
In the Naruto world

Chris Walker was teleported to the world of Naruto. He didn't die, rather someone or something teleported him there for no apparent reason. (Or did he?) The world of Naruto doesn't follow the same script as the original Naruto series. The whole world of Naruto is so much different, even though Chris has watched the entire naruto series, it won't help him at all since everything in Naruto is different. And now Chris has to survive in this new world of Naruto I do not have any rights to the Naruto or the cover either, this is only a hobby to write fan-fiction light novels. WARNING: If you hate harem, then this novel isn't for you. There will never be any sexual content in this novel. And i'll try my best to not let the harem ruin this novel. There are potentially only 5 harem members on it, NO MORE THAN THAT AMOUNT. And yes, I am sorry for not keeping my word for this novel, and included a harem in it. I didn't want it either, because it means more work for me. But I did a poll and harem won. I am sorry for that, and please forgive me. This novel also includes OP mc, for those who don't like OP Mc's. And this also includes light Sasuke and Sakura bashing, only in the early part of the story, but then changes after. And this also includes more characters

Sevion · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

the Sasuke that I once knew is different

Sasuke was sitting on a bench and looking at the blue sky, he was thinking about what his sister just said to him.

'What am I doing wrong, all I wanted was to avenge the Uchiha clan by killing the one who killed them, but is it really the right thing to do. I already lost everyone, I don't want to lose my sister as well.' Sasuke thought

"Are you alright Sasuke" (Kakashi) appeared beside Sasuke, he was proud at him because this time he didn't cause a ruckus like the other times. It means that he's learning to behave himself.

"Oh! Kakashi sensei… Can I ask you for advice." (Sasuke)

"Of course you can, why else do you think i'm here for." (Kakashi)

"Well, I have thought about what Luna said and i've been thinking hard about it, but I don't know what i'm doing wrong." (Sasuke)

" 'sigh' Sasuke, listen to what I have to say. Have you ever thought that killing Itachi isn't to avenge your parents, rather it's because of the hatred you want to release on him." (Kakashi)

"No! Killing Itachi will prove that I have avenged the fallen Uchihas." (Sasuke)

"But is it really avenging your clan if you're killing a member of your family, because whether you like it or not Itachi will always be your brother." (Kakashi)

"I- I know that, but he… I don't know anymore" (Sasuke)

Kakashi moved closer to Sasuke and lightly patted his back.

"Listen Sasuke, I don't think you have noticed, but this whole revenge thing is bringing you more harm than good. Look you almost lost your sister, and you made yourself an enemy of Chris for no good reason, I don't like saying this but you have been a huge dick to everyone around you." (Kakashi)

"..." (Sasuke)

"I'm not kidding, you tried to harm Chris multiple times because of your jealousy, you have also acted very cold to others especially to your comrades. You might be an Uchiha, but if you keep this upi you'll be the only Uchiha left in the world. If I were you I would do my best to correct my mistakes before it's too late." (Kakashi)

"I-... I don't know what I should do." (Sasuke)

"Hm! Come, i'll show you what you need to do. I don't know if you heard of it but it's called apologizing." (Kakashi) lead Sasuke to another location.

"I won't-... is it really the only way" (Sasuke) said.

"Trust me, I also have to apologize as well because it's my fault that you're even in this mess." (Kakashi)

"He! I guess that's true." (Sasuke) smiled a bit, apparently he has started to see that he must change, for the sake of his sister and to make his diseased parents proud of him.

'Mother, Father, I know what I must do, not as an Uchiha but a brother who cares deeply about his sister. I still don't know if I can forgive Itachi for what he has done, maybe I will in the future.' Sasuke thought. And kept looking at the blue sky.


"Sorry that I had to show you that side of me Chris, I have never been so angry before, not only that but I also messed up our first date" (Luna) said while apologizing to me.

We were still on the grass but we were eating ice cream, I thought this would help easen Luna's depressed mood, I guess it worked. Now she is happily eating the ice cream

"It's not your fault Luna, Sasuke was throwing a tantrum because he saw that his baby sister is going out with me." (Chris) I was already used to Sasuke's behaviour, but this is the first time he gave up so fast.

"Hm! Meanie, *POUT* but I wish the two of you would get along, I know that it's impossible right now but you two are the only ones who I care more in this world, and seeing the two of you fighting all the time, well…" (Luna)

"I get it Luna, if I have the chance I will be friends with Sasuke" (Chris) 'the ice cream in this world is really good.'

"Really! Thank you Chris, you have no idea how happy that makes me." (Luna) said and rested her little head on my shoulder.

"He! Anything for you… You know Luna, since we're going out I thought it's a little weird if we keep calling each others names, how about if I call you something else." (Luna)

"Hm! I guess, but what should I call you" (Luna)

"Well how about if you call me 'Darling' in private, but when we're in public, call me Chris, like always." (Luna)

"*giggle* okay, but you have to call me 'honey' when we're in private, all right" (Luna)

I smiled and said "All right" (Chris) then I rested my head on top of her head.

"You know, i've been meaning to ask you, what were you doing back there when I saw you training with those clones of yours." (Luna)

"Oh! I was training my air nature." (Chris)

"Air nature?" (Luna)

"Well in short terms, I was born with a elemental affinity for air, water, and fire. I am trying to train my air nature so I can get stronger." (Chris)

"Oh I kinda get it, but how do you know which elemental affinity were you born with" (Luna)

"You use a special kind of paper called 'litmus paper,' Once you put a little bit of chakra on it, it will tell you what elemental affinity you are born with.

If it's fire the paper will burn

If it's water the paper will get soggy

If it's air the paper will tear in half

In it's earth the paper will crumble

If it's lightning the paper will shrink." (Chris)

"Oh! I never knew that, where do you get these litmus papers" (Luna) said with her eyes shining

"Only ninjas who are at a Jonin level can get these papers, but lucky for you I have some with me" (Chris) and I pulled out several litmus papers. And gave one to Luna

I made these litmus paper's with the power of creation.

"So I just give these a little bit of my chakra and that's it" (Luna)

"yup! " (Chris)

She infused some of her chakra and, the paper shrinked on one half and burned on the other half.

"Uh! What does this mean" (Luna)

"It means you have two elemental affinites, lightning and fire. That's pretty rare." (Chris)

'I guess I expected this much, she is Sasuke's sister after all.'

"Wow! I thought I would have one but I have two!." (Luna) cheered in joy.

"Hm! But now there's one problem, and that is to find a good teacher that knows how to train fire nature. Kakashi's chakra nature is lightning so he'll defintely teach you. But I have no idea who is a good teacher for fire." (Chris)

I can help you with that

Really! How?

You have to complete a mission and as a reward you'll get a book to train your fire nature, and you might also need another mission to receive a book to train your water nature as well.

Sweet, but can you show me the missions after I finish mastering the air nature.

No problem!

"Actually i'll figure it out later, for now you can work on your lightning nature with Kakashi" (Chris)

"You think he'll let me" (Luna)

"I can train you if you want" (Kakashi) appeared with Sasuke beside him

"Kakashi, and brother? Did something happen" (Luna)

I am just gonna stand here and do nothing.

"Actually something is about to happen" (Sasuke) said and walked towards Luna Is he gonna hit her!, I know Sasuke is a prick but would he really hit his own baby sister.

Sasuke stopped in front of his sister, and hugged her quickly. I thought he was gonna hit her, 'sigh' glad to see that Sasuke isn't that much of a prick

"Um! Brother is something wrong" (Luna) was confused, the last time her brother hugged her like this was when they were little. But it felt nice to feel his warmth again.

"I'm sorry Luna, i've been really terrible to everyone. Would you forgive me" (Sasuke)


Even I can't believe it either Σ (  Д )ﻌﻌﻌﻌ⊙ ⊙

… what's with that face.

Oh you like it, I figured it out when I was playing around with my keyboard

I like it, but more importantly this scene just changed my whole view of Naruto

I'm pretty sure your view of Naruto changed a long time ago ( ̄ー ̄)

"Brother, do you have a fever." (Luna) said while checking her brother's forehead for a possible fever.

"Heh! I'm fine, it's just that your words made me realize what I have been doing. I realized that if I keep walking that road I will lose my baby sister, i've already lost mother and father, I don't wanna lose you as well" (Sasuke)

"*Sniff* brother, you're back" (Luna) hugged Sasuke as hard as she could, the last time Sasuke acted like this was before the Uchiha's mass murder. Ever since that day she has been hoping that he will come back as the brother she once knew, and today her wish has been answered.

… I think he's an imposter.

Nope I just checked it out, it's the real Sasuke ∑(゚ロ゚〃)

Sasuke let go of Luna and walked towards me, his face still looked at me like always, angry. He held my shirt tightly and looked at me very angrily serious (I think that's a thing)

I didn't do anything in return, I wanna see what he does to me, either he punches me or something, I don't know.

He sighed then let go of my shirt, his eyes look a lot calmer than they were 10 seconds ago.

"For now, I will allow Luna to go out with you… But if you ever do anything to do, anything at all. I will show you a world of pain" (Sasuke) said then walked away.

I think this is Sasuke's way of saying sorry, i'm never gonna get used to his new behaviour. But I think this is good news, I wonder how things will turn out in the future.

"He! Forgive him, I just had a small talk with him a couple of minutes ago, so he still is working on his attitude towards you Chris" (Kakashi)

"Oh I see, Kakashi you said that you will teach Luna to control her lightning nature" (Chris)

"Yes! I did say that just now" (Kakashi)

"Any reason, because I know you prefer spending most of your time reading por- I mean reading your books" (Chris)

"Well, it's because I owe the both of you an apology." (Kakashi)

"Apology? For what?" (Luna and Chris)

"It's because of me that Sasuke found out about you and Luna so quickly, I was on my way towards you Chris but I didn't expect Luna to be with you, so we walked in when you and Luna were hugging each other." (Kakashi)

"I'm so embarrased" (Luna) covered her red face with her hands

"Oh I see, so you training Luna in her lightning nature is a way of apologizing, am I right." (Chris)

"Yes that's right." (Kakashi)

"Well I forgive you since you're teaching Luna to control her lightning nature, how about you Luna, do you forgive him." (Chris)

"Hm-hm! I forgive you as well Kakashi sensei." (Luna)

"Great, we'll get started right now." (Kakashi)

"Why the rush Kakashi sensei." (Luna)

"Well for two reasons, 1. the Chuunin exams are coming up, and i've seen the other Cenins and they're not someone to be underestimated.

2. I need to train as quickly as possible as well." (Kakashi)

"Hm! He's got a good point Luna" (Chris)

"But, our date" (Luna) said softly

"I know you really care about this date and so do I, but Kakashi is right, the sooner we practice the sooner we'll get stronger." (Chris)

"Okay, I see" (Luna) said sadly

"I'll make it up to you by taking you on another date after the Chuunin exams are over. I'll make sure it's something you won't forget." (Chris)

I didn't want to finish our date as well, but Kakashi is right, since this is god mode the other Cenins like Lee, Neji, and Gaara might be more powerful than the originals. We need to train as quickly as possible, now that I think about it how are my clones doing with their training.

"Okay!" (Luna) said a bit more happy.

"Hm! Thank you Kakashi sensei" (Chris)

"Don't mention it, let's go Luna I also promised to teach Sasuke an awesome jutsu." (Kakashi) 'right after he unlocks the sharingan, maybe changing this way just might trigger his sharingan powers' Kakashi thought

I gave Luna a small hug and we departed from each other. Luna left with Kakashi and I proceeded to go to the leaf village, i'm kinda hungry. Even though I just ate those delicous sandwhiches Luna made for me earlier today.

As I walked by I noticed a spiky blonde haired kid with whiskers, Naruto. Looks like he was headed for Ichiraku's ramen shop, I was gonna greet him until I found someone stalking him from the shadows.

The stalker was a small blue headed girl, with clear eyes, and wore a green jacket. It was Hinata, looks like she still likes Naruto even in this world, it's nice to see that some things never change.

I'm planning on teaching Naruto how to learn to master his air nature, I know he learns it in a couple years later but it's better if he were to learn it now. But isn't he suppose to learn to control the nine-tails inside him, and not only that but he's supposed to meet Jiraiya anytime soon.

God what do I do, Jiraiya's influence on Naruto's training is huge, Naruto learns how to use the summoning jutsu, and learns sage mode as well. I don't wanna take those away from him but if he doesn't control his wind nature then he will face many problems in the future

Ah! Screw it, i'll just teach Naruto wind nature now and he'll train with Jiraiya later. Sorry Jiraiya but you probably don't know the many dangers that may come in the future, and neither do I. But i'll make sure to teach Naruto in your steed, after that i'll find you and you'll teach him the summoning jutsu. It's not like you have a choice, because Naruto is Minato's son.

Maybe I could use this time and teach Hinata as well. This will make Hinata stronger and possibly get Naruto and Hinata together, it's like killing two birds with one stone. I know they end up together in the future, but since this world is different I am not so sure if they will end up together.

So just to be sure I will be their wingman, and besides what would happen to the Boruto series if Naruto and Hinata don't end up together.

(I have not watched the Boruto series in a long time, I like the Naruto series way more than the Boruto series. You just can't beat the classics. Kinda like that Tom Cruise movie when he acted in the movie 'The mummy' You just can't beat the classics ᕕ(ᐛ )ᕗ )

"Oi Naruto." (Chris) I Yelled

"Oh! Hi chris, you going to Ichiraku's ramen shop." (Naruto)

"I- guess i'll go for a bowl, anyway's Naruto I need to tell you something". (Chris)

"What is it, is it about ramen cause i'm starving." (Naruto)

"No it's not about ramen, but it's something even cooler." (Chris)

"There is nothing cooler than ramen." (Naruto)

"Focus Naruto! How would you like to train with me, again." (Chris)

"Training, but I already know the rasengan that you taught me." (Naruto)

"Oh I know, but the thing i'm about to show you is even stronger than the rasengan. It might be possibly the strongest jutsu ever." (Chris)

"Really!!! Well let's go" (Naruto)

"After we have a bowl of ramen, you can't train on an empty stomach." (Chris)

"Heh-heh! I guess you're right." (Naruto) scratches the back of his head

"How about you Hinata, do you want to train with us" (Chris) I yelled to the hiding Hinata

"AH!" (Hinata) got startled when I found her

'Oh no he found me, what do I do, if I show up Naruto might find out I was following him, I can't do that or he will hate me forever.' Hinata thought

I used my mind read on her, she's still as cute as she was in the anime.

"Hinata, you mean that quiet girl with blue hair." (Naruto)

'He knows about me, i'm so happy.' Hinata blushed a lot.

Man she is so lovestruck, I wonder how no one in her family found out about her crush for Naruto.

"Yeah that's Hinata. You don't mind if she trains with us." (Chris)

"Of course I don't mind!, it's like what they say the more the merrier." (Naruto)

'He doesn't mind at all, thank you Chris for giving me this opportunity to be with Naruto. Oh god what am I saying, i'm so embarrased' HInata blushed even more at the thought of training with Naruto.

"So Hinata. Are you coming or not." (Chris)

"Ah! Coming" (Hinata) finally came out from her hiding place and walked towards us. And her face was very red.

G-good mor-morning Naruto" (Hinata) stuttered a lot, maybe I should fix her personality, nah if I do that it wouldn't feel the same. I prefer the cute Hinata more than a serious HInata.

(Who doesn't)

"Good morning Hinata, you wanna eat ramen with us. We were just about to go there." (Naruto)

Ah! Naruto, it hasn't been five minutes and you're already inviting a girl to eat. If it wasn't because of that annoying orange jumpsuit he's wearing I would have thought of him as a natural casanova.

But to bad Naruto doesn't think that way, and is only inviting Hinata because it's more fun to eat in a group than eating alone...

"I-I would li-like to eat ramen wi-with you" (Hinata) blushed as red as a tomatoe

"Hm! Are you alright Hinata, your face is red, do you have a fever by any chance." (Naruto)

"No i'm fine, th-thank you for asking" (Hinata)

'Hinata don't faint and be strong, Naruto has just asked you to eat with him so please don't faint' Hinata thought

Atleast she's aware that she faints from embarrasment.

"Well if you say so, let's go to the greatest ramen shop there is." (Naruto) Lead the way, and we followed suit.

After that the three of us ate a bowl of ramen.

Hinata kept looking at Naruto for so long that her ramen got cold, Naruto was the same as always, he only focused on his ramen. And I just stayed there and did nothing, I paid for our meals when we finished

Even though Hinata insisted on paying for her meal, I told her that a man should never let a women pay for her meals.

So since Naruto invited her to dinner he has to pay me back for Hinata's meal. He was a bit reluctant at first but when I hit his head he understood he has to pay me back. Hinata laughed at us when she saw how we got along.

And after that, I showed them the way to my own handmade (Literally) training ground.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the shadow clone that was in charge of taking care of Haku completed his mission, he gave Haku a few diamonds that he made with creation. So he doesn't need to worry about money for quite a while.

Haku was safe and sound in a village that's quite a bit far from here, and since he has never shown his face and isn't on the bingo book I didn't need to worry about any enemies attacking him, he did cry for Zabuza's death but my clone comforted him a bit before falling asleep.

After that my shadow clone disappeared into a puff of smoke and all of his memories were transferred to mine.