

I was pacing up and down in my room, waiting eagerly for lucifer's arrival. The huge standing clock struck ten o clock in the night. I gave up hope of lucifer ever coming to my room. Just as I was about to sleep, my door opened up slowly ,then the strong and handsome image of lucifer stood there. "Oh my God ,am glad you came". I said,both relived and happy ."Of course", he then came inside and slowly locked the door. "Lucifer I have something to tell you", "Isabelle, I have something to tell you" we both said at the same time ."You go first" I said "no, you, cause what I want to say is very important and needs no interruptions" that's when I noticed that he looked stressed and serious "are you okay" he didn't answer me which made me annoyed but I kept my cool "okay, look lucifer, I am so sorry for what I said some days ago concerning your mom, your name blah blah blah. But listen, I have been doing some thinking and I really want to make our marriage work, although I don't have any feelings for you now, but as time goes on I'm sure that I will soon grow to love you cause right now I'm..." "isabelle, I have to tell you something" he looks serious and sad "it can wait" "no it can't isabelle" I held his left hand with one of my hands while to other one rested on his neck "lucifer what's wrong, listen if it's about me not loving you, it's not a big deal cause we're still pretty young and we have enough time to spend together, just me and you" "no we don't" "what do you mean,if it's about your responsibility as a king then don't bother cause I'm not gonna let you take all the weight alone, I mean..." "I have another wife, lsabelle". Time seemed to stop for some time, is can't believe that lucifer was already married, I feel so betrayed and upset. I left his hand and neck alone before I fell slowly to the ground.


Lucifer was pained to see isabelle so sad, what she said about wanting to work out the marriage and live happily with him made him even more angrier,he felt like killing Elsa. "Isabelle look...." "don't, just don't" Isabelle said raising her index finger and pointing it at him,he tried to hold her but she pushed him away "for how long have you been married" he refused to answer "answer me Lucifer!, answer me!" "listen Isabelle I....." "no, I don't want an explanation just the truth, you told my mother that you are single..... and that you were going to take good care of me, so what's this" "isabelle listen, I have been married for some time now, she'll be here tomorrow" isabelle just stood up and went to her bed "lucifer please can you leave, I need to sleep" "but isabelle" "please lucifer, just don't" lucifer left without saying a word.


The next day, lucifer stood outside waiting for the carriage that will bring Elsa home. The sound of horses by the palace gates caused a guard to open the gates, after confirming that it was indeed queen Elsa and not someone else,he opens the gates "your majesty" the guard bowed down after opening the gates. The guard driving the carriage controlled the horses and made them stop in their tracks, he then jumped down from his seat and went to help her majesty get down from the carriage, lucifer walked over to where she was "my lady" he held her hand and kissed it "oh lucifer I missed you so much"she said while hugging him "how was your trip" "it was okay, but it was accompanied by a few rumors" "oh really, like what" by now the both of them had began to walk towards the throne room, Elsa paused then turned to look at him "that you have taken a new wife" "is that so" "yes, people also say that she is a real beauty, so tall, slender,has long raven black hair like you and oh least I forget she also has that Mebethen fair skin" "is that all they say"she nodded "please Elsa I know that it was luke who has been feeding you gossip" "how do you know" "please, you underestimate my demonic powers that seem to be growing each day" "I see that your lust also grows each day" "what do you mean" "oh come on lucifer, just a few months that I was away, and you have already taken another wife" "what do you expect, I need an heir" "so you have lost hope on me already" "lucifer, do you think that, that little munchkin will be able to give you an heir,a demonic heir,ah what a joke" "you can say whatever you like, but don't ever insult Isabelle again" "oh so Isabelle is her name" "yes and she is really nice" "oh but of course, she must be very nice or very greedy to marry you even after knowing that you are already married to me" but that swollen look on lucifer's face indicated that she didn't so Elsa used her powers to fix the puzzles together "oh she didn't, you lied to her and she is just knowing about it,no wonder she isn't here right now, she is angry,i bet she is feeling so betrayed and upset. Maybe a little bit shattered" "ELSA !, stop it" "well anyway I am going to my room, cause I'm not sure if I am still welcomed in yours" with that, Elsa disappeared into thin air.


I didn't feel like talking to lucifer so I locked myself in my room. I had my bath, brushed my teeth and wore my dress i refused to have any breakfast, I mean how can I when lucifer told me that he already has a wife and that she is going to arrive today. I looked outside my window, and to my dismay I saw a carriage coming into the palace ground "OH NO, SHE IS ALREADY HERE" i saw lucifer walking towards her when she came down from the carriage,he held her hand and kissed it then she hugged him before they both walked hand in hand towards the palace. My eyes were stung with hot tears as I looked away from the window, no wonder lucifer married her, she is so beautiful with her fair soft skin, long blonde hair,green eyes,slim stature,tall and has a slender waist. I walked towards my bed and layed on it, i felt so tired and hungry but i refused to budge so instead i decided to read a book,i walked towards my book shelf and took out a book titled "THE POWER OF A PATIENT QUEEN" it sounded interesting and since I was feeling a little bit powerless why not read something that will make me feel powerful. The book was written by a "Lenard MORNINGSTAR" from the kingdom of PANDEMONIOM,oh my God the author is from this kingdom,i would love to meet him someday but first I will have to read the book.

An hour later, I was still reading the book when my room felt suddenly cold. I was about to go and close the window when I saw lucifer standing a few feet from my bed, my heart jumped to my throat "Lucifer ! what are you doing here,i thought i locked the door" I turned to the door and found out that it was exactly as i left it, locked "you need to eat , your maids told me that you haven't eaten anything since morning, and this is close to noon, almost time for lunch" "well i am not hungry" just then my stomach rumbled "stupid belly" I mumbled to myself "look isabelle, I know that you are angry with me for lying to you about my marital status but...." "but nothing lucifer, yes I am angry, i feel betrayed because you lied to me, you lied to my mother, you lied so you could take me away and add to your already beautiful wife who, you went behind her back and married me,i pity her. Does she know" "yes" "oh, so you are okay in telling your first wife everything but not your second wife" "look isabelle,i was afraid that you will refuse my proposal if you knew i was already married" "that's my decision to make not yours, and even if I would have agreed,why would you want to marry another person when you already have such a beautiful woman as a wife, you are so ungrateful" "isabelle, I need a child" "Elsa couldn't give me a child so I married you,if not my people would riot against me and my enemies will take over my kingdom when I die,or if they aren't that patient they will just poison me or send someone to kill me from this kingdom or they will wage war against me, so that is why I need a child" "you are being too overdramatic, don't you think that your first wife would bare you a child in the nearest future, she is still young, you are so impatient" "listen isabelle,i really want to make our marriage work so please give me a chance" "nice try, you think you can get me so easy like that right, please leave my room". He sighed and left through the door after unlocking it.