
In the world of Naruto, with the system of a teacher.

Yo, check this out, man. We got this dude named John, right? He's fresh out of officer training and they send his ass straight to the frontline. And guess what? The poor bastard bites the dust during some military op while covering his team's retreat. Talk about going out like a boss, bro. But here's where shit gets wild. He ends up in this limbo place, and they give him a freakin' choice, man. He can either get reincarnated, keeping all his memories intact, or he can take a dip in the soul-cleansing river or whatever. And you know what this crazy son of a gun chooses? Reincarnation, man! As a reward for his self-sacrifice, they let him spin this wheel of abilities. And you know what ability he lands on? The teacher system, bro! Can you believe that? This dude's about to embark on a whole new adventure with his reincarnated self and some badass teaching powers. Shit's about to get real, my friend.

Drus998 · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Having woken up, John noticed that he was standing in front of a large floating map. The map depicted the world of Naruto with all its villages, cities, and geographic features. He examined the map, observing every detail.

A mysterious voice echoed in his head, saying, "John, you must choose a village in which you want to be born and set the timeframe for your reincarnation. It is a great responsibility, as your choices will determine your fate in this world."

John carefully considered all the options on the map. He felt that his choice would have a significant impact on his adventures and encounters with Naruto characters. He wanted to select a place and time that best suited his character and goals.

After much contemplation, John made his decision. He chose Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, where most of the known events took place and where he could meet the majority of the main characters and influence their development and history. John believed that it was here where he could find numerous extraordinary challenges and opportunities to develop his abilities.

As for the timeframe, John decided to be reincarnated at the beginning of Naruto's story when the main heroes were still young and just embarking on their ninja adventures. He believed that at the start of their journey, he would have more opportunities to impact the world and carve his place among the ninjas.

Afterwards, a window appeared with the emblems of the clans of Konohagakure, where he had to choose his ancestral lineage.

Sarutobi Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Sarutobi Clan are known for their vast knowledge and skills in ninjutsu. They possess a wide range of techniques and have a high level of chakra mastery.

Uchiha Clan:

• Speciality: The most renowned aspect of the Uchiha Clan is the Sharingan, a special eye that grants the user the ability to read, copy, and control the techniques of other clans. Uchiha members also have great potential in developing genjutsu and can unlock higher forms of Sharingan, such as the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Senju Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Senju Clan possess great physical strength and life force. They have natural abilities for chakra manipulation and can develop their own techniques. This clan is one of the strongest in Konohagakure's history.

Hyūga Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Hyūga Clan possess the Byakugan, a unique eye that grants them extraordinary visual acuity. They can see through objects, detect chakra, and analyze the weak points of their enemies. The Hyūga Clan also excels in "Gentle Fist" techniques, which target the opponent's internal organs.

Akimichi Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Akimichi Clan have the ability to expand their bodies (Body Expansion). They can increase their size to gain more strength and endurance. Additionally, they possess techniques related to weight manipulation.

Yamanaka Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Yamanaka Clan have exceptional abilities in the field of mental control. They can invade the consciousness of others, read their thoughts, and manipulate their movements.

Aburame Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Aburame Clan control insects that live within their bodies. They utilize these insects for reconnaissance, combat operations, and manipulation of enemy chakra.

Inuzuka Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Inuzuka Clan have a bond with dogs and use them in battle. They also possess a highly developed sense of smell and sensitivity to scents.

Hatake Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Hatake Clan possess extensive knowledge and skills in ninjutsu. They often employ techniques related to camouflage and reconnaissance.

Shimura Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Shimura Clan possess great physical strength and power. They also have knowledge of seals and a high potential for utilizing ninja techniques. Some members of the Shimura Clan may have a special ability for defense and employ techniques related to barrier creation and repelling attacks.

Iburi Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Iburi Clan have the ability to transform their bodies into smoke and manipulate it. This ability allows them to utilize techniques related to body transformation and the creation of smoke clouds, which can be used for concealment or attacking enemies.

Kurama Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Kurama Clan possess special abilities related to controlling and manipulating a powerful form of chakra. They can use their chakra to create potent explosions and energy-based attacks.

Kedoin Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Kedoin Clan have specialized knowledge in the field of medicine and healing. They are renowned as experts in recovery and restoring strength and health. Additionally, they may possess special abilities related to healing and soothing others.

Lee Clan:

• Speciality: Members of the Lee Clan are known for their physical strength and the dynamic style of their combat. They lack the ability to use chakra but compensate for it with exceptional physical training. Clan members are skilled in the art of taijutsu.

Morino Clan:

• Speciality: Known for their interrogation skills.

Uzumaki Clan:

• Specialities: High life force, exceptional vitality, and a large chakra reserve. They possess rapid regeneration abilities, enabling them to endure severe injuries and recover faster than others, resulting in an extended lifespan.

Sounds intriguing! John carefully considers all the clan options in the window that appeared before him. Choosing his father's clan and his mother's clan can have a significant impact on his abilities, inherited traits, and the path he will take in his development.

After deep contemplation, John decides to choose the Senju Clan as his father's clan since they are known for their great physical strength, vitality, and natural ability for chakra manipulation. He believes that inheriting the abilities of the Senju Clan will help him become a powerful ninja and influential figure in the world of Naruto.

As for his mother's clan, John decides to choose the Uzumaki Clan. He is fascinated by their large chakra reserve, exceptional vitality, and endurance. Being a hybrid of the Senju and Uzumaki Clans, John will possess extraordinary physical and energetic characteristics that will aid him in his growth and battles in the ninja world.

With this important decision made, John confidently steps into the world of Naruto, being born in Konohagakure and descending from the Senju and Uzumaki Clans. He is ready for adventures, extraordinary challenges, and encounters with Naruto characters.

Now, John only needs to choose the age at which he will awaken for the system to generate his backstory. Deciding that he has a mentor system, he doesn't want to form strong attachments to his biological family. Therefore, he chooses to awaken when Naruto enters the academy, at the age of 20.

After confirming his choice, John feels himself being pulled into the portal that appeared before him.