
Break up.

I landed on the soft seagrass bed next to the Noah, as Clockblocker slammed his fist into my forcefield.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He cried out in anger.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Dude what's wrong with you? You slammed into my forcefield, knowing how it ended for the last guy? If I hadn't stopped the recoil mechanism your hand would have been meat paste."

"You killed those slaves!" He cried out.

"No. Akainu killed those slaves. I freed them from captivity." I corrected.

"Because you threw them at him. You used them as meat shields!"

"What should I have done then, huh? Saved them with my forcefield at the last moment? My forcefield is meant to project a defensive barrier around me. A delicate task like that would have weakened it to the point that it would have left me vulnerable.

And I am not risking my life for some random people.

You do realize that they were slaves. Slaves to the most sadistic people in the world. The Celestial Dragons.

Think Nazis, but a thousand times worse and more genocidal. They've wiped out entire nations because they felt like it. They would have died either way if I hadn't saved them! Even if I did save them, the world government would have hunted them down like dogs after we left!

And it's not like I asked him to kill them!

I gave him a choice. Choose the lives of the slaves amd show the world that I'm wrong or choose to kill them and prove to the world that the marines are a threat to everyone. That they don't stand for justice. That no one is safe from them. To show how little the marines care about justice and the people's lives.

That magma man back there?

He's this world's equivalent of a hero. And take a guess..... Heroes are the same everywhere. Pieces of human filth filled with hypocrisy. Did you see how he preached about justice yet cleaved through those innocent freed slaves to get to me? It just proved my point." I said.

"That's all it was to you? A point to be proven? Those are people's lives!" Clockblocker shouted.

"I'm on a vacation! We are on a vacation! Why should I bother with things like that?" I asked.

"Then why did you start a revolution? Why ... Why do any of this?" He asked.

"Because it was fun? Because in the long run it's better for these people to be free of their oppressive rulers? To abolish slavery?" I shrugged.

And to ease my obstacles in the future when I return to conquer this world after it has been weakened by the infighting between the revolutionaries and the world government.

But that was naturally left unsaid.

"You need better reasons?

Those slaves that died there will pave the path to an uprising of the common classes, to overthrow their oppressors and give them a chance at a better life. To show them that of they want to protect their loved ones they will have to stand up for themselves and fight. It's a truth I imparted to them." I explained calmly.

"Truth... You say. Truth. You know.....when you helped those two girls... I really thought you were a good guy. A decent one at least. You know what the truth is? You did it for your own sick entertainment above all else. Sure, you have a point. You aren't wrong. But in no world is what you did right! You may not be evil, but... you're no hero!" Clockblocker snapped.

"I know I am not. Never once have I called myself a hero." I replied, annoyed.

He was wearing my patience thin.

He ignored me and continued.

"The way you speak about them like they're some non entity..... it's like they're game characters to you!

You look at them...at us....like were some toy you can play with! Some words here and little work there and viola, a perfect playset. And I get it. You're a multiversal entity. You can't help it. There are infinite versions of us. But...but for us. For us it's just another day. Stuck in our worlds. With the one version of our life we get to experience. We can't all escape the consequences of our actions. We are not all free like you!

That old man back there...he was right. He can't just hop to a new world on a whim! We have to live our lives in our own worlds, without the sort of power it gives you.

We aren't all geniuses. Sometimes we can't bear the 'truths' you impart on us!

I don't care if you kill me for this but...but I can't do this anymore. I'm not scared of you anymore! And I wan-"

"Hold on....hold the fuck on! Is that why you came with me? Because you were scared?" I asked, confused.

"Yes.No. I don't know. I was excited. I wanted to adventure too. But...most of all I was afraid. Afraid of what you would do if I refused. You have so much power and...." He shook his head.

"You thought I would throw a childish tantrum because you didn't want to play with me? That's what you thought I would do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know if you noticed this but I risked my life for your planet. When I nearly died against Scion, that wasn't a hologram or a joke. I was clinically dead for nearly three hours. It hurt like a bitch. My internal organs melted into goo. And I didn't ask for a reward from your world for doing that. I could have. But I didn't. And I don't expect praise for that either.

Sheesh, dude.

I'm not so petty as to do that. Nor am I so petty that I would kill you if you refuse to play with me. I'm a grown man with a kid. Two kids now.

And I value freedom. My freedom and yours too. It comes with the ability to travel the multiverse.

If I don't have anything to gain, I won't hurt you. It's a simple concept to understand." I gestured.

Clockblocker sighed.

"Just send me back. I want to go home. Why did you even bring me here? You wanted a minion? A henchman? Another toy?"

I grit my teeth in rage as I looked at him and took a deep breath, letting it go.

I let out a breath and calmed down.

That just hurt.

I sighed.

"You wanna know why I brought you along? It wasn't because I wanted a minion. It was because I wanted a friend." I said, looking him in the eye.

"A friend? What a joke! You call me Clockblocker! You don't even know my real name, do you?" He asked.

"Yes I do, Dennis. Is that what you want me to call you? Dennis? Dennis the fucking menace?

And yeah. I did want a friend.

You sounded like a cool guy and....I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't get out much, even with all that I have done. I spend most of my days researching and raising Star. It's...it gets boring fast. And lonely. Sometimes I just want to go out and have some fun. With a friend. Someone to mess around with. And at this point, it's hard to make friends. Even more so because I am what I am. I don't look like it, but I'm an introvert. I don't make friends easy.

But yeah, fuck me right!

What was I thinking, opening up to others. Because that went so well the last time.

Heh...." I snorted, with self depreciation, "I should have learnt my lesson. The last time I opened up to someone, she died with my unborn daughter in her womb. But nooooo....I just had to go out and try to make a friend again."

I said opening up a portal.

"There. Go. You too, Tattletale, Paige. If you want to leave, go on. The portal will close in a minute."

I sighed again, and tired, rubbed my temples.

"Don't force yourself to stay. No hard feelings. I won't hunt you down. Because whatever you might think, I'm not a spoiled child." I said, shaking my head.

"Come, Star, Riley."

I walked up to Star and picked him up in my arms, hugging him tight.

"Let's get ourselves some dinner. What do you want?"

"Hamburgers?" Star suggested, casting a glance at Riley.

"Big sis Riley?" He asked.

"I like hamburgers." She said, grabbing my hand.

"Hamburgers it is then." I said, kissing his forehead, as we walked away.


A break up with a friend.

MC is alone again. Well at least he has Star.

And Star's cuteness is a helaing power of it's own!

With this chapter, I am on track again. All owed chapters have been written!


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