

(Alaster POV)

I am falling, and falling fast.

Whatever this creature is, it was massive, easily three times the size of Velzard. He must be at least 40 meters long with a head that's at least 5 meters long and 3 meters wide. I sweated a little bit, as I felt like I was skydiving into a Kaiju fight to open up a can of whoopass on this guy.

As I fell, I noticed it fire off a beam of extreme power at Velgrynd who had just finished dropping off Rudra and Lucia before being snipped out of the sky. The Cryptid king then posed at the edge of the castle and let out such a loud roar that my bones shook.

I summoned Excaliber and Longineus into my hands as I approached the thing from above. I'd land on its snout and release a devastating physical and magical blow at the same time. Hopefully the force will disorient it enough to take it down easily and maybe even knock it out clean.

I used several [Holy Bursts] as I got closer and closer to the snout. I gathered magic power into both my weapons before placing them blow me.

"{|Heaven's Fall|}!" I called out, driving into it at terminal speeds.

Both of my weapons penetrated the scales of the beast while a large amount of magical power was released in the form of an exceedingly bright light, which staggered the beast and forced it to fall over. I looked down at my weapons and realized that despite all my best efforts, it had only penetrated about of a third of the way through this thing's flesh.

The monster then began to stir, shaking its snout in a bit to knock me off, but I wasn't going to be leaving without a fight. I pulled out Excaliber from its snout before taking a step towards its eyes and slamming it back into, piercing the skin and acting as a Ski Pole to steady myself on the rapidly swinging monster. I repeated the process with Longineous and continued to do so while getting closer and closer to the beast's eyes.

After struggling for a while the monster spread its wings as it tried to fly away and probably;ly slam me against something hard to get me off of its body, however, I was close enough to do what I wanted. In a single fluid movement, I unsheathed both weapons from its flesh and swung them both with full strength, even adding a [Holy Burst] to increase the speed of my strike.

"{|Melt Onsluaght|}!" I called out my ultimate duel-bladed technique. It combined my Art of {Fivefold Slash} with {Fivefold Strike} along with wrapping my skill in pure holy energy and the automatic {|Melt Slash|} and {|Melt Strike|} that my blades had automatically.

This attack targeted the one place on a True Dragon that was relatively more vulnerable than all others, its eyes. It roared in a high-pitched pain as it reeled back from my attack and without my footing, I was easily thrown off, but was able to right myself and land safely. As it was reeling, back in pain, my waifu decided now was the time to strike.

A Large wedge of ice, several times the size of a skyscraper slammed into its chest. Most of the ice was broken and burst upon its scales, however, the impact force from such a massive object slamming into him was enough to knock it on its back. I smirked to myself and charged up a shot from my sword.

I hadn't created a name for this move yet, but it was the same one I used to shatter all of the Origin Blood Spear parallel existances that Twilight had rained down on me during our final climactic battle. Now that my Unique Skill had Evolved to the Ultimate Level, I could do it without sacrificing the skill itself. My charge was done and I unleashed my strike on the unsuspecting and disorientated beast.

"Heh! I've always wanted to unironically do this. EXU-" I took a step forward filled with power. The ground beneath me exploded as I did so. "CALIBER!" I called out releasing my attack.

A golden light raced towards the creature before striking it, exploding into a massive pillar of light that began eating away at the monster's body, disintegrating it as bolts of light shot off towards the barrier that was finally erected around the battlefield, striking it and exploding. Unfortunately, I wasn't focused too much on the spectacle as I was too busy dying of cringe inside to properly witness the glory.

"Wha~ I can't believe I did that! So embarrassing! Good thing noone saw that." I said to myself aloud.

"I saw it! It was cool!" Velzard said, appearing behind me in her human form.

"Whaaaa!!!!" I shouted in both embarrassment and fright at her sudden appearance.

Velzard began to laugh as I calmed my beating nerves. With a slightly red face, I turned to her and began to complain. "What did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that!?!"

Velzard looked at me with slightly mischievous eyes and smiled before leaning in quickly and giving me a kiss, which shutting me up.

After having our moment, we turned back to the mass of flesh covered by dust. "Think that got him?" I asked.

"Well something that strong would even leave me reeling, so I doubt it survived." She commented.

The two of us were still slightly cautious of the beast, as its miasma blocked any accurate [Universal Sense] readings, so we were operating mostly off of eyesight, and it was obscured by the cloud of dust in the air and not moving. Just as I was about to put away my sword and start making out with my wife, all of my danger senses went off like an alarm. Velzard also felt them and fell backward into my arms as I picked her up in a princess carry and jumped up into the air, barely missing a snap by the giant's jaws.

"That thing doesn't look happy," Velzard said.

"Yeah, well neither am I!" I grumbled. Velzard, knowing I was upset for missing more flirting time, leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before I let her down.

"You always get to have all of the fun. Let me get some licks in." Velzard stated.

Below us, a massive maw was approaching at high speeds, but I trusted my wife and didn't move because she didn't move.

I noticed a good amount of magicules leave her body at once and then everything stopped. The maw that was below us no longer moved. Each and every particle of dust had slowed to a crawl and floated in mid-air as the world's colors faded.

Velzard had stopped time.

She slowly descended past the monster's face and down to its neck. She then gave a swift kick to its jaw before time started moving again. The instant it did, the dragon's body seemed to fold over and into itself, its teeth missing me by mere centimeters, and it was sent flying.

The next instant, time was stopped once again, as Velzard slowly floated towards its head which was folded over into its chest. This time, she gave the creature an axe kick onto its temple. It was very a impressive and fluid movement, but I was distracted by the fact I could just barely not see her panties when she raised her foot into the air. Velzard would, half of the time, go commando, so I briefly wondered if she was wearing anything below today as time restarted.

The beast shot down into the earth at above Mach speeds, collapsing a good part of the mountain and devastating what remained of the castle's foundations. Velzard then flew up towards me with a devious look on her face.

"I saw you staring. You horny right now?" She teased as we embraced.

"I just saw the world's most sexy woman, who happens to be my girlfriend, dropkick a kaiju through a mountain. I've never been this horny before in my life." I replied.

"Ohh~ Well I suppose I should continue the beat down then so we can start having ourselves a good time." She cooed back at me.

She let go as the monster began to radiate an even more threatening aura. I clicked my tongue at this. 'We can kick the shit out of this f*cking thing all day long and it won't matter unless it stays down.' I thought.

"Hmm. This will be a problem if we go at it one at a time. Shall we do it together?" She suggested.

"Be my guest," I said as I charged at the monster who had just righted itself.

Velzard concentrated her power and used [Gabriel] to its full power, creating a barrier that surrounded the monster. "[Snowglobe]" She called out.

Inside of the spherical barrier, all of the motion inside began to slow down as ice quickly accumulated on the dragon's scales in an attempt to freeze it solid. While it DID stop its movements, the destroying dragon wasn't frozen through all the way.

I arrived just after the effects of [Snowglobe] ended, throwing my spear to its right side and my sword to its left. It was time for another of my techniques to make its grand return.

"{|Damocles|}!" I cried as huge amounts of Holy Energy were released from my weapons.

This attack nearly took out Guy when it was only at the Unique Level and my weapons were at a lower EV than they were now, so the same attack amped to the Ultimate Level would surely do a significant amount of damage even to a True Dragon, and this thing was definitely not a True Dragon.

The mountaintop was flooded in a blinding light as biblical amounts of power were unleashed upon the beast below me. With its defenses weakened, there was only one outcome for the creature, and that was to fall.

The mountain top was reduced to a molten hellscape from the heat of my attack, as I recalled my weapons to my side and exhaled deeply. I just used about 10% of my total power in one shot so I was a bit tired but I knew that in a few minutes my power would be topped off again, as was the nature of my power.

This should have been the end of the fight. It should have been roasted alive and destroyed down to an atomic level where not even its soul would remain. I should have gone back over to my wife and made sweet sweet love to her for the rest of the night, however, that wasn't the case at all.

From the smoke, a dark shape began to move. It stretched out its wings and roared a terrifying roar so loud that I couldn't even think straight. I winced at the brief pain but didn't take my eyes off of it, which was good, because what came next shocked me to my core.

Waves of red lighting fired off from the tips of its wings as it shot another ray of violet energy at me. I easily dodged it by teleporting away from it, but I noticed that the beam raced upwards into the sky for several seconds. The lighting raced across the landscape of the mountain and into the city below, vaporizing large chunks of it. Every spot touched by the lightning would be vaporized and then the trail exploded violently. The lightning continued until the roar stopped and once the declaration of its anger was finished, the space above the creature, where its exotic breath attack had torn through just moments ago, appeared to be fractured and broken, almost like glass.

This visual anomaly only occurred for a brief moment before reality warped around its wound and began to suck in the nearby air and miasma. I had to actively fly away from the area just to avoid being sucked it, and once enough miasma was condensed into the crack, a single spark was all it took.

It was a good thing that the barrier went up when it did because the explosion that occurred filled the area and rocked the earth and heavens within it. It bulged and contorted heavily under the strain of keeping it contained and a lesser shockwave even penetrated it, throwing many people nearby off of their feet and breaking a number of glass items that were nearby the epicenter.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that the second the light first appeared, Velgrynd huddled up around Rudra in her Dragon form to help him survive the blast, because he would have been left as nothing but ash afterward if she didn't.

Why do I know that, well that's because I felt more pain in that one moment than at all points in time since I was reincarnated put together. My entire front side of my body was melted away and it was only due to my [Infinite Regerneration] that I survived it at all.

The first thing I did when I eyes regenerated back into place was to look at Velzard. She appeared to have gone into her Dragon Form just before the blast and was falling below me. It was at that moment I realized that she also probably tried to shield me with her much more durable body but didn't make it in time.

Seeing her burned and injured body spiraling out of the air and towards the ground was horrifying. My body moved before my mind could process it. I appeared below her and caught her as she transformed into her human form. She was covered in cuts and bruises as I held her close.

"Damn... haha. I panicked so hard I didn't even remember I could stop time. Sorry about that Alaster." Velzard tried to lighten the mood but I wasn't having it.

It seems that the monster wasn't immune to its own attack and was regenerating from it slowly, which gave me the time to tend to her wounds. I looked back at her as I reached the ashen ground and set her down gently on the floor. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. It'll take more than what he can dish out to kill me. Just take a moment to rest here ok?"

Velzard looked deeply into my eyes when I said this. "Alaster. What's wrong? You know that wounds of this level aren't serious for me right?" She asked.

"It's fine. I just want you to have a nice rest while I go kick his ass for you ok." I said.

I said those words in a completely calm voice. I was actually perfectly calm at the moment. It was actually a bit frightening how calm and clear my mind was.

"Alast-" Velzard started to speak but I put my finger in front of her mouth and looked her in the eyes.

"Stay here, alright?" I commanded.

"Alright..." Velzard nodded hesitantly.

I stood up and began to walk towards the beast as it finally finished its regeneration. My grip tightened on Excaliber and Longinious as I approached.

<Confirmed. Rage levels exceed normal healthy psychological bounds.>

<Conditions met. Individual Alaster has acquired the Unique Skill [Wrath]>

I am calm. My mind is clear. There is only one thing I need to do now...

<Notice! Climbing Rage levels dangerously exceed the maximum value!>

<Conditions have been met. Unique Skill [Wrath] has evolved into the Ultimate Skill [Wrathful Lord Satanael]>

~I'm going to murder that thing!~


Lore Bit: Initially Velzard and Alaster believed that the beast they were facing was only a huge monster with an insane amount of magicules, so they weren't taking the fight seriously. Furthermore, they were hitting it in such a way as to be constantly disorienting Ivarage, so they let their guards down. When Ivarage was actually able to get serious, his blow devastated them. Physically they are fine, but they are mentally shaken up.

Seeing Velzard falling and looking so weak has infuriated Alaster because when he saw her, he briefly believed she may have died, despite knowing better. This has come full circle as all of the losses that he has suffered throughout his life culminated in this moment, where he briefly thought he lost Velzard.

Needless to say, he is pissed. He is so angry in fact, that his mind is forcing him to stay calm to not pass out due to the overflow of emotions. [Warth] instantly became an Ultimate Skill the moment he got it, thats how angry he is.

Bet you didn't see that coming, also 3 chappys. I spoil yall

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts