
In The World Of Detective Conan: The Strongest Uncle!

The real crime in this world is not as simple as what is shown in anime. Blood and darkness are mixed with the ultimate evil in the world. In the modified version of Detective Conan, a terrifying world of tricks, Kogoro has the system on his back and is bound to be the strongest detective in the world. "What I have been searching for is the truth! Of course, money and beauty are also indispensable!" Follow Kogoro Mouri on his journey on the World of Detective Conan! [PS: The world of Detective Conan is full of Murder and during the reasoning, the case will be explained in detail so it's not for readers that have a 'weak heart'. Although it's still on the 'light' side right now, you've been warned.] #TAGS: #Mature #R18 #Action #Aggressive Main Character #Aggressive Characters #Adultery #Affair #Age Regression #Body Swap #Businessmen #Carefree Protagonist #Cohabitation #Complex Family Relationships #Dark #Criminals #Detective #Kaito Kidd #Lupin... PS: I will add more later... ========= ===== == Disclaimer(s): Author(s) Ddeath Husstle Raw Source(s) sj.uukanshu.com Translator(s) Levaa

Levaa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
180 Chs

Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 12: Murder Case 2; part 1;

"The cold never bothered me anyway~"

The melodious singing immediately pulled everyone present into the pure white world and/brought back the original beautiful love time.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect Miss Yuko's song to be so good." Ran fell in love with this pure song all of a sudden, while Boa on the side seemed a little restless. If this song was compared to what she wrote. This song is definitely top-notch!

The song "Nakari Snow" produced by Kogoro Mouri is worthy of a big hit, and instantly captured the hearts of all the audience present. Yuko's singing is not inferior to that of the diva.

So when Ikezawa Yuko sang this song. In the exclusive room, Lee Hyo-ri, Rain, Oda Kazumasa, and Okino Yoko immediately became nervous. Their musical literacy is so high and they know that this song is definitely considered a classic.

Ayumi Hamasaki, who returned to the waiting room, couldn't help but applaud.


In the VIP box in the audience, the Suzuki sisters couldn't help but nod to the beat when they heard this song. On the side, there was a woman who was elegant like a Persian cat.

The three ladies were enjoying the wonderful music in this box.

Suzuki Sonoko with her sister came to watch the show with her sister's friend.

The elegant woman's name is Kuromaine, she squinted her eyes slightly, as if she was very defensive. No one could see through her. She seemed to be intoxicated in music, but also independent of the world, graceful like a cat, smiling friendly, holding a green teacup in her hand. Even the stockings she wore seemed to show a different lustre:

"Ms. Ayako, how are you thinking about it? The clothing store in Ginza is really good. Do you want to work with me?"

Kuromaine said lightly, then took a sip of her green tea gracefully.

Suzuki Ayako smiled softly and muttered: "Since Maine has said that, then I will throw in 80 million yen."

Sonoko looked at her sister and her friend who were talking about business, both of them were so elegant and capable, and could not help being blown away.


The music festival program is almost halfway through. Except for the third singer, Sara, who surprised Kogoro Mouri, the rest are pretty good.

Kogoro Mouri never expected Sara to be such a character, who looked exactly like Sarah Geronimo and sang a song full of Philippine rhymes, which is really hard to appreciate.

Singing songs that are too Philippine in Japan, it's no wonder that she has been at the bottom of the rankings. I am afraid that she will be eliminated from this issue.

In the box, Sonoko frantically called for Sara. This scene made Ms. Ayako and Ms. Maine on the side sweat. Sonoko taste is always so unique.

Mr. Matsuo Takashi, who was standing on the side of the curtain, didn't show the appearance of enjoying music. Instead, he looked at his watch and phone from time to time.

After the fourth singer Rain finished singing, Takashi Matsuo appeared on the stage: "Next is the five-minute commercial time. The commercial ends and the excitement awaits you."

The two-hour live broadcast of the Golden Music Festival, with only a five-minute advertisement in the middle, was considered very conscientious.

Matsuo Takashi disappeared after saying this.

When five minutes were about to arrive, Takashi Matsuo appeared out of breath, still sweating on his head.

Kogoro Mouri didn't pay attention to these. He just talked to Boa. Boa's musical literacy is also very high, and she is good at creating songs. So when she heard Kogoro Mouri's comments when she was watching the show. She opened up to him and the two of them talked.

Ran stared at her dad fiercely, although her parents are divorced, she wanted to help her mother by preventing her Dad from hooking up with other wild women, but Kogoro didn't notice Ran fierce look as he chatted with Boa heartily.

Conan drew circles in the corner alone. Today is really a bad day for him. No, it has been bad for him since he moved to the Mouri home.

Conan didn't think too much at this moment, but simply thought that Kogoro Mouri didn't like children, so he spent every day cautiously, but he still couldn't escape the various entrapment of Kogoro.


"Maori-san, I didn't expect you to have such a deep understanding of music. I thought I met my teacher." With admiration in her eyes, Boa sat closer and closer to Kogoro.

A woman with high self-esteem like her can conquer her only by conquering where she is best, but Kogoro Mouri did it easily.

Seeing Boa's Friendship Degree in the Friendship Degree Achievement continued to climb, from the original 12 to 45 points, and a little more it will be in the category of being a good friend, Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

Seeing that her dad was going to hook up with this sexy wild woman, Ran burst out immediately and grabbed Kogoro Mouri's arm: "Dad, I heard from Mom that she will be back this weekend."

Feeling the softness of his arm, Kogoro Mouri wanted to break free but couldn't break free:

"Ran, don't talk nonsense, did Eri say she wants to come back?"

Just as a few people were making noisy scenes, young and beautiful girls appeared next to the backstage curtain. Their faces looked very familiar, so they immediately grabbed Kogoro and his group's attention.

Matsuo Takashi's voice sounded again: "The advertisement is over and the competition continues. But before that, it is now the intermission time. There are special guest performers for this golden music festival. The popular girl group girls Generation will perform the song "We Go!" for us!"

When the nine girls in pink heard the emcee say this, they hurriedly walked out of the backstage, passing by Kogoro Mouri one by one. Their white thighs were alluring and the scented scent on them made Kogoro Mouri mood agitated, not to mention the little devil's head on the side, his eyes had already been rounded, and it was almost flowing.

"Hello! We are Girls' Generation." As soon as the nine girls appeared in the entire live broadcast hall, the audience immediately rose, the ratings continued to rise, the songs sounded, the girls began to dance, and a song We Go sang out.

And all the otaku were full of excitement.

They are really worthy of being in the major female group. The nine girls worked together to make the atmosphere of the live broadcast room even hotter than the Diva's singing. The male audience below watched the hot dance as they followed the rhyme one by one.

After the contestants came on stage to perform, they did not make another climax. Even if the girl singer Yoko Okino came to the stage to sing hard, she did not get much praise.

After the audience watched those white thighs, it seemed that the whole world had become dull.

Soon the number of people in the candidate hall gradually increased, and the seven singers were about to sing, and it was finally time for the final kick hall player to sing.

At this time, a staff member hurriedly ran backstage and spoke to Matsuo Takashi.

"What, you said you can't find GD? How can that guy dare to do it!" Matsuo immediately became anxious, took out his handkerchief and began to wipe his sweat, watching the singing of Rain coming to an end. Matsuo Takashi quickly ordered his assistant to run to the waiting hall.

In the live broadcast, the assistant could be seen entering the waiting hall, and then said a few words to the girl's generation captain Kim Taeyeon. The nine girls gathered around for a discussion, and immediately followed the assistant out of the waiting hall.

Rain's singing was over. Matsuo Takashi, who had originally been talking behind the scenes, walked onto the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, and said, "Excuse me, viewers, there has been a slight change in the live broadcast of the Golden Music Festival. Our Kick Hall players encountered some unexpected situations. Please wait patiently. As compensation, we invite our Girls' Generation to bring another song and dance to the audience."

Matsuo Takashi was calm and steady on stage. This was a live broadcast accident, but he responded extremely well and the audience was happy to accept it.

While waiting for Matsuo Takashi to step down, a middle-aged fat man who was waiting very anxiously stepped forward. The fat man had half-length of his air sweaty, and his face was extremely stern: "Matsuo, it's bad news. We found GD-san in the mixing room on the third floor. But when we entered, we saw him dead. Should we call the police!?"

The fat man was too panicked and spoke louder, and was heard by Conan and Kogoro Mouri.

Little V spoke immediately: "Main Quest-Detective Showdown 1 activation: Ask the host to find out the truth faster than Conan, reward 2000 points, and draw a lottery ticket."

"Release mission: Become famous in Kyoto: This is the best time for you to become a famous detective in this Kyoto TV station. Please seize the opportunity to let more people know your reasoning, and rewards are calculated according to the number of people who recognise you."

Kogoro Mouri and Conan ran towards the third floor immediately. Boa and Ran also followed closely. When Matsuo Takashi saw this, he was very anxious and quickly ordered his assistant to call the police, and then ran after Kogoro and others.

On the stage, nine girls were still dancing sexy dance steps, striding in attractive steps, and the audience was fascinated by the sight. They did not know that under this glamorous stage, a murder case had quietly happened.

The four people ran to the elevator that came up, but they saw that the four elevators were out of use, and the maintenance workers were doing daily care. Takashi Matsuo, who was behind him, said, "It's just between 7 and 9 o'clock tonight. It's the elevator repair time. We can't get down using it. Let's take the stairs."

Kogoro Mouri and others followed Matsuo Takashi and ran down from the eleventh floor to the eighth floor, but the stairs were broken.

"There has been an accident before and it is impassable. Let's take the stairs to the safe exit." The five turned around again and ran a long distance before reaching the stairs of the safety exit. They ran all the way like it was a maze. After many twists and turns, the five came to the third-floor mixing room while panting.

A group of people gathered around the door, taking out their phones to take pictures from time to time. Kogoro Mouri hurriedly got in, only to see a young man with red hair who was shot in the forehead, his brain cracked and collapsed on the wall. He died very miserably.

What is strange is that there is a large window behind him. It is the old-fashioned flip-up window, which can be flipped up with one push. And there are bullet holes on the left and right sides of the wall.