
In the Naruto world

Chris Walker was teleported to the world of Naruto. He didn't die, rather someone or something teleported him there for no apparent reason. (Or did he?) The world of Naruto doesn't follow the same script as the original Naruto series. The whole world of Naruto is so much different, even though Chris has watched the entire naruto series, it won't help him at all since everything in Naruto is different. And now Chris has to survive in this new world of Naruto I do not have any rights to the Naruto or the cover either, this is only a hobby to write fan-fiction light novels. WARNING: If you hate harem, then this novel isn't for you. There will never be any sexual content in this novel. And i'll try my best to not let the harem ruin this novel. There are potentially only 5 harem members on it, NO MORE THAN THAT AMOUNT. And yes, I am sorry for not keeping my word for this novel, and included a harem in it. I didn't want it either, because it means more work for me. But I did a poll and harem won. I am sorry for that, and please forgive me. This novel also includes OP mc, for those who don't like OP Mc's. And this also includes light Sasuke and Sakura bashing, only in the early part of the story, but then changes after. And this also includes more characters

Sevion · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Danzo vs Konoha part 2

The whole fight vibrated through the whole village. Several leaf ninjas quickly made their way to the core of the shockwave, however, other ninjas from the other villages, like the sand village. Aren't even bothering moving one bit, because it's none of their business.

They were only in this leaf village for the exam, not to help them in a matter like this one. When most ninjas found out that the shockwaves came from the Hokage tower, they couldn't go in at all, because of the thick roots surrounding it.

Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, Asuma, and several other Chuunin ranked ninja or above, were unable to do anything at all. All they could do, was wait for an opportunity to go in that room. All of them had no idea what was going on at all.

Who would ever attack in the heart of the leaf village, and when there is some of the strongest ninjas were in there. They couldn't come up with anything at all, they all felt helpless in this situation.

Anko and Kat weren't within the crowd, but were actually observing the scene a bit far from the tower.

Kat could feel that there were roots inside the Hokage tower, but didn't go in at all. She was certain that who ever was attacking, was someone very strong, and she wouldn't be able to help anyone at all. She only stood here, incase her friends ever made it outside, she felt very worried for the both of them. But she knew that they were okay, since they were all linked with a tracking seal.

Anko wasn't sure if the attacker was Orochimaru, but she had a feeling in her heart that he was related to this whole mess. She knew very well that she couldn't go in there, so she also had no choice but to wait for Orochimaru or his minions to come out. And if this person is indeed a minion of Orochimaru, then she will get out all the information he knows about her ex-teacher, and skin then both of their asses.


It's been going on for quite a while, Danzo is on his 8th eye, and all of them were already getting tired out. Most of them had their chakra's depleted up to 15%, or less.

Luna was still trying to get out of my grasp, but I wouldn't let her at all. She even started to bite, scratch, hit, kick, basically she tried everything to escape from my grasp. There was no way I would let her go, or she will die.

Aren't you gonna join the battle. You know, to help them or something?

Relax blue screen, they are doing just fine against Danzo.

But what if Danzo has a trump card on his sleeve or something.

If he had a trump card, he would have used it by now.

At this time, the Hokage launched a fire jutsu attack to Danzo.


Then Danzo counter attacks by absorbing the attack with his right hand, letting his chakra pool increase a bit.

I told you he had a trump card.

Oh come on blue screen, he probably only has that trump card, it's not like it filled up his chakra pool by 100%

I guess so, but remember, you cannot trust the original Naruto script at all!

I know, but what can Danzo do that will make this situation even worse.

At this time, Danzo's 8th eye closed. You might think that Danzo would be a bit annoyed to see that his time was almost up, but you're wrong. He was actually smiling happily that his 8th eye closed, why???

"It's your end Hokage. I will kill you and the others in the leaf village." (Danzo) then activated his 9th eye, what happened next baffled everyone including me.

All of his eyes, that he used in the battle just now, OPENED!!! HOW?!

Not only that but, his chakra somehow went up to 100%!!!

What the actual fuck is going on here

"I-impossible. We worked so hard to get his chakra so low, and even all of his eyes opened up once again. But it looks like this never happened before, we however are still all banged up, and dead tired." (Shikaku)

Okay bluescreen, what do you know.

I'm afraid I can't tell you, since it will go against my believes. And can't you read his mind, can't you find out what he did, just now.

Yeah but, it's kinda like spoiling things a lot, and I never liked spoiling things.

You're seriously saying that after SO LONG!!! At this rate you'll die if you don't use your abilties to their full potential.

I guess you're right.

I then used my mind reading on Danzo, and what I just read was something I never imagined.

"Oh Sarutobi, you shouldn't feel so bad, all this time I was just playing with you and led you all into a lethal trap." (Danzo)

"Chris. What did he do." (Hokage) said, to get an answer from me.

"It involves his 9th and 10th eye, they are the mangekyo sharigan. The rest are just normal sharigan." (Chris)

Luna stopped moving from my arms, but the hatred in her eyes was clearly visible.

"It's true. I got these two eyes from my last victim that I kidnapped, these eyes let me grant the power of three things. They grant me the power to automatically heal. And to restore my chakra to 100%. they can open up all of my closed Uchiha eyes." (Danzo)

"But there must be a risk or something to use these msngekyo sharigans." (Chris)

"You're indeed right, each eye can only me used three times, before they fully rot." (Danzo)

Indeed, Danzo never had a mangekyo sharigan in the anime, but with this new power of his, it makes him very powerful. I can see that his 9th eye is almost closed, he can only use one of these three powers one last time, before it completely rots. Not including his 10th eye.

(Meaning that Danzo can use either of these powers 4 more times. Think of it as a genie that can grant you only 3 specific types of wishes.)

"What in the world are mangekyo sharigans?!" (Luna) angrily yelled again to Danzo.

"Nothing much girl, but don't you recognize my 9th and 10th eyes. Look closely, and you might know who these belonged to." (Danzo) said cheekily, while showing his disgusting right arm to Luna.

Luna looked closer, and these 2 eyes did look very familiar. She can't remember where she saw those very familiar eyes.

"Looks like you don't remember at all. Let's take a walk through memory lane." (Danzo) launched Luna a weak Genjutsu, and Luna was now in a white room.

This place was unfamiliar to her, and he soon noticed two figured tied up. Her mom and dad, they were both bleeding badly and chained up to a wall.

Her mom looked badly beaten up, but her clothes remained intact. Only her face was beaten, but Luna's father was in a worse shape than her mom.

"You see this little girl, this is what truly happened to you mom and dad before they died." (Danzo) appeared out of nowhere behind Luna, and showed her what happened to her parents.

"What is this, and what did you do to my parents. Mama! Papa!. WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" (Luna) launched herself at Danzo with the intent to skin him alive, but she only passed through his body, like he was a hologram.

"Foolish girl, you should know better than anybody that you can't hurt me inside a Genjutsu. But i'll glady answer your question. What happened to your parents, was that I tortured them to get the mangekyo sharigan from them." (Danzo)

"What do you mean?!" (Luna)

"You see girl, to awaken the mangekyo sharigan, you need to experience a type of loss. The best way to do that is to lose somebody precious to you." (Danzo)

Then there appeared another Danzo in the room, this other Danzo was still bandaged up, meaning that this a Danzo from the past.

This new Danzo slowly made his way to Luna's father, with several equipments of torture.

"No STOP! DON'T DO IT!" (Luna) launched herself to the new Danzo, but the same thing happened earlier, her body just went through him and her father.

"You can't change history girl, you can only relive it." (Danzo)

"W-wait I beg you, just let him go, and do whatever you want with me." (Mikoto) slowly begged Danzo to not hurt Fugaku, Danzo ignored her and continued torturing the man.

"M-mom" (Luna) was now crying tears, it's been so long since she has heard her mother's voice, but it had to be in this terrible situation.

"Actually Mikoto, today is his lucky day. I won't be torturing him anymore." (Danzo) said as he stepped away a few inches from Fukagu.

Hearing this, Mikoto was able to breath out a sigh of relieve, now her husband that she truly loved, doesn't have to suffer anymore.

"Do you know why I went easier on you, than your beloved husband." (Danzo)

"B-because you're gonna rape me." (Mikoto) said a bit fearful. Even after all this time she has spent here, she hasn't been raped for some reason, so she never understood why he went easier on her than Fugaku.

"I won't rape you because that will possibly break your mind, and if that were to happen, you wouldn't be well to watch what's gonna heppen in front of you." (Danzo)

'And also because you wouldn't be able to unlock the mangekyo sharigan' Danzo thought

"What do you mean?" (Mikoto)

"This!" (Danzo)

Then Danzo stabbed a huge Katana at Fugaku's head. Fugaku didn't feel any pain, as he died instantly. And besides, he was already too broken to even notice that he was dead, it actually felt like he was liberated.

"N-NOOOO!!!!" (Mikoto)

"PAAAPPPAAAAAA!!!!!!" (Luna)

Both cried out to Fugaku, who was already dead. Tears and snot came out of their faces, all they could do was sit there and do nothing.

Luna didn't want to sit still, as she kneeled before the body of her father. She threw herself to the body, only for her body to go through it. She knew that it was nothing but an illusion, and that her parents were already long dead, but it still didn't stop her from trying to hug the holographic body.

At this time, Mikoto's eyes changed from the ordinary sharigan, to the mangekyo sharigan. The cuffs they were tied on stopped them from using their chakra, but somehow she was able to awaken the mankegyo sharigan.

Seeing this, Danzo actually creepily smiled and made his way quickly to Mikoto. Without hesitating a bit, he took out an icecream scooper, and planted in it near Mikoto's fine eyes.

"I truly wish I could do you here, but sadly, I don't like used materials, and I have been waiting so long for this moment that I cannot wait any longer at all." (Danzo)

Mikoto couldn't hear Danzo, as her mind was broken from watching her husband die. And yet, she was able to speak out some words before Danzo scooped out her eyes.

"I'm sorry Luna, Sasuke, and itachi. Looks like i'm not gonna make it out of here alive..." (Mikoto) whispered to nothing but air.

Although it was a feint whisper, Luna was able to hear it. She got up from the ground, then turned to face her mother. She didn't paying attention at all as she as mourning her dead father.

"No STOP!!! NOT HER! Just please d-don't do anything to h-her." (Luna) once again launched herself towards Danzo, trying to stop him from doing anything else. But it was all useless.

She kept throwing punches. kicked at him as hard as she could, all of her attacks passed through him, not doing anything to him at all.

"I'm surprised you're still able to think properly, most of my subjects would be totally broken right now, I guess I expected this much from the woman who gave birth to someone like Itachi. But I will allow you to say your last words, that is if you have any at all." (Danzo)

"... Yes. Tell my kids that I love them, and tell them that I will always be there for them. And to find someone who will love them, as much as my children will love their partner. I really wanted to see them grow, and watch them get married, to graduate, to have kids…" (Mikoto)

More tears were spilled by Luna and Mikoto. Luna couldn't help anymore and try to hug the hologram of her mother.

"MAMA!!!" (Luna) cried in tears to her mother.

"Is that everything." (Danzo)

"No… there is one more thing… you will die. And my kids will be save and sound, because I will protect them in spirit, and soul." (Mikoto)

"Heh! Nice choice of last words." (Danzo)

As Danzo was about to scoop out her eyes, the entire room blacked out and Luna was once again at the council room.

I was able to read her mind, and tears started fallin down my eyes. Not because of what happened to Mikoto and Fukagu, but because I let Luna see all of that.

But why do I care for Luna so much, back in my world, I wouldn't care for anybody, not even for my family.

(Don't think of Chris as a total asshole as he has a good reason for all of this, which will be explained in the future)

I could have broken the Genjutsu from the very beginning, but I also wanted Luna to unlock the mangekyo sharigan, but I just couldn't take it anymore and broke her out from the Genjutsu.

What kind of a fucked boyfriend am I, to allow such a thing to happen to Luna. I will never forgive myself for this.

(Starting to believe that he really is bipolar. You've probably never seen that in an MC before, maybe.)

"YOU SHITTY BRAT!!! If you had let me continued, she would have unlocked the mange-" (Danzo)

"SHUT UP!!!!" (Luna) screamed as a huge chakra shockwave came out from her. Her eyes changed to a new form, it looked a lot like a square, was on top of a diamond pattern, as well as several square patterns appeared in the corner of her eyes,

Something like this. It was the closest thing I could find.

This is her awakened mangekyo sharigan. I didn't think that she actually unlocked it, but she somehow did.

Danzo was a bit surprised, his lips curved upwards and formed a creepy smile.

The other council members didn't know what to say at all. Everything happened so fast, Luna was only in a trance for a second, and the next thing they know she is emmiting a huge amount of chakra.

However, that's not everything that happened. A huge amount of purple and pink chakra surrounded Luna and me, and we were covered in a huge humanoid form.

It was her Susanoo that she has now awakened. It looked like a mature women with B-cups, a smile appeard on her face that looked even more sinisterly than Danzo's, it also had short chakra hair that went down to it's neck. Even so, it still looked kinda like a skeleton.

(I have no idea how to explain it in simple terms. Just imagine that it's kinda like Sasuke's skeletal Susanoo, which wasn't perfect yet. But in Luna's version, it's a female Susanoo)



"DA FUCK?!" (Council members)

"Oh no! This isn't good for me." (Danzo) said a bit fearfully to what happened to Luna.


Then her Susanoo made a huge chakra scythe appear out of nowhere, and cut to the place where Danzo was standing. Might I mention that I am still inside the Susanoo.

Danzo was able to use the Izanagi move, and successfully avoided the lethal attack. Luna's attack didn't stop there, the entire Hokage tower was cut in half, even the thick roots that kept us in here were sliced like they were made out of butter.

Seeing this, Danzo immediately ran towards the exit. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that the innocent girl would unlock a powerful Susanoo, it's like what they say is true. ''It's the quiet ones you should be careful of''

He could have used the Izanagi here to fight her, but his gut was telling him to flee from this place. His gut feeling actually saved him numerous times before, so he totally trusted his gut.

"COME BACK HERE!!!" (Luna) along me with, ran after Danzo in the huge Susanoo lady.

I don't you about you, but Luna's Susanoo is BADASS!!! Glad she's not my enemy.

Luna didn't stop to think what would happen if she let the entire leaf village see her Susanoo form. It literally scared the shit out of some people, Danzo then took this moment and used it to his advantage.

"Get that thing, it will kill us all!" (Danzo) yelled to the villagers.

Nobody who was inside the council room, had any idea what happened. So they never knew that it's Danzo who was the true enemy, so he used this moment to his advantage, and used everyone to attack and kill Luna.

Everybody knew who Danzo was, he was a very powerful person in the leaf village. So they had no reason to doubt Danzo's words at all.

Me and Luna were covered in pink and purple chakra, and because of the huge exo-skeleton surrounding us, people couldn't see that we were inside the Susanoo.

The Hokage and the others were too tired and beat up to chase after Danzo, or even try to stop the villagers from attacking us.

When everyone heard this, most of them launched any kind of long range weapons, jutsus on us. It didn't do anything as it all bounced off, thanks to Luna's Susanoo being really sturdy.

"Kakashi! It's time for the blue beast of the leaf village to truly shine. Let's see who can take down this monster first." (Guy) smiled showing his teeth as always.

"Let's just hurry up and end this already, before that thing does any more damage to the village." (Kakashi)

"Remember, that i'm still winning, 49-50 is our record I believe." (Guy)

Both ninjas were the strongest out of the entire group, so they were in the lead, leaving everybody else behind. They were running at our speed, if not slightly slower.

I didn't know what to do anymore, I made a lot of mistakes for Luna, and all I could do was let her have her revenge. Should I stop her, or should I let her continue with her revenge. All I know is that I don't wanna hurt her anymore than I already did.

Kat was able to feel that we were inside the huge Susanoo, so she tried to run after it.

Anko was the same as well, both of them imediately dashed to us, along with other ninjas chasing our asses.

"Mebuki..." (Hokage) said very tiredly.

"Y-yes lord Hokage." (Mebuki)

Mebuki who was hiding behind a table, stretched out her head to see the Hokage. She was too much of a chicken to do anything in the fight, so she covered herself with anything she could, that��s why she was unharmed.

"You're the only one here who isn't tired or beat up. So what I want you to do is tell the villagers who the real enemy is, please, you're our last hope." (Hokage)

"But Hokage, shouldn't I call for a medic to tend to your wounds." (Mebuki)

"Not enough time, go now and protect Luna and Chris." (Hokage)

"Yes lord Hokage." (Mebuki) said reluctantly, but had no choice but to follow the Hokage's orders.

Mebuki was actually really adept in taijutsu, so she shouldn't have any problems catching up with the crowd.