hands, looking her in the eyes and her shoulders slumped down.

"I... don't know. I'm just scared. You have lived a full life. And .....and our daughter is already so big. And she had another mother. I ....missed so much. I'm scared I won't fit anymore.

With this gap, with other wives...." Offee shook in my arms, like a leaf in the wind.

"Shhhh...." I whispered, embracing her, "No matter what happens, Offee, you will always have the lion's share of my heart. I never stopped loving you, Offee and I never forgot. No matter what, remember. I will always love you. And we have forever, more than forever actually, to make new memories. And new kids. So many kids." I kissed her deeply as we lost ourselves into each other's embrace.

"You finally gave me the kiss that I asked for." She smiled.

"And only twenty years too late." I smiled back, lifting her chin with my fingers, pulling her into another.

"You know, I was actually afraid that you wouldn't want me, old as I am now, 42 and counting, with the grey hairs and small wrinkles... Actually, I am a god, so I don't really age, not since I was 24, so much as my divinity subtly shapeshifts my body changes to fit my image of myself but if you don't like this form I can-"

Offee suddenly grabbed me tight, and squeezed me hard.

"Don't! Don't ever say that! How dare you even think such a thing!" She scolded me, as we both came to the realization.

"We're both such idiots aren't we?" I said as Luminara giggled.

"You're my idiot though. And I am yours. That makes all the difference to me." Offee smiled brighter than the sun and I could feel my heart fill with warmth at her sight.

"Uhun!" I added, picking her up in my arms, like a princess.

"Let's go home." I said, and Offee blushed, nuzzling into my chest.

"Let's." She purred.


Aaaaaand, we're done!


350 chapters and we're finally at the last chaoter. It was a wonderful journey to this point.

I'll post a QnA tomorrow.

Unfortunately, we didn't make it to 500 powerstones this week. It was at 498.

Sadge :-(

Just two stones short!

But still, I am grateful to everyone who read this fic. I have some questions in the QnA so do read it please and vote for what fic you want next tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

All y'all have been awesome.

See ya later!